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1_09 beta error ?

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for unknown reason i have such error with old addons , reskins of BIS models with custom weapons

this is happening with some custom weapons, don't know why ?

reskined BIS model (or sometimes not reskin) but with custom weapon (one or other)

unknown source of error, as it is ONLY soldier using weapon model ?

error is when i do for exapmle:

class VIL_drech1 : SoldierEB {

displayName = "Bandit rifle 1";

model = "\vil_bandy\civil_4_tshirt";

side=0; scope = public;

weapons[] = {"VIL_akms", "throw", "Put"};

magazines[] = {vil_30Rnd_762x43_AK,vil_30Rnd_762x43_AK,vil_30Rnd_762x43_AK};


so i am just adding to BIS unit or to reskinned unit custom weapons and i have such error, can someone from BIS tell, why error with "woman" ?

next error is "no cfg_moves", next "cfg_faces", and never set up editor ?

if i use my own models - there is no such error, this error appears ONLY when i add my weapon to BIS units (never happen before 1.09)

those addons were working since 1.00, why in 1.09 no ?

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Can you please show the whole cfg? I guess it is an class loading bug.

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It depends, did you inherit properly from ArmA Man classes?

'woman=' is set in class CAManBase as 'woman=0'

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgVehicles


class Land;

class Man: Land


class ViewPilot;


class CAManBase: Man








If you haven't inherited from CAManBase then this may be why you get this error.


You could just add 'woman=0' to your definition, till the next error pops up.

Try checking the Rpt for more errors reported.


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i made addons like old one, just added new weapons, so i havent put anything like CAM MAN BASE

now all works perfect, than You very much notworthy.gif

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