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Sound engine

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1. will you improve it in anyway for arma2?

how about distant gunfire will it be done in another way?

as it is now it just muffles the sound but it should be more like 3 different sounds: 1 close, 1 medium distance and 1 far that fade in to eachother depending on the distance.

its not very resource consuming and most cards are able to mix sounds without problems. like if you were 20 meters away it would play the close gunshot but if you were say 50-100 meters away it would gradually fade in the medium-distance sound with the close gunshot until you reached the "medium distance" range where only the medium-distance sound would be played.

2. what kind of resources are you putting into getting realistic sounds? are you gonna record your own samples from real weapons? im sure the army wouldnt have a problem if you asked them if you were allowed to record a few sounds at their gunrange.


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My biggest complaint with sounds is that you can't really hear the wind or other similar effects when you're driving or flying.

So far in Arma all I can hear when driving a car is the engine, but under certain circumstances in real life, there is wind, the shock absorbers, and the road/terrain, among others. Hopefully these will be added to give Arma II an overall more interesting vehicle sounds.

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My biggest complaint with sounds is that you can't really hear the wind or other similar effects when you're driving or flying.

So far in Arma all I can hear when driving a car is the engine, but under certain circumstances in real life, there is wind, the shock absorbers, and the road/terrain, among others. Hopefully these will be added to give Arma II an overall more interesting vehicle sounds.

youre wrong though, you can hear the wind. you can try it out by creating any vehicle in the air and give it a high speed and youll hear the good old ffffffffffffffffffffffffff~ sound even without the engine on.

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My biggest complaint with sounds is that you can't really hear the wind or other similar effects when you're driving or flying.

So far in Arma all I can hear when driving a car is the engine, but under certain circumstances in real life, there is wind, the shock absorbers, and the road/terrain, among others. Hopefully these will be added to give Arma II an overall more interesting vehicle sounds.

youre wrong though, you can hear the wind. you can try it out by creating any vehicle in the air and give it a high speed and youll hear the good old ffffffffffffffffffffffffff~ sound even without the engine on.

I just tried it, and after turning off the engine the game was completely silent. Are you using a sound mod?

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It would be really nice to have the explosion/gunfire sound effects vary at different distances

If Arma 2 is to sound like a next-gen game, it will need a system like this.

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I agree that it would be nice to have different sounds for distances. It shouldn't be too hard to code, unless there's far more to it than I can comprehend confused_o.gif

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I agree with the cracking sounds of distant gunfire, they add so much atmosphere that not having them makes for a rather one dimensional feel even when engaging an enemy.

If they were to work on sounds it would be nice if all ocean fronts had the sound of waves washing ashore as well as wind at higher elevations, particularly mountain tops.

It would also be nice to hear different sounds as rain hits materials such as wood, water, metal, etc., as they all sound acoustically unique.

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Distant sound just needs a bit more reverb or reduced treble as higher frequencies tend to fade faster.

I may be alone in this but I think the bullet crack is too loud and makes it very diffcult to hear where it came from. I know its realistic but just a bit too over powering.

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Distant sound just needs a bit more reverb or reduced treble as higher frequencies tend to fade faster.

I may be alone in this but I think the bullet crack is too loud and makes it very diffcult to hear where it came from.  I know its realistic but just a bit too over powering.

thats not the solution though. if youve heard gun reports in real life the sounds change dramatically over distance, it wont sound good if you just manipulate the sound with an equalizer, you have to use a different waveform.

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While on the one hand i think the sound engine of Arma is great but on the other hand it needs a few new features for real immersion and feeling of Weapons, Armor etc's powers.

- Like you guys all said a altering of sounds for long distances is really needed, but i would even extend it and add factors for environment. For instance fired weapons sounds different when fired in a large wood than on the open field with strong winds.

- LFE (Low Frequency Effect) use or in other words: More BASS! Are you guys ever were at a Maneuver where Tanks or even Howitzers were fired? I was, and i can tell you that you can feel the deep kickin' bass all over your body. Thats something i'm missing in Arma. I have a 2000€ Sounds System here with a great Subwoofer but it isn't getting used currently.

Best Regards, Christian

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Having different sound for different distance is a weak way of supporting sound occlusion and sound absorption.

It should be simulated as close to reality as possible, reverberation models should be constructed for cities etc etc.

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Having different sound for different distance is a weak way of supporting sound occlusion and sound absorption.

It should be simulated as close to reality as possible, reverberation models should be constructed for cities etc etc.

yeah its a weak way but do you seriously expect even a dualcore processor to be able to calculate all that each time a firearm is fired and still have resources over for the processor-intensive AI of arma2?

besides i doubt there are any algorithms made for that purpose and creating one would take months of research - for what? i doubt BIS could do it by themselves theyd have to hire experts in fluid dynamics, general physics and materials.

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Frankly, the sounds definitely need to be improved. Sometimes the silence is deafning, at least some ambient humm of a city, whispering of leaves. Take XAM 1.4 as an example. I mean some of the sounds are there, but it sound like you were in a room or something - need an ambience effect. Also some echo and such would help it. To me sounds make like 40 % of the atmosphere.

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