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Looking for 6-figure map

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I was hoping someone could point me to a mod/addon which uses a 6-figure map (6 numbers) coordinates?

I've taken a look through some of the topics here and used the search function, but couldn't find anything, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Don't think it is possible to make a addon which makes use of the 6-Figure map Coordinates, becoase of the coordinates are hard coded into the game.


RGJ Ghost

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I recall a 6-figure map coordinates map back in OFP.

And if I recall correctly it was WGL mod - but I'm not sure about that.

I know it's possible, I just need to find where. *Smile*


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Just a wee bump.

I'm kind of in direct need of the map as it's for training purposes and preparing them, so if anyone could help me out here that'd be grand.

Would be a pity if there's no such addon yet, though I believe I read someone saying he has such an addon, a while ago.


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You can have however many digits you want arbitrarily configed at any given zoom range with any particular offset, and it can be done in an inherited manner to be automaticly compatible with any other addon. Supported since OFP.

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Don't think it is possible to make a addon which makes use of the 6-Figure map Coordinates, becoase of the coordinates are hard coded into the game.


RGJ Ghost

its perfectly possible...

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Good stuff, is there any way you could point me somewhere I can find out how it's done? Or perhaps is there someone I could contact to ask for permission, Messiah?

Greatly appreciated chaps.

Yours truly,

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Is it a property of the map or is it an addon/script solution?

config change, small 40kb pbo required.

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OK that's a nice one, thanks smile_o.gif

BTW, can you tell me what the values for offsetX and offsetY are based on? I'd like to make my map real-world compliant but I don't see how the values here are obtained. For Sara these values are

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">offsetX = -8600;

offsetY = 28000;

but I don't know how these values relate to GoogleEarth for example.


Never mind, figured it smile_o.gif offsets to the lat & long values smile_o.gif

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Would anyone happen to know what the values back in OFP were? For the offset I believe. If I recall correctly it was WGL mod - not sure.

Thank you again for the help chaps.


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I found out the values from the WGL Mod, in OFP - and got it all working now.

Thank you all again for all the help!



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Does anyone have got the correct values for the offset, or is it possible in a other way to make the grid scale smaller??

Thanks in advance,

2nd Lieutenant Ghost

Royal Green Jackets

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I believe this was also done in WGL, you might want to take a look at those values back in OFP. I'm not sure what they were so you can also try experimenting, I'm doing that as well. Once I get some nice values I'll let you know Lieutenant Ghost.

Yours sincerely,

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Six is a bit much IMO. Here I used only four digits with real world comparison to show that it is true to real life as far as the grid goes.

Kandahar Grid

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Grid




class Zoom0









class Zoom1










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Six digit (3 for lat, 3 for long) is not too much. 20m x 20m is still a pretty big area. You don't wanna call in 60mm mortar strike on "Gh62" cuz that's a huge area.

Is we can get a small config change to allow three levels of grid (X/Y, XX/YY, and XXX/YYY) that would be AWESOME. Myself and my group would be ALL OVER THAT.

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You don't need it.

His six-figure is just 100x100m grid (which is technically accurate) but not really sufficient for all purposes. I'm trying to get an 8-figure going where the labels don't completely obscure each other.

The details in that mod were fun to play around with. Is it possible to change the max and minimum zooms in the map screen? It's tough to get a 8-figure to display properly because the best zoom on Sahrani is still about 300m x 300m and I'd like to only have the 8-figure grid pop up when a single 100x100m grid occupies most of the screen.

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