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Creating Random Surrender Trigger???

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Okay, I have posted at about 4 different forums three times now and no one has answered this for me so I figured I'd try here once...

I am trying to create a trigger in which the unit(s) in it will surrender when conditions are met.

here's what I have for the on act.:

removeallweapons Grp1

Grp1 is the name of the opfor unit, just a single soldier

I put in the cond. line:

random 1 < 1


random 1 > 1

or random 1 <= 1 / random 1>= 1

and the damn guy nvr removes his weapons! I put:

random 1 < 0.1

and he'll wait a few seconds and do it EVERYTIME!!! Putting:

random 1 < 0.9 does the same thing! I am not sure what the hell the problem is but it nvr works right! what am I doing wrong!? Plz Help, very frustrated!

edit: also, I just tried changing the variable to like 0.001 and as I add more and more zeros the time untill he does the action lengthens???

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This belongs in the scripting forum.

That aside, I'm having trouble understanding what you are trying to achieve with those "random 1" statements.

For example:

"random 1 < 1" will always return true, because "random 1" will always return a number smaller than 1.

Because of this, "random 1 > 1" will always be false.

"random 1 < 0.1" and "random 1 < 0.9" should give it a 10% or 90% chance respectively. I just gave it a try and it seems to work as expected.

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okay, I just tried "random 1 < 0.1" -the 10%, right?

previewed the trigger ten times in-a-row and every time the opfor would perform the 'on act.' action. it did not fail once! So I am guessing there is something wrong with my trigger?

-its set to OPFOR, once, present.

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Could you provide a screenshot of the trigger setup? That would be very helpful, as it would show all settings in the trigger.

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I really dont think it's my trigger setup. I know I am new to scripting but I still think I have the random variables setup wrong. To make a unit(s) perform a trigger move set in the 'on act.' line about 50% of the time what would the condition line look like? ex.

I have this for on act.:

{removeallweapons _x} foreach thislist

and I want them to do this randomly about 50% or less of the time. I can setup all the other info later but to adapt around it I just have a trigger set to make the OPFOR unit peform the removeweapons command the second I preview the mission as he it directly in the trigger's center without any other conditions/activation commands. So just the exzact conition line with 50% random factor would be precisely what I need! Thanks again-

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I think this has to be done through a script.

to do a random I think you have to add in codes that wouldn't work in a trigger.

check this out too.

norrin surrender script

I think you can add in your units putting there hands on there head.

but if not. try this--not tested


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

if (random 1 < 0.1) then


removeallweapons this;

Sleep .5;

unit playmove "testsurrender";

unit disableAI "MOVE";


put the following line into all the players you want to have surrender, init line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

nul = [this] execVM "testsurrender.sqf"

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I really dont think it's my trigger setup.

It might be your trigger setup. If the trigger is constantly assessing ((random 1) < 0.1) then eventually it will become true. BTW you are using parenthesis in the condition right?

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