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Request: Real dynamic voices

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I've played Arma and now I'm starting to realize a really good feature could immerse you into the game even more than it does now. Now I'm not talking about XAM voices, they say something about every 30 seconds or so and it always seems random, I'm talking about voices more like BIA were you squad mates say useful stuff that actually corresponds with the situation.

What if in Arma your squad could say stiff that actually meant something for example if three of your men go down all around the same time one of your squadmates could yell, "Sir we have to get the hell out of here everybodies getting hit". Or if you start taking fire "Everybody get down where taking fire". Or whenever you here on the radio, 2, Engage that man, at 500 meters, You'd also here "Hey kid take that fucker out". If a tank came into play "Oh shit we have enemy Armor, sir what do we do".

I think you get my point, I have no idea how to do something like this or even if it's possible so I decided to post this thread to see, if anyone does know how to do this.

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It's almost impossible that you have not seen the already exisiting and stick addon request thread.


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