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I'd really like to see the ArmA II AI to actually use some more tactics than the basic flanking they do. With suppresion I'd love to see AI use vehicles properly, meaning that strykers and hummers and other lightly armoured vehicles like this do not engage in direct combat, but serve for what they were meant, support roles, that means that if the infantry disembark they should find a place where they have a good LOS over the perimiter and support by suppresing and such.

I'd also like to see the AI be aware of more than just his own squad, but be aware of things on a platoon level.

Things like that would greatly help the ArmA atmosphere, to have things like this from default, instead of having the mission maker do it.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

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To be honest i think this should be up to mission makers.., ie, to decide what tactics they should/want to use for a certain purpose.

Some missions already have the tactic defined..

Can these Tactics be considered as AI Behaviors?

Though the "pre-tactics" could be already be set and mounted in mission editor for those different kind of ideas.

This is a sensible subject...


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Yeah, you could choose tactics, but as it stands right now there are no tactics on a platoon level, only on squad level, and even that just flanking. If you have a Stryker ICV in a group the squad leader won't use it as a support weapon but as if it were an infantry soldier.

That's another thing that bothers me, everything is commanded as if it were infantry. Tanks, planes, helicopters.

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If you have a Stryker ICV in a group the squad leader won't use it as a support weapon but as if it were an infantry soldier.

That's another thing that bothers me, everything is commanded as if it were infantry. Tanks, planes, helicopters.

sadly true..

AI soldiers don't use Vehicles as cover as well...

In CQB vehicles are also needed and used for cover.

AI is a work in progress, and we can just hope BIS can do or already did something about this particular and special Behavior.

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Well, it's already stated multiple times in different reviews and interviews that - yes. The AI will be able to use cars as cover, so don't worry wink_o.gif

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I'd also like to see the AI use machine gunners in their squad properly. And fire teams. AI squad leaders treat everbody the same. It's not the way it really goes.

That's what I'd like to see with an improved AI. Not just having AI that don't walk in the middle of the road even when they're far from it, but also giving them a bit more of a military brain.

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Hi, as this is a game we can't touch each other, don't think in dirty

things and let me explain this; when we advance in CQB and in many

urban combat situations, we use to put our left hand in the shoulder

of the man that we've in front to tell him things like move left, right,

stop, keep on going etc. Will be pimp if we could take some specific

formation where the units can be linked to the unit in front when you're

directly in contact with him/her (if BIS had the will of reach the women

as customers too) so the units will "rest" they're left arm in the

shoulder of the unit that they've in front, showing a green hand icon

if the units are moving, that turns red when the units stop... and

that display left/right arrows depending on the front or back unit

direction or facing direction. So in this way we could do CQB and

urban combat situations without have to stop checking our fire

sector just to look what the rest of the men in our squad are

doing; sadly something as usefull as this, i think that will be impossible

due that we can't even tow a gun to a truck or to a tank or APC

due to the engine that keeps pulling the same restrictions from

the OFP times. Let's C ya

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Hi, for make it more clear and show how the icons "should be" more

or less.

The Icons:


Make that reticle look alike turn yellow if a unidentify target is spotted

by the unit checking his/her fire sector and turn red if it's an identifyed

OPFOR target, for example... i think that something like that will

help alot in urban enviroments or CQB situations saving alot of lives.

Let's C ya

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I cant find a start new topic button..? So i just put it here and maybe someone can move it if needed. It concerns tactics in a way so maybe its all good.

Anyone know if better animations/fluent/better control will be re instated in ArmA2? I do miss better handling when it comes to CQB in the cities, and i know some people that dont like arma just because the animations is a bit "slow" between doing things like crouch, hit the dirt and not be able to move (at least slow) and reload etc.

I absolutely dont want any BF2 fantasy handling, but just more closer to real life speed when it comes down to it. Even though battles often is over large areas where this isnt needed, we do end up in cities and villages. And when we do, i want to be prepared for awesome CQB'ing. thumbs-up.gif



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