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Fast rope issue

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So I am running the Ofpec Fastrope Script and for some reason it works fine for me and my AI but if I use it online, all of the other players just fall out and die.

Heres the script if anyone can help me out.

Quote[/b] ];OFPEC Disembark by rope script


;Dec 2006 bedges, mandoble, Hoz



;Disembark a group by rope from a chopper.



;group to disembark


;Disembark altitude

;Unit descend speed in m/s (use negative numbers)

;size of each rope unit in meters (should be smaller than 0.5m)

;script to be executed after all units have been disembarked, "" if not needed. This script receives grup and chopper as arguments.

;Arma true/false



;[group lider1, heli, 30, -7, 0.2, "heliRTB.sqs", false] exec "OFPEC_rope.sqs"


;[grp1, heli2, 40, -5, 0.2, "", false] exec "OFPEC_rope.sqs"

;get passed params

_EjectGroup = _This Select 0

_Heli = _This Select 1

_disembarkalt = _This select 2

_vdown = _This select 3

_ropesize = _This select 4

_script = _This select 5

;determine the correct particle depending on game

_arma = _This select 6

?_arma:_particle = "\ca\data\cl_basic";_sizeextra=1.2

?!_arma:_particle = "cl_basic";_sizeextra=1.0

;lock the waypoints

_EjectGroup lockWP true

group driver _Heli lockWP true

;get the chopper into position

_altorig = getPos _Heli select 2

_Heli flyInHeight _disembarkalt

driver _Heli Move getPos _Heli


;Wait until helicopter is really slow

@unitReady driver _Heli

@speed _Heli < 2

;get group count and set counter

_GroupUnits = Units _EjectGroup

_Everyone = Count _GroupUnits

_Count = 0

;We'll keep heli staying still so the rope does not get missplaced

_posheli = getPos _Heli

_dirheli = getDir _Heli

;The rope will be created with first unit in the air position

_firstunit = true

;begin ejecting


_ThisUnit = _GroupUnits Select _Count

UnassignVehicle _ThisUnit

_ThisUnit action ["getout", _heli]

;Wait for the unit in the air

@(getPos _ThisUnit select 2) > 0

?!_firstunit:_ThisUnit setPos [_xini, _yini, getPos _ThisUnit select 2]

;If first one, draw the rope

?_firstunit:goto "rope"


;animate the unit

_ThisUnit switchMove "LadderDownLoop"

;determine a random direction to face

_ang = random 360

;begin downward setpos loop


;The rope doesn't like moving choppers - keep it stationary

_Heli setDir _dirheli

_Heli setPos _posheli

_thisUnit setDir (_dirheli + 180)

_thisUnit setVelocity[0,0,_vdown]


;if the loon is near to the ground, do the landing sequence

? getPos _thisUnit select 2 < 0.5:goto "landed"

;if the loon is dead, make sure it shows

? !alive _ThisUnit: _ThisUnit switchMove "LadderDownEnd";goto "Check"

;if not, keep moving down

Goto "MoveDown"

;increase the counter: if all units are out, end the script


_Count = _Count + 1

? (_Count < _Everyone) : goto "Next"

_EjectGroup lockWP false

;Two extra seconds for rope retrieval

_segs = 0


_Heli setDir _dirheli

_Heli setPos _posheli

_segs = _segs + 0.01


?_Segs < 3:goto "keephelihere"

;let the chopper continue on its way

_Heli flyInHeight _altorig

group driver _Heli lockWP false

;if another script has been passed as a parameter, run it


?_script != "": [_Heli, _EjectGroup] exec _script


;unit has landed: move it to a safe distance, facing out


;make a poof of dust as the loon lands

@(getPos _thisUnit select 2) < 0.1

drop [_particle,"","Billboard",100,1,getPos _thisUnit,[0,0,0],10,25.5,20,0.14,[0.4,1.0],[[0.8,0.6,0.3,1],[0.8,0.6,0.4,1],[0.9,0.7,0.4,


_ThisUnit switchMove ""

_ThisUnit doMove [(getPos _thisUnit select 0) + (20 * sin(_ang)), (getPos _thisUnit select 1) + (20 * cos(_ang)), 0]

Goto "Check"

;The rope is drawn in the space



_xini = getPos _ThisUnit select 0

_yini = getPos _ThisUnit select 1

_posr = [getPos _ThisUnit select 0,getPos _ThisUnit select 1, (getPos _Heli select 2) + 1]

_steps = ((_posr select 2)-1) / (_ropesize / 2.0)

_segs = abs((getPos _Heli select 2)/_vdown)*_Everyone + 3.0 + 3.0

_delta = 3.0/_steps

_i = 0




_segs = _segs - _delta

_posr = [_posr select 0,_posr select 1,(_posr select 2)-(_ropesize / 2.0)]

_i = _i + 1

?_i < _steps: goto "ropeunit"

_firstunit = false

goto "continue"

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Does the script or readme anywhere says that it is MP compatible?

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does not say one way or another. Just wondering if maybe anyone can see what can be changed in the script to make it MP

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hmm well that was helpful.

Is there anyone with some HELPFUL insight?

Or perhaps able to point me to an easy script for Fastroping.

I want one that doesn't require an add-on.

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