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Finding trees

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In my bid to persuade birds to live in trees, I don't think nearestObject is capable of finding map trees. They're not defined in cfgVehicles and so the command is not (according to the docs) suitable for the task.

So, how can I find a tree of a specific type?

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I had a similar problem - I wanted to rull out roads from an array of classless objects. It is possible but the solution is not elegant. In the array of classless objects you have objects' ids and p3ds' names. For every object you have to get rid of the id, convert p3d's name to a string and check if it matches an element form an array with names of trees' p3d (you have to make such an array manually). Would be helpful if all objects' p3d names had tags (eg. road_version1.p3d, tree_small_oak1.p3d, tree_small_pine.p3d) this way you could check only if the tags are correct.

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LOL, yeah I do remember discussing this topic a while back, but I've seen a few threads closed for being "too old" so I just started a new one wink_o.gif

Well it looks like there is a solution, albeit as lecholas said an inelegant one. Luckily for me the applications doesn't need to be speedy or real-time or anything like that, it's just periodic trigger placements.

Anyone able to post up some examples of string conversion code from a returned list?

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Actually, with the newly expanded String Library it's fairly straightforward to do.

You first convert the object array that nearestObjects returns into an array of strings, and then you use the function KRON_getArgRev to find any occurrences of the types of trees you're looking for.

Unfortunately you will have to assemble the list of tree names yourself - there is no automated way of determining what is a tree and what isn't.

But luckily the names are somewhat self-explanatory.

Here's an example that lists any of the three palm trees within a 20 meter radius. I'm sure you'll be able to tweak it to your specific needs.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nul=[] execVM "KRON_STRINGS.sqf"; // load the string library

_radius=20; // how far you want to look for trees

_trees=[" palm_01.p3d"," palm_02.p3d"," palm_03.p3d"]; // the names of trees

while {true} do {

 _objlist = nearestObjects [player,[],_radius]; // get every object within the specified radius

 _strlist = []; {_strlist = _strlist + [str(_x)]}forEach _objlist; // convert those array elements into strings

 // check for every type of tree


   _fnd=[_strlist,_x] call KRON_getArgRev; // does the element contain the tree name?

   if (_fnd!="") then { // if it does, the object id is returned as a string

     _objId=parseNumber(_fnd); // convert it to a number

     _obj=position player nearestObject _objId; // and get the proper object

     player sidechat format["%1 found as object# %2 (%3)",_x,_objId,getPos _obj]; // show off what we found;)


 }forEach _trees;

 sleep 1;


You can also download a demo mission from here.

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Thanks for that Kronzky, I'm pretty sure I can bend that to my needs. In fact it also resurrects an older idea I had (forest fires) if I can figure out how to destroy map trees in code.

Looks like you've been more helpful to me than I've been to you lately wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif


Nothing available at your first link there K, but I got the sample mission, does that hold all that I need?

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Nothing available at your first link there K, but I got the sample mission, does that hold all that I need?

The first link goes to the string library itself, but you don't need to download that separately, as everything is included already in the demo mission.

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Rgr dat smile_o.gif

Can I include your library in my addons? (Credits etc)

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Can I include your library in my addons? (Credits etc)

Of course!

That's what they're for - to be used... wink_o.gif

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