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Mr Sarkey

1.12 to 1.14

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Something has gone wrong here, do I have to update from 1.08 or can I go from beta 1.12 .

I have tried installing 1.14 above 1.12 and the application fails to start (launches, black screen, 5 seconds, back to desktop)..

I'm probably being stupid.

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I have 1 load with 1.08 and QG and it says corrupt install

any one know if QG updates were released with this, the other installs went fine but did not have QB installed

I'll try at home and post my findings

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Install straight from 1.08 to 1.14, so use your original shortcut. You can delete/uninstall 1.12 or any other beta folders and shortcuts if you wish.

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I had the 1.12 beta folder in place when I installed the 1.14 patch.

No problems.

I later deleted all beta stuff.

There's always the full re-install route you can take if you can't get it to work smile_o.gif it doesn't take much time actually.

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