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SP Fly Like An Eagle

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Seems like the modified mission also requires QG then. I havent tested it myself yet because I am focusing fully on upcoming 1.6 version. If there shouldnt be any QG content in then it could be fixed with just removing QG addon traces in mission.sqm, but Gedis probably knows better. I cannot unpack pbo-files with my 64bit vista.

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Very fun mission! Played the vanilla version and looking forward to this ACE version.

However im getting this error message on screen and its there all the time. I have only went to pick up the wounded and braught them back to MASH 4077 and that worked. But before i continue i want to know if i can get this error cleared. I got the eventhandlers in the ACE folder (as they are normally), and also the XEH2 that are in the HWM addon. Dont know if that clashes somehow? I do have the editorupdate in an XTRA folder wich contain CH Tanks, UAV and UK Jackals. Maybe something from them messing things up?



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what version of ace mod you are using and what language?

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Well that's a common error with the 'F' key functionality a far as i remember. HWM is using a set of "key" assigment for the key handlng. It seems that there is  conflict between ACE and HWM and it's related to this key assigment.

More information abot the issue can provide Dr Eyeball.

Copy Frm WM Release thread about the issue.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Display Event Handler incompatibility:

Quote (Manzilla @ Mar. 10 2009,22:43)

Every time I hit the "sight adjustment" button combo(shift+v) in ACE I get this appearing in the upper left of the screen:

Those issues are definitely related to the display event handlers (DEH).

One (or preferably both) of the following will have to occur for a proper final solution in future.

- ACE DEH will need to be fixed to process the 'handled' return values of the functions (as required by BIS standards).

- HWM DEH will need to be fixed to be more flexible to handle missing 'handled' return values (as BIS does) and default to false. I should have foreseen that.

It was reported to ACE in this post but it has no priority number yet. Maybe because not many have reported it as a (reproducible) bug.  Add a vote to that post and maybe they will have it fixed sooner than we can.

I was hoping ACE would have fixed it with ver 1.03 before this was released. I've just added a note there to further complete the suggested solution.

Unofficial untested workaround (for personal testing only):

When using ACE, try removing hwm_displayeventhandler.pbo.

That would fix all of ACE's problems, but might introduce problems for the MFD. We would have to retest 50+ conditions to find out.

I know there were less than 5 or so cases where this was required. The side effect could be either trivial/minor/major, not sure yet. If they are all minor, it may be an acceptable workaround until it is fixed.

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Ok thanks Sparky.

Im using latest version ACE 1.06 (1.05 with 1.06 hotfix). Everything seem to work fine in the mission though. Just annoying with that message.


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ow, i was scared that i messed something up again...

good, now i can go to sleep. Goodnight wink_o.gif

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New version 1.6 is available with many new features. See the first post for details and download link.

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The second Phase(Ground) of this project was altered considerably in an attempt to pick up the slack caused by the Arma AI. SaOk has done a masterful job of detailing this revision and for all of you who have played this already, and think that there is nothing left to see, you will miss out on the improvements and overall immersion that this version conjures before your very site apperture and while your there, dont forget to aim and squeeze. Stay with the teams and see how the pros get it done or launch ahead and make their job a walk in the park. Its worth the trouble of redownloading. Have fun!!!!

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Replayed the mission using the 1.6 version. Some nice changes there; AI worked better and it's easier for the player to help the SF soldiers independently and not lead them and worry about everything. Makes the mission easier.

One thing i miss from the earlier version is the cutscene in the forest camp, when the second special forces team arrives and the dialogue goes something like this:

Spec ops Soldier 1: " Ey yo, what i miss mayn? "

Spec ops Soldier 2: " What up partycrasher !!! "

Best line in any Arma mission ever ! :biggrin_o:

Made me laugh every time :)

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Haha, I thought some folks might miss that one since someone had commented on it in the past. But I tell ya what, if you liked that guys street slang, I can promise he'll be back in the sequel with more than four lines. Thanks for the feedback.

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I tell ya what, if you liked that guys street slang, I can promise he'll be back in the sequel with more than four lines. Thanks for the feedback.

Haha, great, can't wait ! :)

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cool, new version, downloading now! :bounce3:

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I uploaded a new version 1.61 which hopefully fixes a rare random dieing in forest cutscene. See the first post.

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Great mission! I've finally completed it. I started it in previous version but couldn't finish it (and when I managed to beat the whole army of SLA attacking Eponia two times the blackhawk didn't land on the evac LZ). The new version has what I like the most in OFP/Arma - the feeling that you are not the main character, that the war is going on around you whether you participate in it or hide in some bushes. It also shows that Arma's AI can do a lot of things (but I suppose making it do this required from you a lot of effort) on their own. And the SF's AI is very nice (in Arma standards). I can only imagine how much work it took to force them to act resonably. Anyway, great mission.

Thank you very much for your work.

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Just finished it, and I can only join to others...great mission, indeed! Especially I like the comms between tower/base and chopper, gives very authentic and realistic feeling. Also what Lecholas just wrote, that the war goes around you and you're not the main character, is exactly, what I've been missing in many OFP/Arma missions (like "you are the ramboman and you have to blow up half of the enemy into tiny bits and that alone" missions). Thank you to all makers!

So, when is the sequel coming? Wanna get back and help my bros!

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We are leaving the sequel or next massive mission to ArmA2. Before that this mission will get at least a difficulty level update - I am adding more enemy units for hard and very hard. We are also planning to get the "Blue Invasion"-mission ready.

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More reason to look forward to ArmAII then (Like I needed more reason too :P)

Roll on June, then.

Until then, time to get my ArmA up to scratch to play 1.61 :P

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I uploaded a new version (1.65) again. Look for the first post. Biggest change in this version is that "Hard" and "Very Hard" should be much more challenging now.

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Alright, downloaded, will restart the map. Wasn't too far in so it should be fine. (Plus, I love the Helicopter segments, I could quite happily play a mod that just gave me a huge set of those awesome, detailed Heli segments. A progressing battle where my piloting skills go to good use)

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OFPEC has finally reviewed this mission:


I have moved to ArmA2 and all my missions will be here:


There is currently only one but more is coming. I am also converting "Fly Like an Eagle" to CAA1-mod which is bringing Sahrani (and other ArmA1 content) to ArmA2.

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