Chip360 0 Posted March 17, 2008 I cant view my map (which Ive decided to work on again), I click the button and I get the loading key but nothing happens after that, bulldozer never starts, I run the Arma Beta, but my init for it in the preferences points here : E:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\ArmA.exe -buldozer And I am quite sure this is correct. Anyone know what the problem may be? Maybe it's a problem in the config? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class SystemOptions { ViewAppWorkDir="p:\"; ViewAppCommand="O:\arma\ArmA2Int.exe -window -buldozer"; DirONat=""; DirOPeo=""; DirWrld=""; DirScript=""; DirNet=""; SccServerName=""; SccProjectName=""; SccLocalPath=""; }; class DockState { ScreenCX=1280; ScreenCY=1024; class ControlBarInfo0 { BarID=59392; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=-2; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=486; MRUDockBottomPos=32; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo1 { BarID=59394; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=28; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=28; MRUDockRightPos=647; MRUDockBottomPos=60; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo2 { BarID=59396; Visible=0; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=58; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=58; MRUDockRightPos=232; MRUDockBottomPos=91; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo3 { BarID=30335; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=356; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=356; MRUDockRightPos=200; MRUDockBottomPos=656; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo4 { BarID=1277; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=654; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=654; MRUDockRightPos=150; MRUDockBottomPos=854; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo5 { BarID=59395; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=58; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=58; MRUDockRightPos=100; MRUDockBottomPos=358; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-2147483648; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo6 { BarID=59393; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-1; YPos=-1; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo7 { BarID=59419; Visible=1; Horz=1; Floating=0; XPos=-1; YPos=-1; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=13; Bar0=0; Bar1=59392; Bar2=0; Bar3=59394; Bar4=0; Bar5=59396; Bar6=0; Bar7=59395; Bar8=0; Bar9=30335; Bar10=0; Bar11=1277; Bar12=0; }; Bars=8; ObjPanelX=0; ObjPanelY=0; ObjScriptX=0; ObjScriptY=0; ObjNamedSelX=0; ObjNamedSelY=0; }; class EditorOptions { MaxApp=1; MovCoe=60; ScaStp=1.600000; FrmMax=1; FrmPosX=0; FrmPosY=0; FrmPosCX=300; FrmPosCY=300; RecFile1="P:\ca\desert\Source\intro.pew"; RecFile2=""; RecFile3=""; RecFile4=""; BaseWdth=256; BaseHght=256; TxtrType=0; MaxWnd=1; FitWnd=0; BgnScl=100; WshGen=32; WshCoe=0.050000; WshSCo=80.000000; WshSBa=0.100000; WshEff=0.900000; WshIRn=0.100000; WshSRn=0.050000; WshBlr=1; NGPpst=0.010000; NGPhgt=0.005000; NGPgrt=0; NGPvar=50000; fBaseHeuristicCoef=1.200000; FitEndAngle=0; AvoidHills=0; AvoidHillsCoef=5.000000; PunishCompChange=0; PunishCompChangeCoef=5.000000; CheckMaxSlope=1; MaxSlope=30; CheckMaxSlopeChange=1; MaxSlopeChange=10; NGHstp=0.200000; NGHerh=100000; NGHeru=50000; NGHerd=50000; NGHers=500; NGHerp=700; NGHprs=10; NGHslp=7; NGHstd=2; class ViewStyle { BaseStyle=3; ShowCountLn=0; NatureObjcs=1; PeopleObjcs=1; UnknowObjcs=1; ShowWoods=1; ShowNets=1; ShowGrid=1; ShowScndTxtr=0; ShowSea=1; AreasBorder=1; AreasEntire=0; KeyPtBorder=1; KeyPtEntire=1; ShowRuler=1; ShowBGImages=1; ShowWaterLayer=1; Shadowing=0; ShowLocks=0; }; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chip360 0 Posted March 18, 2008 I guess no one knows huh? I was going to try and finish the project I was working on now before my transition to VBS2 and Visitor 4... but oh well, im not re-installing Everything to get it to work.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paragraphic l 2 Posted March 19, 2008 I have NO idea but this looks strange to me: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ViewAppCommand="O:\arma\ArmA2Int.exe -window -buldozer"; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chip360 0 Posted March 19, 2008 Yea, same, I changed it to ViewAppWorkDir="p:\"; ViewAppCommand="E:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\ArmA.exe -buldozer -window"; but with no avail, the arma.exe process is running in the background, but I don't see anything... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArmaVidz 0 Posted March 19, 2008 Here's an example of a working Atari installation of ARMA, and bulldozer is working good. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class SystemOptionsParent { ViewAppWorkDir="P:\"; ViewAppCommand="""C:\Program files\Atari\ArmA\ArmA.exe"" -window -buldozer"; DirWrld=""; DirScript=""; DirNet=""; SccServerName=""; SccProjectName=""; SccLocalPath=""; }; class SystemOptions { ViewAppWorkDir="P:\"; ViewAppCommand="""C:\Program files\Atari\ArmA\ArmA.exe"" -window -buldozer"; DirONat=""; DirOPeo="P:\myproject\OBJECTS\myproject"; DirWrld="P:\myproject"; DirScript=""; DirNet=""; SccServerName=""; SccProjectName=""; SccLocalPath=""; }; class DockState { ScreenCX=1280; ScreenCY=1024; class ControlBarInfo0 { BarID=59392; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=-2; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=486; MRUDockBottomPos=32; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-1636178018; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo1 { BarID=59394; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=28; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=28; MRUDockRightPos=539; MRUDockBottomPos=60; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-1636178018; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo2 { BarID=59396; Visible=0; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=57; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=57; MRUDockRightPos=232; MRUDockBottomPos=90; MRUFloatStyle=8196; MRUFloatXPos=-1636178018; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo3 { BarID=30335; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=-2; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=59419; MRUDockLeftPos=1129; MRUDockTopPos=57; MRUDockRightPos=1329; MRUDockBottomPos=357; MRUFloatStyle=8192; MRUFloatXPos=942; MRUFloatYPos=122; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo4 { BarID=1277; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=-2; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=59419; MRUDockLeftPos=198; MRUDockTopPos=57; MRUDockRightPos=348; MRUDockBottomPos=257; MRUFloatStyle=8192; MRUFloatXPos=929; MRUFloatYPos=451; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo5 { BarID=59395; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-2; YPos=-2; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=1; MRUDockID=59420; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=100; MRUDockBottomPos=300; MRUFloatStyle=8192; MRUFloatXPos=942; MRUFloatYPos=447; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo6 { BarID=59393; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-1; YPos=-1; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=0; }; class ControlBarInfo7 { BarID=59419; Visible=1; Horz=1; Floating=0; XPos=-1; YPos=-1; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=10; Bar0=0; Bar1=59392; Bar2=0; Bar3=59394; Bar4=0; Bar5=59396; Bar6=0; Bar7=66813; Bar8=95871; Bar9=0; }; class ControlBarInfo8 { BarID=59420; Visible=1; Horz=0; Floating=0; XPos=-1; YPos=-1; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=3; Bar0=0; Bar1=124931; Bar2=0; }; class ControlBarInfo9 { BarID=59423; Visible=1; Horz=1; Floating=1; XPos=946; YPos=469; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=3; Bar0=0; Bar1=59395; Bar2=0; }; class ControlBarInfo10 { BarID=59423; Visible=1; Horz=1; Floating=1; XPos=933; YPos=473; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=3; Bar0=0; Bar1=1277; Bar2=0; }; class ControlBarInfo11 { BarID=59423; Visible=1; Horz=1; Floating=1; XPos=946; YPos=144; MRUWidth=32767; Docking=0; MRUDockID=0; MRUDockLeftPos=0; MRUDockTopPos=0; MRUDockRightPos=0; MRUDockBottomPos=0; MRUFloatStyle=0; MRUFloatXPos=0; MRUFloatYPos=0; Bars=3; Bar0=0; Bar1=30335; Bar2=0; }; Bars=12; ObjPanelX=321; ObjPanelY=330; ObjScriptX=326; ObjScriptY=242; ObjNamedSelX=150; ObjNamedSelY=332; }; class EditorOptions { MaxApp=1; MovCoe=60; ScaStp=1.600000; FrmMax=1; FrmPosX=0; FrmPosY=0; FrmPosCX=300; FrmPosCY=299; RecFile1="P:\Omaha\SOURCE\Omaha.pew"; RecFile2="P:\CA\omahanewbackup\SOURCE\Omaha.pew"; RecFile3="P:\CA\SOURCE\Omaha.pew"; RecFile4=""; BaseWdth=256; BaseHght=256; TxtrType=0; MaxWnd=1; FitWnd=0; BgnScl=100; WshGen=0; WshCoe=0.000000; WshSCo=50.000000; WshSBa=0.000000; WshEff=0.100000; WshIRn=0.000000; WshSRn=0.000000; WshBlr=1; NGPpst=0.010000; NGPhgt=0.005000; NGPgrt=0; NGPvar=50000; fBaseHeuristicCoef=1.200000; FitEndAngle=0; AvoidHills=0; AvoidHillsCoef=5.000000; PunishCompChange=0; PunishCompChangeCoef=5.000000; CheckMaxSlope=1; MaxSlope=30; CheckMaxSlopeChange=1; MaxSlopeChange=10; NGHstp=0.200000; NGHerh=100000; NGHeru=50000; NGHerd=50000; NGHers=500; NGHerp=700; NGHprs=10; NGHslp=7; NGHstd=2; class ViewStyle { BaseStyle=3; ShowCountLn=0; NatureObjcs=1; PeopleObjcs=1; NewRoadsObjcs=1; UnknowObjcs=1; ShowWoods=1; ShowNets=1; ShowGrid=1; ShowScndTxtr=0; ShowSea=1; AreasBorder=1; AreasEntire=0; KeyPtBorder=1; KeyPtEntire=1; ShowRuler=1; ShowBGImages=1; ShowWaterLayer=1; Shadowing=1; ShowLocks=0; }; }; It does seem strange that you'd have a reference to an O: drive in your config. That line should point toward the arma.exe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chip360 0 Posted March 19, 2008 Thanks for the config, I took note of a few other strange errors in mind, but even after correcting them it still didn't work :// Oh well, I suppose visitor 4 and a new computer set-up (with a fresh hard-drive) isn't too far off for me... Ill get things working again.. Thanks for all the input guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ArmaVidz 0 Posted March 19, 2008 It does help to uninstall the tools, and reinstall as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chip360 0 Posted March 20, 2008 lol, yea, I tried that twice (I just uninstalled it and reinstalled to be sure) and I figured out that the reason it points to the O drive and the ArmA2init.exe by default is because I believe they were using that version of Visitor for ArmA II I think my switch over to the personal edition is what killed it for me... I dont know, I am running vista now, could that be a problem? I really don't understand why it would just stop working all of a sudden... :/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chip360 0 Posted March 23, 2008 Okay, I reinstalled the game, yes it was a pain, and bulldozer *ALMOST* started, but I get this error: Shaders invalid (Mismatch of Exe and Data?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrMilli 0 Posted March 24, 2008 I recieved this error and followed this advice Quote[/b] ]I think this error occurs when you change which version of ArmA.exe you are using, but do not update your p:\ drive with the relevant support files for the updated ArmA.exe.Specifically, the bin folder, the product.bin in the dta folder and possibly the core folder. The bin folder holds the shaders I believe, as well as other files needed. Planck and reinstalled O2 and this error went away (another one appeared, but nevermind - its explicitly stated o2 is unsupported software) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chip360 0 Posted March 24, 2008 I recieved this error and followed this adviceQuote[/b] ]I think this error occurs when you change which version of ArmA.exe you are using, but do not update your p:\ drive with the relevant support files for the updated ArmA.exe.Specifically, the bin folder, the product.bin in the dta folder and possibly the core folder. The bin folder holds the shaders I believe, as well as other files needed. Planck and reinstalled O2 and this error went away (another one appeared, but nevermind - its explicitly stated o2 is unsupported software) My god, Planck and MrMili I LOVE YOU Thank you SO MUCH, a billion thank you's, I thought I'de never get this sorted out IT WORKS Muahahahahahahaha, now its time for me to unleash some texture havok Thanks again! ~Blake Share this post Link to post Share on other sites