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Top Ten things for Arma 2

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I put a list of the top 10 things i would like to see in Arma and Arma 2. whether it be in a mod or something added to Arma 2. I would like your opinions on the ones I have chosen and would like to know if anyone had any other ideas.

10: Gas Cans: Portable gas cans that can put a small amount of gas in vehicles.This Makes the game more realistic. Its aggravation that you have to bring an entire fuel truck to your vehicle that's out of gas. Even more so when there are lots of enemies in the area.You should be able to carry a gas can that's inconvenient (like taking up 4 slots) but at times necessary.

9: Female Civilian/Soldiers: Everyone is tired of living on an all male island. I might feel better rescuing a female hostage rather than a bunch of spineless males.

8: Children Civilians: This would make all of our towns come to life and anyone with morals will not want to just send random bombs or artillery into populated towns. This will bring to life a better concept of war as not just the enemy being the sole occupant in a town.

7: Livestock Models: Are all Sahranis vegetarians? Unless they eat seagulls. The Island of Sahranis has no meat market. Live Stock Models such as cows pigs deer and rabbits can be implemented. This can help the player feel more immersed in the island

6: Detachable Limbs: It would be nice to see well placed grenade take off the enemies arm. It doesn't have to be stellar i don't need to see the arm twitch but it would be nice to see the real effects of explosives. I just wouldn't want it to go overboard where detachments of limbs happened all the time. I think it would be better if it happened on rare occasion like when A GBU drops directly on an enemy patrol or if your grenade lands directly right beside enemy.

5: Random Actions: When Enemies are on patrol they tend just to walk forever as long as you cycle the way points. It would be nice to see a patrol take a break every now and then by sitting down for a few minutes or by stopping and talking with each other. Or one might even stray off his way point a little to take a piss or something. This would allow the AI to be more lifelike and not be so easily predictable.

4: Caves or Caverns: It would be nice to see Caves or Caverns in maps. I think this will help the community to have more options in mission making.

3: Rivers streams or even waterfalls: It would be nice to have waterways going through the maps that way capturing or destroying bridges actually has a purpose. Also that gives us another option of traveling by boat rather than by car. Waterfalls and streams would also enhance the maps to make it more life like.

2: Better Mod Compatibility: I think that when joining a server that requires mods you should have the option to temporarily download the mod from the server.It becomes a hassle to make missions that require mods because most people don't want to take the time to look for the mod then download and install. Then restart the game to play your mission.

1: Uniform change: I think in the beginning of a mission you should be able to change your uniform like you change your kit. This would be nice for many reasons. There are fans from many different county's and they all want to wear their country's uniform. I see a new uniform mod everyday it seems. So apparently people agree with me. It would also help control the mods better as there are about 80 different camouflage mods. This also can be used if you are on a more urban environment and you want the camo suited for your mission.

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If those are your top ten wishes for ArmA 2 then you're seriously going to miss out on a lot of potential. Don't you have anything more significant that only BIS can make happen? There's more to a sequal than just new content, especially in a game like ArmA where new content is always easily available.

Also, quite a few of your ideas just don't fit ArmA's style of gameplay. I wouldn't want to see BIS try to turn ArmA into something it's not.

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10 . Do it yourself now, define the support ability in the configs.

9 . Already done before in OFP, if you bring up that subject it inevitably leads to perm bans due to abuse.

8 . If BIS implements it, particularly in a combative setting, it would very likely result in negative publicity and/or bans in certain markets. Business decision.

7 . Priorities. What's more important, a cow, or another M4? Can't always have both.

6 . Gibs leads to product bans in certain markets, also the model/render cost is quite heavy to do with the present design methods.

5 . Script it. They do exactly what you tell them to, so if they're not taking a break that's your job. If it were automatic you'd have people complaining about not being able to control them.

4 . Punching a doughnut in the directx ground plane is not trivial. Nearly every product on the market uses either room teleportation at the 'door', rubble mounds over the outside layout, or top-locked camera.

3 . Rivers / streams fair enough. That could / should be reasonably done even as a stretched plane at a minimum. Waterfalls are another matter though as the dynamics involved are ridiculously complex (super-computer scale particle fluid dynamics)

2 . That's the community's fault for making clobbered addons in the first place. All the docs and support in the world from BIS won't fix that.

1 . Swapping textures only works so far, it doesn't change things such as PASGT<>MICH. For that you need model changes. If you take the hidden selections approach, you're limited to what's in the model at the beginning, and the models are significantly more complex to create. The other method, as was explored a long time ago, was the theory of clipping proxies on to snap-together unit loadouts. That doesn't work or scale, at all.

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Sorry but there are stickys and other threads with better discussion about possible features in ArmA2. Keep in mind the feature list is mostly closed - development of ArmA2 has already started.

Sgt_Hawkins there is something about ArmA2 and have a look into Developers Blog too: Bohemian Interactive.

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Well If you read my post. I said things id like to see in arma and arma 2. Some in the list I was hoping would catch the eye of an addon maker for arma . Seems they are dry on ideas as most of the addons are infantry models that have been done 100 times.

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Well If you read my post. I said things id like to see in arma and arma 2. Some in the list I was hoping would catch the eye of an addon maker for arma . Seems they are dry on ideas as most of the addons are infantry models that have been done 100 times.

Oh there are plenty of ideas I'm sure, just nobody around with the time or talent to make them.

Maybe it's because everyone seems to have the mentality that if they want an addon, someone (else) will eventually do it, and nobody actually ventures to do it.

That might have worked in OFP where it was easier for someone to just go ahead and do it themselves. But ArmA has raised the standard bar amd the ArmA addon community is far from where the OFP community was at its peak.

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I think he makes some valid points

if BIS want to have the success they previously only had with OFP

then they need to implement innovative and up-to-date game mechanics like these.

edit: take note dev's. remember dynamic building destruction you promised? what happened to being ahead of the game?

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