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(FPC) Bacon

These islands

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Hello all,

 I put these two islands in our server and when i went to the server it stopped it from working any reason why this happened would it be due to addons required to have these in?

This is what our server provider told me,

Hi there,

           Both these files would not work



I have moved them to a folder within addons call “don’t workâ€

Regards Michael

Alpha Team



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you test em locally bacon?

maybe corrupt upload?

i have had issues UL from vista to a non-vista machine, that was with the SBS server also with AF, that gay web panel is shite for UL's they should use a proper FTP system.

if u need em hosting somewhere for AF to DL em direct i can sort that for you, hit me up on PM


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Ye i tried them on my own machine and had no probs at all m8 and they look good islands as well when i had i fly round in chopper.

The creator may reply as to the reason hopefully.

Cheers Escobar

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It could be because your service provider doesn't know what he/she is doing when it comes to anything with ArmA. Try telling them how to install them step-by-step?

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