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Me and only me

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So I am working on a Coop mission where I want it to where only I can see the Radio with the Radio Alpha triggers. How do I set that up? Or if possible even set it up to where the group leader gets it (in the chance that the first group leader dies)

Also is there a way for me to make it to where at the start of a mission a player is removed from the group instantly and I become the new leader? I am trying to make a mission where I am a Militia and i have my civs grouped with a blufor who is far far far away. Right now I have him spawning next to a vehicle that gets him killed. But id rather just have it instantly make my guy the group leader and remove the other one.

Also is there a way for me to make a trigger removes my captive when I fire a round? I want to make it to where we are no longer in camptive mode the minute we fire?

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or if possible, how do I make it to where I am no longer a captive if I am armed?

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Also is there a way for me to make it to where at the start of a mission a player is removed from the group instantly and I become the new leader? I am trying to make a mission where I am a Militia and i have my civs grouped with a blufor who is far far far away. Right now I have him spawning next to a vehicle that gets him killed. But id rather just have it instantly make my guy the group leader and remove the other one.

Set the probability of presence slider of that blufor to 0. It should work.

Also is there a way for me to make a trigger removes my captive when I fire a round? I want to make it to where we are no longer in camptive mode the minute we fire?

If you want to wait till unit has fired you can type in it's init field:

this addEventHandler ["fired", {this setCaptive false}]

or if possible, how do I make it to where I am no longer a captive if I am armed?

If you know all possible classes of weapons that player can get in the mission you could use a trigger with condition:

unitname hasWeapon "weaponname1" OR unitname hasWeapon "weaponname2" OR unitname hasWeapon "weaponname3" etc.

and on activation:

unitname setCaptive false

weaponname1, weaponname2 etc would be eg. "M16", "AK74" etc.

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Ah thanks alot =) solved all but one question

Is it possible to make it so that only one person sees the radio?

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Assign the player you want to use the radio as the group leader in its init field.

this = leader UnitOrGroup

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