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editing config.cpp

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GranQ has given me permission and the source file to edit his Be_32K. I simply removed the binarized config.bin and replaced it with the edited confing.cpp he provided me. Now my ArmA crashes when i open it. Anybody have any ideas? all we changed in the config was the number of bombs in the bomb bay.

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what else is needed. Opened original PBO and placed different config.cpp instead of config.bin. ....re-PBOed it and now it crashes arma. Like i said the only thing we changed was the ammunition number.

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Why not just go back to the original ammo amount and see if it's still crashing.

If yes, then it's not the ammo count but a problem with the config.

If no, then well figure

You could also check the arma.rpt and see if it gives you an indication what could be wrong.

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well when i replace the original config.bin in the file rePBO it everytnig works great. i have also tried UNBIN ing the original and editing that one but it does the same exact thing

i guess what i am asking is if i can simply replace the config.bin with a new config.cpp it should work......but its not

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Of course you can use a config.cpp instead of the binarized one. Either the CTD is because you added more ammo then in the original version or you have a tiny error in the modified config.cpp which is cause the CTD.

It could also be that while unbinarizing the config the file got screwed up and thats why it's crashing.

Best is if you ask GranQ for the unbinarized config, test first with the config.cpp and if it works try adding more ammo.

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yeah we tried that.

Ive even tried 3 different POB tools.

The original came with a bi.sign what do i do woth that?

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Here is the config from the add on that works before i unbin it. when i out it in the pbo it comes up with an error

line 666 = encountered instead of ""

but line 666 is simply the user dfinition i highlighted it

can anybody help?

class CfgPatches {

class RC_be32k {

units = {"RC_be32kRUS", "RC_Be32kUS", "RC_Be32kUN"};

weapons = {};

requiredAddons = {"CAAir"};



class CfgRadio {

class RC_be32kDooropenshut {

sound = {"\RC_be32k\sounds\dooropen1.wav", 1.000000, 1};

name = "RC_be32kDooropenshut";

title = "";


class RC_be32kjumpgogogo {

name = "jumpgogogo";

sound = {"\RC_be32k\sounds\gogogo.wav", 1.000000, 1};

title = "Go Go Go";



class CfgSounds {

class RC_be32kDooropenshuts {

name = "RC_be32kDooropenshuts";

sound = {"\RC_be32k\sounds\dooropen1.wav", 1.000000, 0.700000};

titles = {};



/*extern*/ class Rotation;

class CfgSkeletons {

class RC_be32kBones {

isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "";

skeletonBones = {"alt", "", "mph", "", "vert_speed", "", "horizont_dive", "", "horizont", "horizont_dive", "horizont_dive1", "", "horizont1", "horizont_dive1", "horizont_dive2", "", "horizont_1", "", "horizont_1b", "", "compass_1", "", "RC_Be32Door", "", "rudder", "", "ngear", "", "gear", "", "wheels", "gear", "wheels1", "ngear", "aileronB_right", "", "aileronB_left", "", "aileronT_right", "", "aileronT_left", "", "elevator left", "", "elevator right", "", "flaps_left", "", "flaps_right", "", "sticka", "", "steerwheel_left", "sticka", "steerwheel_right", "sticka", "vrtule 1", "", "vrtule 0", "", "lights", "", "bombBay_Right", "", "bombBay_Left", ""};



class cfgModels {

class RC_be32kRUS {

skeletonName = "RC_be32kBones";

sectionsInherit = "";

sections = {"zbytek", "polyons", "podsvit pristroju", "clan", "clan_sign", "trup", "vrtule staticka", "vrtule blur", "light", "lights", "daylight"};

class Animations {

class damageHide {

type = "hide";

source = "damage";

selection = "damageHide";


class HideGear_1: damageHide {

selection = "gear";


class HideGear_2: damageHide {

selection = "ngear";


class HideRC_Be32Door: damageHide {

selection = "RC_Be32Door";


class Hiderudder: damageHide {

selection = "rudder";


class Hidewheels: damageHide {

selection = "wheels";


class Hidewheels1: damageHide {

selection = "wheels1";


class HideaileronB_right: damageHide {

selection = "aileronB_right";


class HideaileronB_left: damageHide {

selection = "aileronB_left";


class HideaileronT_right: damageHide {

selection = "aileronT_right";


class HideaileronT_left: damageHide {

selection = "aileronT_left";


class Hideelevatorleft: damageHide {

selection = "elevator left";


class Hideelevatorright: damageHide {

selection = "elevator right";


class Hideflaps_left: damageHide {

selection = "flaps_left";


class Hideflaps_right: damageHide {

selection = "flaps_right";


class Hideprops: damageHide {

selection = "vrtule staticka";


class IndicatorCompass: Rotation {

source = "direction";

selection = "compass_1";

axis = "axis_compass_1";

minValue = -3.141590;

maxValue = 3.141590;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = "-rad 360";

type = "rotation";


class HorizonDive1 {

type = "rotationX";

source = "horizondive";

selection = "horizont";

axis = "osa_horizont";

memory = 0;

minValue = -0.785398;

maxValue = 0.785398;

angle0 = -0.785398;

angle1 = 0.785398;


class HorizonBank1 {

type = "rotation";

source = "horizonBank";

selection = "horizont";

axis = "osa_hozb";

memory = 0;

minValue = -6.283190;

maxValue = 6.283190;

angle0 = -6.283190;

angle1 = 6.283190;


class HorizonDive {

type = "rotationX";

source = "horizondive";

selection = "horizont_1";

axis = "axis_horizont_1";

memory = 0;

minValue = -0.785398;

maxValue = 0.785398;

angle0 = -0.785398;

angle1 = 0.785398;


class HorizonBank {

type = "rotation";

source = "horizonBank";

selection = "horizont_1b";

axis = "axis_r_horizont_1b";

memory = 0;

minValue = -6.283190;

maxValue = 6.283190;

angle0 = -6.283190;

angle1 = 6.283190;


class IndicatorGMeter: Rotation {

source = "gmeter";

selection = "alt";

axis = "osa_alt";

memory = 0;

minValue = -3.000000;

maxValue = 9.000000;

angle0 = 1.396260;

angle1 = -3.839720;

type = "rotation";


class IndicatorVertSpeed: Rotation {

source = "vertSpeed";

selection = "vert_speed";

axis = "osa_vert_speed";

memory = 0;

minValue = -60.000000;

maxValue = 60.000000;

angle0 = 3.141590;

angle1 = -3.141590;

type = "rotation";


class IndicatorSpeed: Rotation {

source = "speed";

selection = "mph";

axis = "osa_mph";

memory = 1;

minValue = 14.600000;

maxValue = 153.500000;

angle0 = -0.261799;

angle1 = -6.021390;

type = "rotation";


class LeftProp {

type = "rotation";

source = "rotor";

selection = "vrtule 1";

axis = "osa vrtule 1";

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = "-2 * 3.1415";


class RightProp {

type = "rotation";

source = "rotor";

selection = "vrtule 0";

axis = "osa vrtule 0";

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = "2 * 3.1415";


class RC_Be32Door {

type = "rotation";

initPhase = 1;

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

selection = "RC_Be32Door";

memory = 1;

axis = "osa Door";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = -1.574390;


class bombBay_Right {

type = "rotation";

initPhase = 1;

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

selection = "bombBay_Right";

memory = 1;

axis = "axis_bombBay_Right";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = -1.574390;


class bombBay_Left {

type = "rotation";

initPhase = 1;

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

selection = "bombBay_Left";

memory = 1;

axis = "axis_bombBay_Left";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = 1.574390;


class gear {

type = "rotation";

source = "gear";

initPhase = 1;

animPeriod = 3;

selection = "gear";

axis = "osa gear";

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = 1.574290;


class ngear {

type = "rotation";

source = "gear";

initPhase = 1;

animPeriod = 3;

selection = "ngear";

axis = "osa ngear";

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = 1.574390;


class RC_rotate_Wheels {

type = "rotationX";

source = "wheel";

selection = "wheels";

axis = "";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "loop";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 4;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = "rad -360";


class RC_rotate_Wheels1 {

type = "rotationX";

source = "wheel";

selection = "wheels1";

axis = "";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "loop";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 4;

angle0 = 0;

angle1 = "rad -360";


class RC_Rudder {

type = "rotation";

source = "rudder";

selection = "rudder";

axis = "osa rudder";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad 25";

angle1 = "rad -25";


class RC_ElevLeft {

type = "rotation";

source = "elevator";

selection = "elevator right";

axis = "osa elevator right";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad 35";

angle1 = "rad -35";


class RC_ElevRight {

type = "rotation";

source = "elevator";

selection = "elevator left";

axis = "osa elevator left";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad 35";

angle1 = "rad -35";


class RC_aileronBleft {

type = "rotation";

source = "aileron";

selection = "aileronB_left";

axis = "osa_aileronT_left";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad 75";

angle1 = "rad -75";


class RC_aileronBRight {

type = "rotation";

source = "aileron";

selection = "aileronB_right";

axis = "osa_aileronT_right";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad -75";

angle1 = "rad 75";


class RC_aileronTleft {

type = "rotation";

source = "aileron";

selection = "aileronT_left";

axis = "osa_aileronT_left";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad 75";

angle1 = "rad -75";


class RC_aileronTRight {

type = "rotation";

source = "aileron";

selection = "aileronT_right";

axis = "osa_aileronT_right";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad -75";

angle1 = "rad 75";


class RC_FlapsRight {

type = "rotation";

source = "flap";

selection = "flaps_right";

axis = "osa_flaps_right";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "0";

angle1 = "rad -55";


class RC_FlapsLeft {

type = "rotation";

source = "flap";

selection = "flaps_left";

axis = "osa_flaps_left";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "0";

angle1 = "rad 55";


class RC_throttle {

type = "rotation";

source = "elevator";

selection = "throttle";

axis = "osa_throttle";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = 0;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "0";

angle1 = "rad 90";


class RC_Sticka {

type = "rotation";

source = "elevator";

selection = "sticka";

axis = "osa sticka";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad 10";

angle1 = "rad -10";


class RC_steerwheel_right {

type = "rotation";

source = "aileron";

selection = "steerwheel_right";

axis = "osa steerwheel_right";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad -35";

angle1 = "rad 35";


class RC_steerwheel_left {

type = "rotation";

source = "aileron";

selection = "steerwheel_left";

axis = "osa steerwheel_left";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad -35";

angle1 = "rad 35";


class RC_lights {

type = "rotationZ";

source = "user";

selection = "lights";

axis = "osa_lights";

memory = 1;

sourceAddress = "clamp";

minValue = -1;

maxValue = 1;

angle0 = "rad -70";

angle1 = "rad 70";




class RC_Be32kUS: RC_be32kRUS {


class RC_Be32kUN: RC_be32kRUS {


class RC_be32kRUS_bomb: RC_be32kRUS {



class cfgAmmo {

/*extern*/ class MissileCore;

/*extern*/ class LaserBombCore;

/*extern*/ class SmokeShell;

class RC_KAB500L: LaserBombCore {

model = "\RC_be32k\RC_KAB500L";

proxyshape = "\RC_be32k\RC_KAB500L";


class RC_FAB250: LaserBombCore {

hit = 3500;

indirectHit = 1500;

indirectHitRange = 8;

model = "\RC_be32k\RC_FAB250";

proxyshape = "\RC_be32k\RC_FAB250";

soundFly = {"\rc_be32k\sounds\bombfall.wss", 0.031623, 1.500000};

soundHit = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\explosion_large1", 100.000008, 1};

irLock = 1;

cost = 200;

thrustTime = 0;

thrust = 0;

trackOversteer = 1;

trackLead = 0;

maneuvrability = 0;

CraterEffects = "BombCrater";

explosionEffects = "BombExplosion";



class CfgMagazines {

/*extern*/ class Default;

/*extern*/ class CA_Magazine;

class RC_9x_FAB250: CA_Magazine {

scope = 2;

ammo = "RC_FAB250";

count = 9;

initSpeed = 0;


class RC_4x_KAB500L: CA_Magazine {

scope = 2;

ammo = "RC_KAB500L";

count = 4;

initSpeed = 0;


class RC_2x_KAB500L: CA_Magazine {

scope = 2;

ammo = "RC_KAB500L";

count = 2;

initSpeed = 0;



class CfgWeapons {

/*extern*/ class Default;

/*extern*/ class BombLauncher;

class RC_FAB250Rail: BombLauncher {

scope = 2;

displayName = "FAB 250";

sound = {"\rc_be32k\sounds\bomb.wss", 1, 1};

reloadTime = 0.250000;

aiRateOfFire = 10.000000;

aiRateOfFireDistance = 0.010000;

maxLeadSpeed = 2500;

magazines = {"RC_9x_FAB250"};


class RC_KAB500Rail: BombLauncher {

scope = 2;

displayName = "KAB 500L";

reloadTime = 0.250000;

aiRateOfFire = 10.000000;

aiRateOfFireDistance = 0.010000;

maxLeadSpeed = 2500;

magazines = {"RC_2x_KAB500L", "RC_4x_KAB500L"};



class CfgVehicles {

class All {


class AllVehicles: All {


class Air: AllVehicles {


class Plane: Air {


class RC_be32kRUS: Plane {

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";

memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir";

memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos driver";

memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos driver dir";

scope = 2;

model = "\RC_be32k\RC_be32kRUS";

displayName = "$STR_RC_DN_Be32";

side = 0;

transportSoldier = 25;

crew = "SoldierEPilot";

driverAction = "Mi17_Pilot";

cargoAction = {"Mi17_Pilot", "MH6_Cargo01", "MH6_Cargo02", "MH6_Cargo01", "MH6_Cargo02", "MH6_Cargo01", "MH6_Cargo02", "MH6_Cargo01", "MH6_Cargo02"};

Icon = "\RC_be32k\e\RC_Be32_icomap.paa";

picture = "\RC_be32k\e\rcbe32_ca.paa";

accuracy = 0.300000;

gearUpTime = 4.500000;

gearDownTime = 3;

gearRetracting = 1;

nameSound = "plane";

soundEngine = {"\RC_be32k\engine.wav", 4, 1.200000};

soundServo = {"Vehicles\gun_elevate", 1.000000, 0.400000};

maneuvrability = 30.000000;

maxSpeed = 375;

armor = 50;

ejectSpeed = {0, 0, 0};

flapsFrictionCoef = 0.500000;

cost = 20000;

type = "VAir";

threat = {0.100000, 1, 0.700000};

aileronSensitivity = 0.500000;

elevatorSensitivity = 0.500000;

noseDownCoef = 0.200000;

landingAoa = "7*3.1415 / 180";

brakeDistance = 300;

steerAheadSimul = 1.000000;

steerAheadPlan = 2.000000;

hiddenSelections = {"light", "daylight", "polyons"};

extCameraPosition = {0, 3, -20};

irTarget = 1;

irScanRange = 2000;

irScanGround = 1;

weapons = {};

magazines = {};

class UserActions {

class opendoor {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 4;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoor {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 5;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class opendoorp {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoorp {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class EnableLights {

displayName = "Jump Ready";

position = "Drivercontrol";

radius = 3.300000;

onlyForPlayer = 1;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this && this animationPhase "RC_lights" == 0";

statement = "this animate ["RC_lights", 0.1]";


class DisableLights {

displayName = "Jump Go";

position = "Drivercontrol";

radius = 3.300000;

onlyForPlayer = 1;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this &&  this animationPhase "RC_lights" == 0.1";

statement = "this animate ["RC_lights", 0.2]";


class EjectCargo {

displayName = "Eject cargo";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 5;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this";

statement = "[this,0] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";



class Library {

libTextDesc = "$STR_RC_LIB_Be32";


class AnimationSources {

class RC_Be32Door {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

initPhase = 0;


class RC_lights {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 1;

initPhase = 0;



class HitLGlass {

armor = 0.100000;

material = -1;

name = "sklo predni L";

visual = "sklo predni L";

passThrough = 1;


class HitRGlass {

armor = 0.100000;

material = -1;

name = "sklo predni L";

visual = "sklo predni L";

passThrough = 1;


dammageHalf = {"\RC_be32k\data\Rus_Outside.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\Rus_Outside_D.paa"};

dammageFull = {"\RC_be32k\data\Rus_Outside.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\Rus_Outside_D.paa"};

class Damage {

tex = {};

mat = {};


class Reflectors {

class Left {

color = {0.500000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};

ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};

position = "L svetlo";

direction = "konec L svetla";

hitpoint = "L svetlo";

selection = "L svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 0.700000;


class Right {

color = {0.500000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};

ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};

position = "P svetlo";

direction = "konec P svetla";

hitpoint = "P svetlo";

selection = "P svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 0.700000;



class Exhausts {

class Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start";

direction = "vyfuk konec";

effect = "ExhaustsEffect";


class Exhaust2: Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start 2";

direction = "vyfuk konec 2";



class EventHandlers {

init = "[_this select 0,3] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";



class RC_Be32k_kab500L: RC_be32kRUS {

displayname = "$STR_RC_DN_Be32_Kab500L";

hiddenSelections = {"light", "daylight"};

weapons = {"RC_KAB500Rail"};

magazines = {"RC_2x_KAB500L"};

transportSoldier = 1;

laserScanner = 1;


class RC_Be32k_fab250: RC_be32kRUS {

model = "\RC_be32k\RC_be32kRUS_bomb";

scope = 2;

displayName = "$STR_RC_DN_Be32_Fab250";

transportSoldier = 1;

Icon = "\RC_be32k\e\RC_Be32_icomap.paa";

picture = "\RC_be32k\e\rcbe32_ca.paa";

soundEngine = {"\RC_be32k\engine.wav", 4, 1.200000};

hiddenSelections = {"light", "daylight"};

weapons = {};

magazines = {"RC_9x_FAB250"};

class UserActions {

class opendoor {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 4;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoor {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 5;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class openBombdoor {

displayName = "Open Bomb bay";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 4;

condition = "this animationphase "bombBay_right" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] exec "\RC_be32k\scripts\bombbays.sqs"";


class closeBombdoor {

displayName = "Close Bomb bay";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 4;

condition = "this animationphase "bombBay_left" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] exec "\RC_be32k\scripts\bombbays.sqs"";


class opendoorp {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoorp {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";



class Library {

libTextDesc = "$STR_RC_LIB_Be32";


class AnimationSources {

class RC_Be32Door {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

initPhase = 0;


class bombBay_left {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

initPhase = 0;


class bombBay_right {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

initPhase = 0;


class RC_lights {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 1;

initPhase = 0;



class EventHandlers {

init = "[_this select 0,3] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";

GetIn = "_this exec "\RC_be32k\scripts\getin.sqs"";

Getout = "_this exec "\RC_be32k\scripts\getout.sqs"";



class RC_Be32kUS: RC_be32kRUS {

side = 1;

model = "\RC_be32k\RC_be32kUS";

scope = 2;

displayName = "$STR_RC_DN_Be32US";

Icon = "\RC_be32k\e\RC_Be32_icomap.paa";

picture = "\RC_be32k\e\rcbe32_ca.paa";

soundEngine = {"\RC_be32k\engine.wav", 4, 1.200000};

hiddenSelections = {"light", "daylight"};

class UserActions {

class opendoor {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 4;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoor {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 5;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class opendoorp {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoorp {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class EnableLights {

displayName = "Jump Ready";

position = "Drivercontrol";

radius = 3.300000;

onlyForPlayer = 1;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this && this animationPhase "RC_lights" == 0";

statement = "this animate ["RC_lights", 0.1]";


class DisableLights {

displayName = "Jump Go";

position = "Drivercontrol";

radius = 3.300000;

onlyForPlayer = 1;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this &&  this animationPhase "RC_lights" == 0.1";

statement = "this animate ["RC_lights", 0.2]";


class EjectCargo {

displayName = "Eject cargo";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 5;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this";

statement = "[this,0] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";



class Library {

libTextDesc = "$STR_RC_LIB_Be32";


class AnimationSources {

class RC_Be32Door {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

initPhase = 0;


class RC_lights {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 1;

initPhase = 0;



class Damage {

tex = {"\RC_be32k\data\US_Outside_D.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\US_Outside_D.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\US_Outside_D.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\US_Outside_D.paa"};

mat = {};


dammageHalf = {};

dammageFull = {"\RC_be32k\data\us_Outside_D.paa", "\ca\data\destruct\vehicle_destr1024_1024_mc.paa"};

class Reflectors {

class Left {

color = {0.500000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};

ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};

position = "L svetlo";

direction = "konec L svetla";

hitpoint = "L svetlo";

selection = "L svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 0.700000;


class Right {

color = {0.500000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};

ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};

position = "P svetlo";

direction = "konec P svetla";

hitpoint = "P svetlo";

selection = "P svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 0.700000;



class Exhausts {

class Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start";

direction = "vyfuk konec";

effect = "ExhaustsEffect";


class Exhaust2: Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start 2";

direction = "vyfuk konec 2";




class RC_Be32kUN: RC_be32kRUS {

side = 2;

model = "\RC_be32k\RC_be32kUN";

scope = 2;

displayName = "$STR_RC_DN_Be32UN";

Icon = "\RC_be32k\e\RC_Be32_icomap.paa";

picture = "\RC_be32k\e\rcbe32_ca.paa";

soundEngine = {"\RC_be32k\engine.wav", 4, 1.200000};

hiddenSelections = {"light", "daylight"};

class UserActions {

class opendoor {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 4;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoor {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "osa Door";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 5;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class opendoorp {

displayName = "Open Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,1] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class closedoorp {

displayName = "Close Door";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 3;

condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" > 0.5 && alive this";

statement = "[this,2] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";


class EnableLights {

displayName = "Jump Ready";

position = "Drivercontrol";

radius = 3.300000;

onlyForPlayer = 1;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this && this animationPhase "RC_lights" == 0";

statement = "this animate ["RC_lights", 0.1]";


class DisableLights {

displayName = "Jump Go";

position = "Drivercontrol";

radius = 3.300000;

onlyForPlayer = 1;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this &&  this animationPhase "RC_lights" == 0.1";

statement = "this animate ["RC_lights", 0.2]";


class EjectCargo {

displayName = "Eject cargo";

position = "Drivercontrol";

onlyforplayer = 0;

radius = 5;

condition = "(count crew this) > 1 and player == driver this && alive this";

statement = "[this,0] execVM "\RC_be32k\scripts\system.sqf"";



class Library {

libTextDesc = "$STR_RC_LIB_Be32";


class AnimationSources {

class RC_Be32Door {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 3;

initPhase = 0;


class RC_lights {

source = "user";

animPeriod = 1;

initPhase = 0;



class Damage {

tex = {"\RC_be32k\data\un_Outside_D.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\un_Outside_D.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\un_Outside_D.paa", "\RC_be32k\data\un_Outside_D.paa"};

mat = {};


dammageHalf = {};

dammageFull = {"\RC_be32k\data\un_Outside_D.paa", "\ca\data\destruct\vehicle_destr1024_1024_mc.paa"};

class Reflectors {

class Left {

color = {0.500000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};

ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};

position = "L svetlo";

direction = "konec L svetla";

hitpoint = "L svetlo";

selection = "L svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 0.700000;


class Right {

color = {0.500000, 0.800000, 1.000000, 1.000000};

ambient = {0.070000, 0.070000, 0.070000, 1.000000};

position = "P svetlo";

direction = "konec P svetla";

hitpoint = "P svetlo";

selection = "P svetlo";

size = 1;

brightness = 0.700000;



class Exhausts {

class Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start";

direction = "vyfuk konec";

effect = "ExhaustsEffect";


class Exhaust2: Exhaust1 {

position = "vyfuk start 2";

direction = "vyfuk konec 2";





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Seems to be a bunch of quotes are not used properly

It says

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">condition = "this animationphase "RC_Be32Door" < 0.5 && alive this";

but I'm pretty sure its suppose to look something like this;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">condition="this animationPhase ""FrontCont"" < 0.2";

Notice the difference in quotes

If this line is like it, them probably you have a lot more to fix as well further down.

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i found the problem...... it was the UnBin program. Apparently when i opened the original .bin, it was generating alot of errors in the config.

Solution: i downloaded Kegety's UnWrap and used it instead...problems solved

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