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Seize zones EURO (SP)

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I think that it can play maybe without big trouble.


-Fixed: Bunker construction limitation


-Fixed: Countdown timer

-Fixed: Assault team marker


-First upload


There is no scenario in this mission.

It is a purpose though it enjoys the combat generated at random.

Please know some principles to win.


1) If the number of construction of bunkers is little, the enemy's raid is also few.

2) The defense of the bunker where the construction position is far from the base is difficult.

About one

-Please make the construction of the bunker a minimum if it is Low-end PC.

-Please construct a lot of bunkers if you want the fierce battle.

*If the number of constructed bunkers is little, the number of buildings that the enemy seizes is also little.

About two

-The encounter with the enemy increases when the travel time to the bunker is long.

-The probability that the bunker is seized by the enemy increases.




The enemy seizes the building and tries the suppression of the entire town.

You construct the bunker at an effective position, prevent the enemy's advancement, and exclude the enemy who invaded the building.

Includes two towns in Schmalfelden - Germany Map

-EURO1: Schmalfelden (60 buildings)

-EURO2: Grossbaerenweiler (40 buildings)

<span style='color:red'>Queens Gambit is not requested</span>




-Seize all bunkers of enemy side.

-Exclude all enemies who seize the buildings.

*The seizure of enemy's base isn't needed.




When some buildings are destroyed with the bomb by the enemy.




It appears by each one in air and the land. The attack helicopter or AT soldires will destroy the armored vehicle. The AA soldiers will destroy the attack helicopter. The armor vehicle will seize the bunker. The combat is always minimum. Soldiers go to the front by appropriate equipment.


The vehicle automatically acts. However, it can be arranged with the manual.

Click the position of the moving destination in map.

- Click: moves to there.

- Alt + Click: warp to there.

- Shift + Click anywhere: Returns to an original duty.

*Within 30 seconds




1) The enemy seizes the building.

2) When the seizure is obstructed by the player, the enemy sets the bomb in the building.

3) As for the player, it can know the start of the timer of the bomb.

4) The building where the bomb was set is shown by the map.

5) Search for the bomb.

6) Approach within 1m of the bomb, and deactivate in the action menu.

About the enemy who seizes the building

-The building where the seizure was completed is shown by the exclamation mark.




1) You invade enemy bunker.

2) Securing the bunker is completed.

3) If the soldier who defends the bunker arrives, the bunker is under our control.

*The marker of the bunker is changed into a solid color in map.


The action menu can be used near the flag of the bunker.

1) Construction of bunker

The bunker can be freely constructed at the position of vantage.

2) Reinforcement of team

Your team can be reinforced. (Default 8 units)

3) Concentration of force

A lot of forces can be commanded. (Default 6 units x 3 teams)

4) Construction of tent

The time spent on dispatching soldiers can be shortened.




A new bunker can't be constructed until latest bunker is under our control.

Defense of bunker

Soldiers go to defend when constructed. If the soldiers arrive it, the bunker is under our control.

Enemy attack

If the bunker is constructed in a white marker zone on the enemy side, the enemy tries its seizure.


When our bunker is seized by the enemy, the team for the recapture is dispatched.


If you seize enemy bunker, some soldiers are dispatched to the defense. If the soldiers arrive it, the bunker is under our control.

Ammunition supply in bunker

The defense of the bunker breaks when ammunition is insufficient. It is dispatched soldiers when the defense breaks, and if it arrives, the reinforcement force supplies ammunition to the survivor.




When the concentration force that requests it arrives, it is possible to use it.

It opens by the radio command 0-0-1. The operation is selection and click with the mouse.

It explains in detail with image file (commander_map_guide.gif).




1.11 beta patch is required

Schmalfelden - Germany Map



*Queens Gambit is not requested




- BIS/BIA for their great simulators.

- Trench Generator / Script generator by Benoist

- All add-on authors

Download (3.5MB/ZIP)



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I really like these missions / multiplayer style SP ideas.

Nice choice of map, I played this 4 hours straight the other evening, never ending firefights and battling to get them damn enemy bunkers! pistols.gif

I was wondering how you create a new tent? It tells me to be between 2 bunkers 30 meters apart that are occupied (full solid color) but in my example I have 5 bunker spaced evenly all occupied but when i chose the option to create a tent it kept telling me the same message and when i moved away from bunker the option disappears, I tried via all my occupied bunkers with no avail .. as if its not letting me?

So how do I get this to work, what am i missing?

Also, unless its an easy un-pbo situation, is there a way of setting this on south/north sahrani map and also having a version that isnt dependant on Cold War Rearmed mod, so it can be used without it at all?

Is there a possibly of re-spawning at the tent as the player if your killed, nothing worse than dying and thats it.

I really like this and would love to play it in other situations too.

Good work.

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Just found this. I will give it a go with the guys tonight.

Thanks smile_o.gif

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This is a really nice mission. Get's very hard after you get about eight bunkers in, too.

Any chance of seeing a version on this map with Vilas WW2 units, or a Zombie version?

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Yeh Ive got 7 bunkers now and things are realy kicking off in the town!

Ive yet to capture a bunker, last time I tried to add extra coverage on my right flank bunkers of the town getting nearer to the enemy bunker then after getting enough suppressive fire I took half my team across to grab my chance, bloody snipers get me every time.

Well if not that a t-72 arrives just in the nick of time. Mind you theres nothing like being out in the open and struggling to reload AT launcher with all your team firing like mad at the enemy and then getting a nice long well placed hit on a t-72 while bullets cracking around you.

Hope author will reply here for an update, seems this little gem of a mission has gone under the radar, especially with its great choice of map.

Also I snuck upon the pbo and added the ammo drop script for my own purposes, Its only becuase i still cant get tent creation to work (im clearly missing something obvious) and driving back to initial tent is a pain for ammo or team AI out of ammo) .. so ammo drops are very handy smile_o.gif

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Please construct the tent at the position of such feeling.

>Is there a possibly of re-spawning at the tent as the player if your killed, nothing worse than dying and thats it.

It is possible. smile_o.gif

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