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RN Malboeuf

Aim in planes with freeview enabled is buggy

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1. place any plane on the map

2. enable free view (* by default)

3. when you turn your head left-right crosshair is misplaced so you can aim (and shoot) left-right a bit though your weapon is static mounted

That's very annoying if you try to shoot while flying with freeview on. I tried to make a screenshot but it's better to see in game wink_o.gif


I first saw it on my addon, i thought that's a bug, but found it on all arma planes... What is this ? How can it be fixed ?

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The aim point doen't move left or right at all, it's due to something called parallax:


As your head rotates, the angle through which the HUD moves left and right through your vision is greater than that by which the the aim point moves; so the HUD moves left and right relative to the aim point. This is because the aim point is at a greater physical distance from your head than the HUD.

You can see that the aim point doesn't move if you look left and right quickly while you fire the Avenger in flight. You'll see that the tracers don't spread out like they do when the aim of the Vulcan moves left and right, and that the impact points on the ground remain in a straight line.

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On A-10 or any other planes jsut use the HUD, in A-10 case green circle, because it doesn't move.

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