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Bin laden killed?

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Speculations again. Whatever... i do hope this tries to get to somewhere... so... i think we can take something out of this, getting on track then...

Even if he is... then propaganda as u put it will merely put another "NÅŸ1 WANTED" poster up. It just makes it more effective for acceptance and public support.

Its cultural again... looking for scapegoats, for witches... Salem revisited in reality or imagination, legitimate or made to be. Manipulating morality... why cant it just be ethics? Individual interpretation is edgy when on different starting points. Easy to be overly moral... hypocritical (cough-cough). Easy to confuse the two also, thats why it gets away.

How high morals the Western world has... and with this i mean ppl. Look if something is to be set to right we have to stop considering these temporary solutions that follow up on to the next decade.

Dont get me wrong, this Fundamentalist extremism is as close to nazism as it can get, adapted for our times. Same basic fundamentals... just adapted to our modern context.

Substitute the same misinterpretation of Nietzhe to the same misinterpritation of the Al'Koran. Take away hitler's youth for entifada and taliban kids. Put an economic strain on a ppl, take away territory from the State configuration, put a criminal syndicate in charge... and u have Al Quaida or whichever name u want to give it.

Same problem (although it might not seem as so at 1st)... different times. Thats temporary solutions for u. Problem is temporary political solutions. In 5/10 years somebody else has to deal with it... cause some1 just wanna win the next elections.

By solving 1 problem we cause another... Complex isnt it? Thats why no 1 solution can be made to work.

Of course we could all go for easy way out of widescale extermination... does that make it acceptable? Wanna go back to tyranny... fine... public opinion, law and justice doesnt matter there. Not something u can get away with in today's time... and it was precicely from that, that created the Israeli problem in the 1st place.

Look... it isnt going to solve anything but 1 side. Wont work...

So a joint solution has to be found so that israeli and palestinian, jews, catholics and muslims can get along. All these problems just for a different perspective of 1 God!!!! How ridiculous for me that seems. The Joke is on us and hes probably having a blast... or a headache.

1st religion cannot be used for political purposes and abuse. (Difficult to separate the 2 when Islam blends society with religion. From a purely academic point of view, its outdated... needs adaptation to our time since it had a particular context when it was written. . Problem here i forsee... mixing with ppl's beliefs. Well it shouldnt be imposed and it should be muslims for one and to realise this or not. Otherwise its hairy.Zionism also... makes a problem for the political interests and abuse under the stroke of security and survivability.) - Whichever, "Abuse" (of power) is the key to take out of this. [This is good for any function and situation.]

2nd Territory and population. 1 Land occupied by 2 ppl's of different culture. Clash...

How to solve: live with it or not. Or then divide the land. Im sure israelis would have the same fate under a Palestinian Power abuse. Doesnt matter whos to blame... both are and wouldnt solve anything for both sides. WE DO WANT A SOLUTION FOR BOTH SIDES, DONT WE? Well if its one side only then disregard...

Well actually Israeli's are also palestinians... since they also live in Palestine. Mmmm... weird... something in common. Take the hint.

3rd: Fundamentalism and World. Well fundamentalism, extremism... religious, political, economical... whatever abuse see point NÅŸ1.

But i do have to add... it grew out of 1 problem into many. So its not only Israel thats stuck with... regional, civilation problems here. Mmmm, most problems in Africa... are also due to this... abuse, temporaty solutions, civilizational cultural probs... must be something here. For 1... what we hear on the news, our interest, our wealth, the way we live and progress is inversely proportional to what happens in these other places. We do live in a global society... mmm... Look into it... THERE IS. 11th september just confirms this once again.

Solution: Change our minds about where we stand and to whom we are linked with. Having correct information about this is each ones responsability. In not doing so its just letting ourselves be manipulated by propaganda... and/or speculating... And this starts with the way you live your own lives, Moderate and post too. Important! Start early its easier on your kids later. You are free to disagree of course... thats whats good about it... isnt it? Of course that doesnt mean you are right... maybe just abusive perhaps.

... well i was just wandering with my free time so i hope u learn something from this... and thats enough for the timebeing.

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"El Kaida "

could we spell-hump this any worse?


we need A BODY.. we cant have bin-laden vaporized by a bunker buster because even if he is dead some wont believe it and we'll have some sort of twisted elvis scene.. bin-laden sighted at 7-11 eating a snowcone... etc etc.. we either need to capture him or kill him in a way that doesent reduce him to hamburger.

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War is for fun... in the game world that is.

in real life we are a construct of our sorroundings, with no real notion of the meaning of our awareness. It is easy to see the fallacy on the others side's view and nearly impossible to do the same in our affairs.

The only right solution is the one which strives for peaceful resolutions and removes blocades, borders and other self serving instruments of "governing crowds".

After all we are all people, the governed and the governing alike. If we calim to want a "global" economy, then bring down the class divide. Jews, Musulmin, Catholic, Protestant, Buhdists, because if you dont I shall seek my god on your god... and my God is bigger than your God. (sounds like a stupid childish game we all learned to play whe we were five.

Pray for peace, not for your troops!

and relieve your primate tendencies with BIS OFP.

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