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Remove destroyed vehicles

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I am looking for a script to remove vehicles from the battle field when destroyed.

The situation is i have a ammo truck that a player can spawn vehicles from. Well later in the game its very slow to connect to the server. The only reason i can find is the map is getting over populated with destroyed vehicles. So if i could find a script that adds the "killed" event handler to the spawned vehicles somehow and then removes them once destroyed and they get done burning. i figure that could be done with a 8 minute delay.

If nybody can tackle this and gove me a hand i would greatly appreciate it and invite you to join in on our server.



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unfortunately i need a script that will remove both east and west "killed" items.

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and it doesnt work all the time for some reason. even when you set the variable to 0 it still leave at least some stuff.

This is just working with the demo mission too.

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