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The Rambo's UAZ

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I don't know if anyone has experienced this, but it's a (¿bug?) that is there since the beginning of time (almost since 1.08 version).

Playing coops in the west side versus SLA, if you disable a UAZ killing the crew and use it, the enemy doesn't fire at you (only in very rare occassions). It is even more noticeable at night. Maybe BIS tried to simulate the IA thinking that an UAZ is not a threat at first, but seems that they take their time until they discover it is killing and driving over all his army.

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I know what you mean, when I steal opposing sides vehicles you can drive past them at first without them noticing ... however, if you hang around long enough they will start to fire on you. pistols.gif

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I had this happen the first time I tried Warfare, disabled a RACs T72 in front of the depot, took the town then got in the tank and repaired it. I then took 6 towns with it and not once did a RACs unit fire on me.

However, Ive also done it with SLA vehicles in the SP campaign and got taken out by Friendly Fire.

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Really wow_o.gif ??

I never noticed but i rarely touch enemy vehicles.

Sounds damn nice, being able to silently kill the ocupants of a truck/UAZ and drive around without being fired at from all directions and distances is something many of us wanted in OPF.

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