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How can I install addon properly to a server?

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Hi Community.

I'm the admin of a server and I want to upload two addons to my server but I don't know how to install properly.

Anyone can give me a hand?

I want to install @TrueRangeAI and Durg's Vegetation Fix, I've trying to add the following line to the shortcut command but don't work.

I need to add a line to the server.cfg?

Quote[/b] ]E:\ArmA\arma_server.exe -config=server.cfg -netlog -port=2312 -mod=@TrueMods

Thanks in advance

Cheers smile_o.gif

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Hi Community.

I'm the admin of a server and I want to upload two addons to my server but I don't know how to install properly.

Anyone can give me a hand?

I want to install @TrueRangeAI and Durg's Vegetation Fix, I've trying to add the following line to the shortcut command but don't work.

I need to add a line to the server.cfg?

Quote[/b] ]E:\ArmA\arma_server.exe -config=server.cfg -netlog -port=2312 -mod=@TrueMods

Thanks in advance

Cheers smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]E:\ArmA\arma_server.exe -config=server.cfg -netlog -port=2312 -mod=@TrueMods;@DurgsVegetationFix

this is what out parameter is set up like

Quote[/b] ]-name=Server -config=server.cfg -cfg=arma.cfg -profiles=profiles -netlog -port=2350 -mod=@DurgsVegetationFix

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on a server i was admin for i had overwrote the plants.pbo with the one from durgs mod and it worked fine

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overwriting the PBO is one approach, some people like to keep to stock files stock and use mod folders for anything else.

this keeps the original stuff safe and should stop any issues down the road, for instance if you wanted to run another mod that affected plants.pbo not having the original might cause issues leaving you with the option of finding the original or doing a reinstall.

mod folders are easy to use and work round all this type of issue.

league play for example should require all players to be using a standard set of stock files, not having the right plants.pbo would therefore exclude you.

my 2c

gertting back on topic is the mod called @Truemods or @TrueRange?? the -mod= parameter should be exactly the same as the name of the folder.

within that folder should be a sub-folder called addons with the all the files within that.

feel free to post over at SS forums or PM me if u need further help

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