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Coop 12 Dynamic Sahrani: SABOTAGE

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Hi, I present mission:

coop Dynamic Sahrani: SABOTAGE


version 1.18

-added some weapons, NV for enemies (they were blind in night)

-preprocessed most used scripts

-increased (to 10min) kill enemies delay time after mission

-fixed disappeared parachute (parafix.sqs by Celery)

-added wind marker for safe parachute (note that it's local value - that means, for example, you see strong wind from west, but on other player PC can be breeze from north)

-decreased task time (to 20min) in mission "defend" (AI sometimes stuck and players must wait too long)

-1 new task (it's clone of "destry shilka" with crew)

-added several weapons

-added NV for enemies (they were blind in night)

-various skill for enemies (0.6/0.8/1.0) for Normal/Medium/Hard mode

-now you can select task or choose random task

-version @GROM has become @PKW because now uses PKW_Mercenaries addon (as second team)

version 1.10

-added task: defend our area (enemies will attack you - you win if you kill enemies or people (at least 1 man)(US-soldiers), you have to save, will be alive after 30 minutes)

-in some missions if you are spotten by enemies, kamov or mi17 with parajumpers will arrives (from Pita airport)

-separate para jumping for 2 teams

-added action "we're all in" for evac heli

-several patrols on enemy area independent to current task

-enemies from current task will be automaticly killed after 10 minutes (against 2 minutes in earlier version)

-you can para jump always if there is no current task set


-in every day can be various weather

-next task time are later than previous (time is in set:[7am - 10pm])

-task's loss, player dead (option), vehicles respawn gives penalty points which can make whole mission failed.

-every player can change distance view and enable/disable grass (action "self")

-player after his dead can lost his scores (-0%, -50%, -100%) depending on Mode (Normal/Medium/Hard)

-all tasks are created dynamicly only in scripts. There is no unnecesary units or other objects only needed in current mission (after task all objects/units are deleted). i hope this make my mission light, and people with low pcs can play in it.

-others weapons are put in crates in base. weapons are rearmed every morning. number of at is limited in day (so dont waste it).

-intro, mini-movies are short without redundant added music etc

-mission can be easy expanded (changing 1 variable and adding mission-descirbe-script)

-JIP works

-every task may be played in more than 20 places (in North Sahrani)- variuos places, tasks, weather, time makes every scenario is unique


Commander takes order from oficer or via radio 0-0-1/"take order" (3 tasks in day). Whole mission has 7 days. To reach area you can use: helis, cars or whole group/self parachute (radio 0-0-1/"Para all to pos"/ action "self"/Parachute and single click on map, but TeamRank has to have acurate number of points).

Markers show task-area; action "info" shows details about current mission and points.

If you think you can't make taks finished, just resign (radio 0-0-1/Resignation) - it costs several penalty point but less than several players deads (if dead give penalty points).

After you done your job (task) or you've resigned, take next order. If you can't parachute coz you haven't acurate numebr of points and you have no heli where you are you can call transport via radio 0-0-1/call transport and single click on map to select evacuation area and wait several minutes.

Needed addons:

No - in basic version/PKW_GROM by Yaciek - in grom version

Difficulty Levels:

Enabling Cadet/Veteran mode doesnt change anything. To change difficulty level chose right mode (Normal/Medium/Hard). Difficulty level determines:

-penalty points limit

-player's score after his dead

-general task difficulty (for example: number of enemy)

-number of at weapons

Current implemented task:

-destroy shilka

-clear area

-kill the oficer

-destroy fuel suply

-destroy convoy

-meet with contact (spy)


-find and save hostage


Used scripts:

-Urban patrol script by Kronzky


Idea come from Dynamic Afganistan (OFP) and my PvP old mission.

All tasks are simple, realistics and if you won't be John Rambo, will be carefull and and won't taking frags but done what you have to, propably you won't die.

I understand if you play 10 minutes and say "its not for me". -ArmA, which is/should be a simulator becomes next shooter. There is no task "kill 1000 enemies" - sometimes you better kill nobody, wait 20 minutes and scan horizont to make one shot or sometimes simply resign coz it's to hard to make task finished...


1, 2, 3,

4, 5, 6,

7, 8, 9,

10, 11, 12,


-mission DS:SABOTAGE


-needed addons PKW_GROM for @PKW version: Rapidshare, Armaholic, Arma-zone.pl

and PKW_Mercenaries:

armaholic or ArmedAssault.info

Edited by Przemek_kondor

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I tried this yesterday with a friend, and I can say this is a great mission! notworthy.gif Since Dynamic Afghanistan I looked for a coop version.

I would only add a few things to reach the perfection:

-Add random small patrols in enemy territory to make the travel a little bit more dangerous.

-It seems that when you complete a mission all the enemies disappear even if they are near, so the extraction is very easy. Maybe if they disappear only when you complete the NEXT mission? or when you get the new orders...

-If possible, a save option. I don't know if it's technically possible, but if not, maybe you can generate a "password", like in old games. So, you can view the code at base and in next session typing it you resume the mission with the points and time of mission.

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1. Add random small patrols in enemy territory to make the travel a little bit more dangerous.

2. It seems that when you complete a mission all the enemies disappear even if they are near, so the extraction is very easy. Maybe if they disappear only when you complete the NEXT mission? or when you get the new orders...

3. If possible, a save option. I don't know if it's technically possible, but if not, maybe you can generate a "password", like in old games. So, you can view the code at base and in next session typing it you resume the mission with the points and time of mission.

I'm glad to hear your opinion. Thanks for all.

Ad. 1: I thought about that, but I resigned. If I have time I add patrols with streelas or shilkas in various places. I want to add for example calling support, for example KA-50 if players are spotted. But time is my enemy now...

Ad. 2: After every mission i kill created enemies after 1 minute. Making this time longer is very easy (for example to 10 minutes), but killing them in next mission would make my mission more complicated so propably could occur some bugs. That's why in next version enemies will be killed 10 minutes after end of current mission.

Ad. 3: I never did save option and I have no idea how make this. I will search for saving and if You search for this too and give me links, I will be glad.

revive version would be nice also.

I think about it.

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I've searched for saving in multiplayer.

I know it was posible in Flashpoint, there was a coop campaign made by SoW (Sinews of War) where you bought equipment and was saved for the next mission.

I've found a mention to it in this post.

It seems Kutya has used it in his GDCE campaign, although this campaign is SP.

If it is not possible, I think the option of a codepass would make the trick.

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We have played it now and completed two missions:

Default is to easy, there will be only two squads in the area which were no match for us four.

Also when we jumped to target, squad bravo was also brought to that location.

The Pick-Up is nice, but an option to say "We're all in" would be nice so we don't have to wait 2 minutes.

And now to something strange: Our weapons became silenced while this mission. When a player fired a weapon the others only could see the impact, but no bullet, no flash, nothing.

And this was really you're mission because after switching the mission everything works fine again.

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We have played it now and completed two missions:

Default is to easy, there will be only two squads in the area which were no match for us four.

Also when we jumped to target, squad bravo was also brought to that location.

The Pick-Up is nice, but an option to say "We're all in" would be nice so we don't have to wait 2 minutes.

And now to something strange: Our weapons became silenced while this mission. When a player fired a weapon the others only could see the impact, but no bullet, no flash, nothing.

And this was really you're mission because after switching the mission everything works fine again.

thnx for feedback

default was "Medium", but I seeing now one value dissapeared in description.ext. In earlier version (published only on polish forums) there was always were penalty points for dead, so complete whole mission wasn't so easy.

two team jumping is not good idea, you've right. I will give separate jumping.

Pick-up is thing i spend a lot time to make it player-friendly, but I havent idea how to simply say to pilot "wait" or "fly" and sometimes time is too long and sometimes somebody lates. So I plan add action to heli, as You said:, "We're all in"

About strange no-sound: only thing which change sound is enabling/disabling radio in cutscenes and black-screens; no changing configs or something; I will look for this once more, but I think is arma-bug which occured accidentally in DS:SABOTAGE.

did You play basic or PKW_GROM version? maybe this addon has bug.

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Was the basic-version. But maybe an issue with addons on our server. We will look if it will happen again if we're playing your map.

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I'm very happy to see this kind of mission. And I'm very happy at last somebody uses the great GROM units in a misison. Sincce I'm Polish too I'm really proud to see my mates doing good addons and good missions!

Will try it at our next LAN party on weekend.

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Nice mission, we've played it several times.

One major remark along with the few already done :

- I personally think that allowing every player to be able to "respawn" just like he wants and when he wants (via parachute or so) is BAD for the "team work" in this mission.

You've introduced helic evac, so it's a shame we can avoid it by just paradropping ourselves at base instead of using helic evac or so.

Maybe you should add some restrictions about this, like authorizing paradrop only for a mission introduction, but not at anytime. Don't know if it's possible though...

What do you think ? smile_o.gif

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Sory for no response. I didnt see Your post.


-do You suggest to add personal para-jump always enabled?

-now You can avacuate with para jumping which is always enabled when task is out

-enabled para on mission introduction? - I think about it (I know flying several km can be anoying) but I wanted force Your teams to deserve this comfort

Added some features and taks, look on history scope in first post.

This version is tested only in my local server - wasn't tested with many players and on dedicated server. But changing was not so huge.

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Sh.t !

Sorry for my bad english.

I made a mistake.

I wanted to say that I'm actually AGAINST "allowing every player to be able to "respawn" just like he wants and WHEN he wants (via parachute or so)"

I think it IS BAD for the "team work" in this mission because we no longer need to call for transport when a mission is finished anymore.

Another point, I've noticed a bug : few days ago, my friends and I played and after a "clear area" mission, we called for transport, the chopper came, but as soon as only 2 out of 5 of us were in, it took off, waited for 120 secs up high, and then went back to base, therefore leaving few of us on the ground, at the mission location tounge2.gif

I hope I made myself clear now tounge2.gif

EDIT : I've just read your changes. Maybe the script "We're all in" may solve the issue I've mentioned. Where can I get the new mission ? Do the links in your first post point to this new version ?


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this wasn't bug but this version feature. Current version has option: "we're all in".

Personal parachute, option no penalty points for death were added not in first version( http://www.armedassault.com.pl/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=1236 ) but it was my pro-evolution friends voices effect.

Always it will be balance between arcade and realism. Always somebody will be unsatisfied because some feature

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Always it will be balance between arcade and realism. Always somebody will be unsatisfied because some feature

Yeah, ok. smile_o.gif

Anyway, I think the new mission objective (defend place) is interesting.

You didn't answer : where can I get this new version 1.10 ?

Maybe you could put the version number in the name of the file ?



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in download link is always newest version but packed in zip.

inside zip name is changing, but zip's name is constant coz if somebody put this link somwhere else the link will be always correct. its helpfully for me to, coz I don't need edit link in first post

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Ok, thx.

Just wondering : why are there 2 different versions in your zip file ? (1.09 and 1.10).

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First off, thanks for this great mission.

I have taken the freedom to modify it in order to use most of the addons of our dedicated server. I hope you don't mind.

I'm also working in adapting the mission for Dry south saharani, Saltbeach and Sakakah islands.

The problem is that I am using too many addons, so I don't think if it would be worthy to make them available to dowload if you need 500MB in addons to play  rofl.gif

However I found a few problems that maybe you can help me to fix. Sometimes, when a player dies, he doesn't get the info and self actions added again, and I don't know why. It seems to happend when many players die at once, like in a helo crash or a RPG hitting the 4x4 where they are. Would preprocess some functions solve this?

And the other one, which is very weird as the script looks perfectly OK, is the personal parajump. It works OK as soon as the teamrank is enough, but it the teamrank isn't enough and there is no currently any missions in progress, the parajump seems to work, you click, you are in the air, but when you are about 20 meters from the ground is like the chute disappear and you crash-land diying inevitabily. But if the teamrank is enough it doesn't happend, it works ok, and I have been looking throughout of the scripts and I don't see the relationship between chute disappearing and teamrank...  banghead.gif

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I have taken the freedom to modify it in order to use most of the addons of our dedicated server. I hope you don't mind.

I don't, feel free to do this
Quote[/b] ]Sometimes, when a player dies, he doesn't get the info and self actions added again, and I don't know why. It seems to happend when many players die at once(...) Would preprocess some functions solve this?

players (and AI) have eventhandler (init.sqf, line 82 and DS\remove_body.sqf, line 46)

-do You remember did You see text "You are dead" when this bug occur?

-I will check "numerous dead" and try preprocess this function

Quote[/b] ]

(...) personal parajump. It works OK as soon as the teamrank is enough, but it the teamrank isn't enough and there is no currently any missions in progress, the parajump seems to work, you click, you are in the air, but when you are about 20 meters from the ground is like the chute disappear and you crash-land diying inevitabily.

I saw it when teamrank is enough too...

I will keep eye on it and try understand/find bug

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Hi Przemek_kondor

In case you maybe interested to use this instead of your current parachute scripts, CuLtO from ArmA-FR.net gave me 2 scripts to make a sort of HALO but with standard animations.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_para = _this select 0


?((getpos _para select 2) < 5): exit

_parachute = vehicle _para

_para action["Eject",_parachute]

deleteVehicle _parachute

?!(isPlayer _para): goto "loopIA"



?(((getpos _para select 2) < 5) or (vehicle _para != _para)): goto "debut"

_para switchmove "AdthPswmMrunsnonWnonDf"

_para addAction ["Deploy parachute","para.sqs"]




?((getpos _para select 2) > 100): goto "loopIA"

_parachute="ParachuteWest" createvehicle (position _para)

_parachute setpos [getpos _para select 0, getpos _para select 1, getpos _para select 2]

_para moveindriver _parachute



<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_para = _this select 0

_id = _this select 2

_parachute="ParachuteWest" createvehicle (position _para)

_parachute setpos [getpos _para select 0, getpos _para select 1, getpos _para select 2]

_para moveindriver _parachute

_para removeaction _id


When you choose ejection (as player or for AI), you just fall, with a HALO-like animation, and use the action "Deploy parachute" to open the parachute. With this, AI will open their own parachute when altitude 100 meters is reached.

It works perfectly in SP and MP games.

To use them, just put them in your mission folder.

To use it from a vehicule (init or trigger activation):

this addEventHandler ["GetOut",{[_this select 2] exec "eject.sqs"}]

To use it anytime :

[name of the unit] exec "eject.sqs"



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Mission updated.

I see sometimes modified version of this mission. Here are some important things for modders (port to other island):

-position of marker "marker_pita" (now it is located on pita airport) is place where enemy units (kamov and parachuting enemies) are created

-invisible h named "h_airport" (now on Paraiso airport) - there your transport heli is created

-other important markers: "respawn_west" (if side players==west), "respawn_guerrila", "m_patrol_base" - are for patrol in base

-in script other\ai_on_enemy_territory.sqf there are created 4 markers for enemies patrol (independed to task patrols) - you have to put there your positions and size of markers

-in every taks script 0.sqf, 1.sqf etc there is array of positions - you have to put there your positions (note: in tasks "convoy" (6.sqf) there are 2 array of positions - _positions and _dest)

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Thanks a lot for this mission.

I'm agree with Niko that allowing parachute when not in base is not realism. But we are free to use it or not.

Problem is that last time i called for transport, my team were killed before choper arrives and next time i called for transport (maybe 30 min. later in another task) the choper was still waiting at the old evac point and i was unable to cancel this outdated request of transport, so we only could walk to base or use the unreal (in my opinion) parachute action.

Sorry for my bad english.


P.D- I should like to find more enemies patroling North Sahrani to increase the feeling of being behind enemy lines.

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Propably there will be no next version for ArmA1 (published by me). Next version will be created for Arma2 (I have no time now, but I have several ideas and I want to hear yours smile_o.gif )

If somebody wants to improve this mission but he don't know how - then let he contacts me or write on this topic.

1.To fix waiting heli:

in others\transport.sqf line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

waitUntil{ AllInTransport };

change into:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_curr_time = Time;

waitUntil{ AllInTransport OR ((Time - _curr_time)< (5*60) )}; -heli will be waiting only 5 minutes max

2. to disable parachuting not from base:

a) in file others\personal_para.sqf, line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if( (TeamRank > paraLimit) or (nr_mission == 1000) )then{

change into:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_in_base = (player distance oficer) < 70;

if( ((TeamRank > paraLimit) or (nr_mission == 1000)) AND _in_base )then{

b) in others\para_on_pos1.sqf and others\para_on_pos2.sqf change line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if( (local _jumper) AND (not isNull _jumper) AND ((vehicle _jumper) == _jumper) )then


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_in_base = (_jumper distance oficer) < 70;

if( (local _jumper) AND (not isNull _jumper) AND ((vehicle _jumper) == _jumper) AND (_in_base) )then

3. To increase enemy units on enemy territory (independent to current task) increase value of EnemyRandomPatrolsSize variable (in init.sqf) or create more groups in others\ai_on_enemy_territory.sqf (and remember about destroy them on end of this file)


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