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sputnik monroe

Which pbo do i have to open to find the faces?

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I want to create a custom face. I have Wipmans template which is very usefull do to the wire frame. However I would like to use a different default face to start from, one which does not have stubble or a beard for example.

So my question is which PBO contains the default faces?

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Go to your Arma installation folder, get into the AddOns folder and extract


with Armed Assault PBO Unpacker

Once extracted they are in the hhl subfolder and can be viewed with texview2 or you install the plugin for Photoshop Kegetys released.

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If you want to show your face in multiplayer, that will not work.

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You could also go to armedassault.info and do a search for the face pack bloodomen put together it has all the default arma faces in it so you dont have to go find it your self in the pbo's.

And you can use your face online but it has to stay under 100kb.

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