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ABG-RLK Recon Operators

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Theese are some sample works of the fictional RLK Units i have been working on.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2


The RLK is a fictional small nation in the South-East of Europe with Strong Serbian and Greek Influences.

Thier military strength relies on thier small but professional Regular Army, Elite Special Forces and the Reserve Conscript Force, where it is manditory for all males aged 18 to serve 12 months in the RLK Reserves.

Iam hoping to continue the project with the next release being a full version of the RLK-Regular Army.

If anyone is wanting to contribute to this project, by all means post ideas.

I want this to be a community based project, so if you have an idea for an OPFOR for the RLK, fictional or real world, or even a situation you would like to see the RLK in, by all means let your imagination run wild!

Facts about RLK Recon Operators:

Uniform- Multicam for the Dry Mederterrainian Region.

Weapons- Mainly European Weapons, consisiting of H&K as well as Soviet Bloc Weapons.

Once again, any Suggestions, please post, LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD!


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They look good mate, but my humble 2c would be to:

Use a Western model with either bush hat or helmet and sleeves down - looks more professional (the MG soldier with gloves would be a good sugestion too wink_o.gif )

I'd replace the multicam with some cam that is a bit less well known so that it stands out as a separate army and has a real identity of its own - Austrian Pea cam? French Lizard?  


What about Rhodesian?


But yeah, it's your rock show mate, just a couple of ideas of mine smile_o.gif  Good stuff

(actually, I think a few southern/eastern European countries have adopted Marpat and M4s - yikes crazy_o.gif )


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Seeing as though theese units are dubbed the 'commandos' of the RLK Army, iam going to opt for a Beanie as a headress as theese guys only really come out after dark biggrin_o.gif

As for headwear for the other units, iam tending to stay away from the helmets as the RLK Forces arnt really involved much in explosives and full-on body armour, so most units will have a coveted beret, as well as a giggle hat smile_o.gif

Thanks for the ideas guys, and keep them rocking! pistols.gif

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Hi Stavanger. I took a look at the web site that you hotlinked and i saw arma2 was too bee released in september 25?

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Seeing as though theese units are dubbed the 'commandos' of the RLK Army, iam going to opt for a Beanie as a headress as theese guys only really come out after dark

See, that was what I was thinking mate, the helmet can hold NVG, whereas beanies and bushhats (while VERY cool) can affect night missions (because they look weird with NV Goggles)

I tend not to do night raids without helmet guys - the NVG looks too weird

But hey, I'm all for daylight raids...

(unless you're suggesting hardcore raids where you can only see a few metres in front of you at night crazy_o.gif  )

pistols.gif  pistols.gif  pistols.gif

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I just realized this isn't one of Rellikki's releases. biggrin_o.gif

I think his stuff has RLK_ at the beginning of the file name.

I'll check these out soon. It's nice to have more fictional enemies/allies. Thanks

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The RLK is a fictional small nation in the South-East of Europe with Strong Serbian and Greek Influences.


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Hi Stavanger. I took a look at the web site that you hotlinked and i saw arma2 was too bee released in september 25?

Sorry, who? Link please...

PS: Sorry for OT!

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Thanks for the links and interest guys!

@Stew- I understand what your saying and i do agree with that statement, iam going to implement a helmet to the CDO units for use with night ops, as well as a beanie unit, thus making a grand total of two different versions of the Recon Ops. smile_o.gif

As for the camo, i have devised a new camo scheme for the Regular Armed Forces of the RLK, but iam sticking with the Multicam for the Recon Operators as the government of the RLK belives it allows the RO (recce units) to partake in NATO exerises for freely whistle.gif

Keep the ideas rolling guys, more to come tonite smile_o.gif

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Nice stuff! It nice to see people make up their own nations and armies with ArmA. Very cool. Best of luck with the development. Oh, Multicam FTW.

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Presenting the newest Battalion in the RLK Regular Army, the 3rd Airborne!

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

At the moment iam sticking with the berets for this unit only, as they are an airborne unit, i would like them to retain thier coveted caps....until they get deployed, where then perhaps some steel para helmets may be fashioned  wink_o.gif

Camo is the new camo designed for the Regular Army units and will also come in a Desert Variant for deployment in Arid/Desert AO's xmas_o.gif


We are in need of a National Flag for the RLK.

Submit your ideas for a flag that could symbolize the new nation of the RLK! pistols.gifpistols.gifhelp.gif

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...steel para helmets...

Steel!? A COTS purchase of modern kevlar ones (or even

individual purchase) seems a bit more likely - especially for

such a "professional" army.

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We are in need of a National Flag for the RLK.

Submit your ideas for a flag that could symbolize the new nation of the RLK! pistols.gif  pistols.gif  help.gif

That's rather hard without knowing anything about the

history or political status of RLK. Why not start off by

deciding what their national colours are and start off from

a basic tricolour?

You might also get some further inspiration from HERE

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Alright, time for a breif history lesson people.

(for the record, my 16 yr old Daughter actuly gave me the most inspiration for all this)

The Republic of Leskap was originally colonized by a Greek People in the mid 1300s where the vast amount of farmland provided the chance to grow mass amounts of Wheat and Barley in the inland highlands.

Over the next 700 toi 800 years, immigrants from Italy, Serbia, Macedonia and even as far West as France and Spain began to explore the vast amounts of Agricultural Wealth.

History of the RLK Army:

The RLK Armed Forces was first created in the mid 1800's when a need for a small defence force arised to combat the growing number of pirates and smuggelers.

And following the start of WW1 in 1914, when Serbia commenced to deploy troops, the RLK, while nuteral, decided to raise a full time force to protect thier borders of thier small island if the need arises. Unfortunatly, many citizens didnt belive in joining the Armed Forces, thus the need for a manditory 1 year of service was introduced to all males aged between 18 and 25.

That was the birth of the RLK Reserve Force, wich today, it is still manditory to perform 1 year's service as a 1/2 time soldier.

Following the war, many of the Reservists enjoyed Army life, so a full time Army was raised and a profession was born.

Since then, there are a wide range of reigments formed within the RLK Army, consisting of;

NRR- National Reserve Regiment

1NIR- 1st National Infantry Regiment

2RPG- 2nd Patrol Group

3ABR- 3rd Airborne Regiment

NPG- National Presidents Guard

4AVN- 4th Aviation

1SFG- 1st Special Forces Group

LRPG- Long Range Patrol Group

MSU- Marine strike Unit.

While the RLK Army is considered 'professional' with the amount of training, it is poorly funded, as expect from a small island nation, and various surplus equipment is used from NATO nations, such as the M16A2, wich, at this stage, is the primary service rifle, and also the Airborne Regiment, wich is still using british Steel Helmets and DC-3 Aircraft to jump from.

Facts about the RLK:

Government: Social Democracy

Leader: President Nikolai Pretoski

Capital City: Toj'

Main Export: Wheat and Barley

Population: 5 Million

Currancy: RLK Ruble

Religon: Orthodox

Hope this kind of gives you an idea of the Nations History


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Camo looks great mate - although could you consider a long-sleeve version too?

As for flags, what about incorporating a Macedonain Helmet type image fom Alexander's time?

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As for flags, what about incorporating a Macedonain Helmet type image fom Alexander's time?

Yes, and/or a Greek lambda symbol. Double meaning - "L" for "Leskap" but also redolent of "Sparta":


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Adding Ideas to the pile guys, thanks for the info and will definatly take them into consideration smile_o.gif

And stew, rest assured, there WILL be sleeved units, just doing the summe uniforms first biggrin_o.gif

Thanks for your help fellas and he critisism inlove.gif

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Work is progressing well with the RLK Mod.

Almost finished the 3rd Airborne Battalion and the LRPG Patrolmen.

LRPG Patrolman

3rd Airborne Rifleman

3rd Airborne Scout

Here is also a sample shot of a member of the President's Guard, a small Urban force formed to Guard the Presidential Palace in the Capital.

Presidents Guard

Also Included is the Rlk Flag, the Maroon representing the Royal Blood spilt to form the Republic and the Macedonian Helmet to represent the hereatage of the Helenic origins of the small island nation.


Also, if anyone is interested in doing some Weapon texturing, i have models, just need some decent textures, if anyone wanted to help out with the mod smile_o.gif

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I think your flag would look better if you had more contrasting

colours in it. The dark red motif on lighter red field looks a bit

dull. Why not consider having the helmet in gold on a blood-

red field? Or a black helmet on red and gold stripes? Or on red

and white checks? Or something like that. If you look at the

flags of the world that I linked you to above then they all

appear to have contrasting colours.

I'm not sure I can detect any difference between your

AB "Scout" and your AB "Rifleman". What role do your AB

Scouts perform anyway? Are they like the [british] Pathfinder


Your presidential guard looks more like an armed bank-robber,

to me, than an elite guard. I'd not trust my back to a scruffy,

shifty-looking bugger like that if I was the Emperor of

Leskap.  biggrin_o.gif

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In regards to the flag, cant be asses, anyone is welcome to ideas smile_o.gif

The differnce between the Scout and Rifleman is that the Scout has a 203 and Smoke nades in his loadout, while the Rifleman has nades and what not.

And the guards...well, the idea is your not supposed to be able to see them lurking in the shadows inlove.gif

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