Enigma85 2 Posted December 11, 2007 I've recently been working on converting some addons over to Arma but can't seem to figure my way around the configs. I have a stuka ingame and flying but have problems with the following: Height of the pilot in the cockpit(He's coming through the cockpit) Rotation of the Propeller (or lack of it) Weapons (Lack of it again) All sounds are working but just can't figure out what to do. *Edit With Pics* First error Second Error third error And All Ingame errors also been working on a tiger conversion but am failing miserably. is there anyway maybe someone can help me with a maybe a basic in game config that i can build upon? just one for a tank and plane. If I Get these up and working i hope to get permission to release them. from original authors. Any help would be great. thanks alot, Enigma Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordNeuro*Serbia* 0 Posted December 11, 2007 I was traying too put the tige in game too. And the tiger is IW2_Tiger. They were intend for privet use. I made tu put the tiger in game but not working properly. Then i tray mo modifay the config and no luck agein. So hepl will be wery nice. Here r my config config cpp #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Vehicle: Default{}; class Tank: Vehicle{}; class IW2_Tiger: Tank class Tiger_wreck: Tank {} { sectionsInherit="Tank"; sections[]={"112","113","114"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default{}; class Shell: Default{}; class BulletSingle:Default{}; class Bullet7_6: BulletSingle {}; class Tigerammo: Bullet7_6 {}; class TigerShell1: Shell { hit=400;indirectHit=73; cost=200; reloadTime=4; sound[]={\IW2_Tiger\gun.wav,db10,1}; reloadSound[]={Weapons\missload,db-70,1}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; class MGun:Default{}; class MachineGun_MG42:MGun{}; class Tiger88: Default { nameSound="heat"; scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=3; displayName="88 mm"; displayNameMagazine="88 mm"; shortNameMagazine="88 mm"; initspeed=500; magazines[]={"Tiger88_S2"}; reloadTime=8; sound[]={\IW2_Tiger\gun.wav,db10,1}; reloadSound[]={Weapons\missload,db-70,1}; ffCount=1; irLock=true; airLock=false; laserLock=false; }; class Tiger88_S2: Tiger88 { ammo="TigerShell1"; count=54; displayName="88 mm"; displayNameMagazine="88 mm"; shortNameMagazine="88 mm"; sound[]={\IW2_Tiger\gun.wav,db10,1}; reloadSound[]={Weapons\missload,db-70,1}; irLock=true; airLock=false; laserLock=false; }; class TigerMG: MachineGun_MG42 { ammo=Tigerammo; displayName="MG 42"; displayNameMagazine="MG 42"; shortNameMagazine="MG 42"; nameSound="mgun"; count=1000; reloadTime=0.12; sound[]={\IW2_Tiger\mg42.wav,db10,1}; soundContinuous=0; }; }; class CfgPatches { class IW2_Tiger { units[] = {IW2_Tiger}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.07; }; class Tiger_wreck { units[] = {Tiger_wreck}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.07; }; }; #include <CfgSkeletons.h> class CfgVehicles { class Land; // External class reference class LandVehicle : Land { class NewTurret; // External class reference class AnimationSources; // thanks to RockofSL class ViewPilot; // External class reference class ViewGunner; // External class reference class ViewOptics; // External class reference }; class Car : LandVehicle { class Turrets { class MainTurret : NewTurret { class ViewOptics { }; }; }; }; class IW2_Tiger: Car{ class Tiger_wreck: Car{ vehicleclass="IW2 Armored"; accuracy=0.50 ejectDeadCargo=0; nameSound="t80"; soundEngine[]={\IW2_Tiger\engine.wav,db10,1}; soundEnviron[]={Vehicles\ModernRolling_Treads1,db10,1}; forcehidegunner = false; forceUNHIDEgunner = TRUE; forceHideDriver = false; hiddenSelections[]={"114","112","113"}; side=East; scope=public; crew=SoldierECrew; displayName="Tiger I"; maxSpeed=42; transportSoldier = 0; cost=1500000; picture=it80; model="\IW2_Tiger\IW2_Tiger.p3d"; weapons[]={Tiger88,TigerMG}; magazines[]={55Rnd_Tiger88_S2,1000Rnd_TigerMG,1000Rnd_TigerMG}; commanderAction = ManActJeepGunner; commanderInAction = ManActTruck5tCoDriver; driverAction = ManActT55Driver; driverInAction = ManActT55Driver; gunnerAction = ManActT72CommanderOut; gunnerInAction = ManActT55Driver; class Turrets : Turrets { class MainTurret : MainTurret { gunAxis = "OsaHlavne"; turretAxis = "OsaVeze"; soundServo[]={Vehicles\ModernRolling_Treads1,db10,1}; gunBeg = "usti hlavne"; // endpoint of the gun gunEnd = "konec hlavne"; // chamber of the gun minElev=-8; maxElev=+22; minTurn=-360; maxTurn=+360; body = "otocvez"; gun = "otochlaven"; hasGunner = true; weapons[]={Tiger88,TigerMG}; magazines[]={55Rnd_Tiger88_S2,1000Rnd_TigerMG,1000Rnd_TigerMG}; gunnerAction = "BRDM2_Gunner"; gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\wheeled\optika_BRDM"; gunnerForceOptics = true; }; }; }; class eventhandlers { killed="_this exec ""\IW2_Tiger\replace.sqs"" "; }; }; class Tiger_wreck: Iw2_Tiger { scope=public; vehicleClass="IW2 Armored"; side=East; cost=1; setdammage= 1; mapSize=1; destrType=destructno; displayName="Crashed Tiger"; icon="unknown_move"; model=\IW2_Tiger\IW2_Tiger_wreck.p3d; weapons[]={Tiger88,TigerMG}; magazines[]={}; fuelCapacity=0; }; }; And the cfgSkeleton.h class CfgSkeletons { class Default {}; class Car; //Define base class. class IW2_TigerBones: Car { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit = ""; //Inherit all bones from class Car. skeletonBones[]= { "pravy predni","", "pravy dalsi","", "pravy zadni","", "pravy prostredni","", "levy predni","", "levy dalsi","", "levy zadni","", "levy prostredni","", "dvere1","", "ukaz_fuel","", "ukaz_rpm","", "ukaz_rychlo","", "volant","", "OtocVez","", "OtocHlaven","OtocVez" }; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { class Car; //Declare base class. class IW2_Tiger: Car { sectionsInherit = ""; sections[] ={"n1","n2","n3","n4","n5","n6" ,"pruh","light_brake","pravy predni","pravy dalsi","pravy zadni","pravy prostredni","levy predni","levy dalsi","levy zadni","levy prostredni","L svetlo", "P svetlo","clan"}; skeletonName = "IW2_TigerBones"; class Animations { class OtocVez { type = "rotationY"; source = "mainTurret"; selection = "OtocVez"; axis = "OsaVeze"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = rad -360; maxValue = rad 360; angle0 = rad -360; angle1 = "rad 360"; }; class OtocHlaven { type = "rotationX"; source = "mainGun"; selection = "OtocHlaven"; axis = "OsaHlavne"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = "-rad 4"; maxValue = "rad 60"; angle0 = "-rad 4"; angle1 = "rad 60"; }; class Dvere1 { type="rotation"; source="user" selection="dvere1"; axis="osa_dvere1"; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0=0 angle1=0.58; }; class IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { type = "rotationX"; source = "wheel"; selection = "pravy predni"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "loop"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "rad -360"; }; class IW2_TigerFrontWheelL :IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { selection = "levy predni"; }; class IW2_Tiger2FrontWheelL :IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { selection = "levy dalsi"; }; class IW2_Tiger2FrontWheelR :IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy dalsi"; }; class IW2_Tiger2RearWheelR :IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy prostredni"; }; class IW2_Tiger2RearWheelL :IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { selection = "levy prostredni"; }; class IW2_TigerRearWheelR :IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy zadni"; }; class IW2_TigerRearWheelL :IW2_TigerFrontWheelR { selection = "levy zadni"; }; class IW2_TigerFrontWheelRTurn { type = "rotationY"; source = "drivingWheel"; selection = "pravy predni"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 35"; angle1 = "rad -35"; }; class IW2_TigerFrontWheelLTurn : IW2_TigerFrontWheelRTurn { selection = "levy predni"; }; class IW2_Tiger2FrontWheelRTurn : IW2_TigerFrontWheelRTurn { selection = "pravy dalsi"; }; class IW2_Tiger2FrontWheelLTurn : IW2_TigerFrontWheelLTurn { selection = "levy dalsi"; }; class IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { type = "translationY"; source = "damper"; selection = "pravy predni"; axis = ""; memory = true; sourceAddress = "clamp"; minValue = 0; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = "35"; }; class IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelL :IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "levy predni"; }; class IW2_Tiger2DamperFrontWheelL :IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "levy dalsi"; }; class IW2_Tiger2DamperFrontWheelR :IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy dalsi"; }; class IW2_Tiger2DamperRearWheelR :IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy prostredni"; }; class IW2_Tiger2DamperRearWheelL :IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "levy prostredni"; }; class IW2_TigerDamperRearWheelR :IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "pravy zadni"; }; class IW2_TigerDamperRearWheelL :IW2_TigerDamperFrontWheelR { selection = "levy zadni"; }; class IW2_TigerIndicatorSpeed { type = "rotation"; source = "speed"; memory = false; selection="ukaz_rychlo"; axis="osa_rychlo"; angle0=0; angle1="rad -240"; minValue=0; maxValue=60; }; class IW2_TigerIndicatorRPM { type = "rotation"; source = "rpm"; memory = false; selection="ukaz_rpm"; axis="osa_rpm"; angle0=0; angle1="rad -270"; minValue=0; maxValue=1.5; }; class IW2_TigerIndicatorFuel { type = "rotation"; source = "fuel"; memory = false; selection="ukaz_fuel"; axis="osa_fuel"; angle0="0"; angle1="rad 270"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; }; class IW2_TigerDrivingWheel { type = "rotation"; source = "drivingWheel"; selection = "volant"; axis = "osavolantkon"; memory = false; angle0 = "rad 180"; angle1 = "rad -180"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; }; }; }; }; Just too say i m complet noob. So i think i only made mass with this config. Sombady with time and now how will be wery heplfol. Thx. Erorr I m geting is whean I start arma is sead file iw2_tiger\config.cpp, line 6:CfgModels/:`c` encountered instead `{` Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enigma85 2 Posted December 11, 2007 Dude lol You could of made you own thread now XD this is going to get really muddled with two lots of configs any chance you could make a thread with this in and edit that post so we don't run into that problem :P Edit* also thats the same tiger i was trying to convert lol maybe if you get it working you should try to seek permission to release to the community Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bracken 0 Posted December 11, 2007 I've recently been working on converting some addons over to Arma but can't seem to figure my way around the configs.I have a stuka ingame and flying but have problems with the following: Height of the pilot in the cockpit(He's coming through the cockpit) Rotation of the Propeller (or lack of it) Weapons (Lack of it again) All sounds are working but just can't figure out what to do. *Edit With Pics* also been working on a tiger conversion but am failing miserably. is there anyway maybe someone can help me with a maybe a basic in game config that i can build upon? just one for a tank and plane. If I Get these up and working i hope to get permission to release them. from original authors. Any help would be great. thanks alot, Enigma Well I am just a beginner also, but positions in vehicles are set where you place the driver/commander/gunner proxys in the LODS, so move the driver.001 around in the first LOD untill you get it correct then delete it in all the others and copy paste it into them. Driver/gunner Animation, if I remember correctly is set in cfgvehicles, so just look for an entry about it there and try different ones, based off what you find on the wiki. The texture error is what it says, either a incorrect path or missing one. My guess on the propeller is that its probably an incorrect selection. Weapons are created/inherited from cfg.weapons/ammo so it's impossible to help with that unless you post your config. The part about not showing in the editor will be an error (or missing)CfgVehicleClasses. Serbia, to save searching through it all and so that people can help you better, you need to explain what errors your getting. My advice would be to look at other released examples and get it matching them(in memory lod/selections as well), then work up from there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enigma85 2 Posted December 12, 2007 config i'm using is a modified version of the original. i haven't been working on it for long so i'm not sure what to take out and what to leave in. I was going to look at some release prop planes for Arma, Su-34 and the piper from gnat but its all just a mess of code not even readable. my Very basic arma(ofp) config. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//JMG Stuka by Scanger for Desert War 1942 Mod // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class jmgstuka_des1 { units[] = {jmgstuka_des1,jmgstuka_des2,jmgstuka_des3,jmgstuka_des4,jmgstuka_trop1,jmgstuka_winter1}; weapons[] = {Stuka20mm,jmgstukabombs,jmgstukabombs_500}; requiredVersion = 1.08; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default {}; class Vehicle: Default {}; class jmgstuka_des1 : Vehicle { sectionsInherit="vehicle"; sections[]= { "vrtule staticka", "vrtule blur", "canopy", "zasleh", "tank" }; }; class jmgstuka_des2 : jmgstuka_des1{}; class jmgstuka_des3: jmgstuka_des1{}; class jmgstuka_des4: jmgstuka_des1{}; class jmgstuka_trop1: jmgstuka_des1{}; class jmgstuka_winter1: jmgstuka_des1{}; class Weapon : Default {}; class jmgstukabomb : Weapon {}; }; class CfgSounds { class jmgdive { sound[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\dive.wav",1,1}; name = "dive"; titles[] = {}; }; class jmgswitch { sound[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\switch.wav",1,1}; name = "switch"; titles[] = {}; }; class jmgcanopy { sound[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\canopy.wav",1,1}; name = "canopy"; titles[] = {}; }; class jmgtank { sound[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\tank.wav",1,1}; name = "canopy"; titles[] = {}; }; class jmgwep { sound[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\XCE3.ogg",1,1}; name = "canopy"; titles[] = {}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle: default {}; class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {}; class Bullet30: ExplosiveBullet {}; class StukaBullet: Bullet30 { hit=80; airlock=1; indirectHit=10; explosive=0; tracerColor[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; tracerColorR[]={0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000}; }; class jmg_gbu: Default { hit=850;indirectHit=700;indirectHitRange=20; minRange=300;minRangeProbab=0.50; midRange=800;midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=2000;maxRangeProbab=0.50; soundHit[]={\LaserGuided\expl2,db40,1}; soundFly[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\gbu.ogg",db-30,1.5}; cost=20000; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb.p3d"; proxyShape ="\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb.p3d"; irLock=true; laserLock=true; maxControlRange=100000; maneuvrability=25.0; sideAirFriction=0.05; simulation=shotMissile; maxSpeed=70; //initTime=1.5000; initTime=0.000; thrustTime=0; thrust=0; }; class jmg_gbu_500: Default { hit=450;indirectHit=300;indirectHitRange=20; minRange=300;minRangeProbab=0.50; midRange=800;midRangeProbab=0.95; maxRange=2000;maxRangeProbab=0.50; soundHit[]={\LaserGuided\expl2,db40,1}; soundFly[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\gbu.ogg",db-30,1.5}; cost=20000; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb_500.p3d"; proxyShape ="\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb_500.p3d"; irLock=true; laserLock=true; maxControlRange=100000; maneuvrability=25.0; sideAirFriction=0.05; simulation=shotMissile; maxSpeed=70; //initTime=1.5000; initTime=0.000; thrustTime=0; thrust=0; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default {}; class LAWLauncher: Default {}; class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {}; class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {}; class HellfireLauncher: AT3Launcher {}; class MaverickLauncher: HellfireLauncher {}; class MGun: Default {}; class MachineGun7_6: MGun {}; //class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6 {}; class Stuka20mm: MachineGun7_6 { displayName="7.9mm Cannons"; displayNameMagazine="7.9mm Cannons"; shortNameMagazine="20mm mag"; ammo="StukaBullet"; burst=true; autoFire = true; optics = 0; count=1000; reloadTime=0.070000; initSpeed=700; sound[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\guns.wav",3.162278,1}; soundContinuous=0; flashSize=5.000000; maxLeadSpeed=450; }; class jmgstukabombs : HellfireLauncher { ammo=jmg_gbu; displayName="Stuka Bomb (1000lb)"; displayNameMagazine="1000lb Bomb"; shortNameMagazine="1000lb Bomb"; count=3; reloadTime=0.2; sound[]={"\sound\weapons\AK74dry",db-50,1.0}; initSpeed=0; canLock=2; burst=1; model = "\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb"; aiRateOfFire=8.0; aiRateOfFireDistance=4500; }; class jmgstukabombs_500 : HellfireLauncher { ammo=jmg_gbu_500; displayName="Stuka Bomb (500lb)"; displayNameMagazine="500lb Bomb"; shortNameMagazine="500lb Bomb"; count=4; reloadTime=0.2; sound[]={"\sound\weapons\AK74dry",db-50,1.0}; initSpeed=0; canLock=2; burst=1; model = "\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb_500"; aiRateOfFire=8.0; aiRateOfFireDistance=4500; }; }; // CfgVehicles ///////////////////////////// class CfgVehicles { class All {}; class AllVehicles: All {}; class Air: AllVehicles {}; class Plane: Air {}; class A10: Plane{}; class jmgstuka_des1: A10 { icon="\jmgstuka\icon.paa"; picture="\jmgstuka\pic.paa"; scope=public; gearRetracting = false; driverIsCommander=true; crew = SoldierEPilot; landingAoa = 10*3.1415/180; camouflage=7; audible=5; hasgunner=0; accuracy=.60; displayName="Ju-87 Stuka Des1"; nameSound="plane"; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstuka_des1"; vehicleClass = "Dw42 Air"; weapons[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs}; magazines[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs}; precision=10; fuelCapacity=180; brakeDistance=100; aileronSensitivity = .4; elevatorSensitivity = .5; maneuvrability=50.0; noseDownCoef = 0.3; soundEngine[]={"\jmgstuka\sound\engine.wav",db-5,0.6}; soundEnviron[]={Objects\noise,db-60,1.0}; soundServo[]={Vehicles\gun_elevate,db-40,0.4}; steerAheadSimul=20.0; steerAheadPlan=50.0; simulation=airplane; minFireTime=90; Side=TEast; armor=40; maxSpeed = 700; driverAction = ManActA10Pilot; unitInfoType=UnitInfoAirplane; formationX=30; formationZ=25; formationTime=10; cost=200000; transportSoldier=1; wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.0; threat[]={0.7, 1.0, 0.4}; extCameraPosition[]={0,3,-20}; ejectSpeed[]={0,180,0}; type=VAir; castDriverShadow = true; animated=1; hiddenSelections[]={"tank"}; class ViewCargo { initAngleX=5; minAngleX=-30; maxAngleX=+30; initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-100; maxAngleY=+100; initFov=0.7; minFov=0.42; maxFov=0.85; }; class Reflectors { class Reflector1 { color[] = {0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 0}; //R,G,B,? ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 0.5; brightness = 1.0; }; class Reflector2 { color[] = {0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0}; //R,G,B,? ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0}; position = "P svetlo"; direction = "konec P svetla"; hitpoint = "P svetlo"; selection = "P svetlo"; size = 0.5; brightness = 1.0; }; }; class IndicatorRPM { selection = "ukaz_rpm"; axis = "osa_rpm"; angle = 78; // -250 min = 0; max = 1; }; class IndicatorSpeed { selection = "ukaz_rychlo"; axis = "osa_rychlo"; angle = 250; min = 0; max = 180; }; class IndicatorRPM2 { selection = "rpm2"; axis = "osa_rpm2"; angle = 78; // -250 min = 0; max = 1; }; class IndicatorVertSpeed { selection = "vert_speed"; axis = "osa_vert_speed"; angle = -360; min = -45; max = 45; }; class Animations { class cp1 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=3; selection="cp1"; axis="axis_cp1"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.13; }; class cp2 { type="rotation"; animPeriod=3; selection="cp2"; axis="axis_cp2"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.13; }; class stukawheels { type=rotation; animperiod=.00001; selection="wheels"; axis="osa_wheels"; angle0=0; angle1=-6.2831853072; }; class stukawheelrear { type=rotation; animperiod=.00001; selection="wheel_rear"; axis="osa_wheel_rear"; angle0=0; angle1=-6.2831853072; }; class divesiren { type=rotation; animperiod=.00001; selection="divesiren"; axis="osa_divesiren"; angle0=0; angle1=6.2831853072; }; class ani_engsw { type=rotation; animperiod=0.1; selection="ani_engsw"; axis="axis_ani_engsw"; angle0=0; angle1=0.75; }; class ani_wep { type=rotation; animperiod=0.1; selection="ani_wep"; axis="axis_ani_wep"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.75; }; class rumpfbombe { type=rotation; animperiod=0.5; selection="ani_bomb"; axis="axis_ani_bomb"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.01; }; class ani_divesw1 { type=rotation; animperiod=0.1; selection="ani_divesw1"; axis="axis_ani_divesw1"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.75; }; class ani_divesw2 { type=rotation; animperiod=0.1; selection="ani_divesw2"; axis="axis_ani_divesw2"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.75; }; class lever_canopy1 { type=rotation; animperiod=3; selection="lever_canopy1"; axis="axis_lever_canopy1"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.75; }; class lever_canopy2 { type=rotation; animperiod=3; selection="lever_canopy2"; axis="axis_lever_canopy2"; angle0=0; angle1=-0.75; }; class lever_fuel1 { type=rotation; animperiod=1; selection="lever_fuel1"; axis="axis_lever_fuel1"; angle0=0; angle1=0.75; }; class lever_fuel2 { type=rotation; animperiod=5; selection="lever_fuel2"; axis="axis_lever_fuel2"; angle0=0; angle1=0.75; }; class diveR { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="diveR"; axis="axis_diveR"; angle0=0; angle1=1.57; } class diveL { type="rotation"; animPeriod=2; selection="diveL"; axis="axis_diveL"; angle0=0; angle1=1.57; } }; class UserActions { class OpenGate1 { displayName="Open Pilots Door"; position="pos_cp1"; radius=10; condition="this animationPhase ""cp1"" < 0.5"; statement="[this] exec {\jmgstuka\scripts\opencanopy1.sqs}"; }; class CloseGate1 { displayName="Close Pilots Door"; position="pos_cp1"; radius=10; condition="this animationPhase ""cp1"" >= 0.5"; statement="[this] exec {\jmgstuka\scripts\closecanopy1.sqs}"; }; class OpenGate2 { displayName="Open Rear Door"; position="pos_cp2"; radius=10; condition="this animationPhase ""cp2"" < 0.5"; statement="[this] exec {\jmgstuka\scripts\opencanopy2.sqs}"; }; class CloseGate2 { displayName="Close Rear Door"; position="pos_cp2"; radius=10; condition="this animationPhase ""cp2"" >= 0.5"; statement="[this] exec {\jmgstuka\scripts\closecanopy2.sqs}"; }; }; class eventhandlers { init = "[_this select 0, 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\main.jmg""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\canopycheck.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\smoke.sqs"""; fired ="[_this select 0, _this select 4] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\shells.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\Gunsmoke.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\rumpfbombe.sqs"""; Engine = [_this select 0] exec "\jmgstuka\scripts\switches.sqs"; }; }; class jmgstuka_des2: jmgstuka_des1 { displayName="Ju-87 Stuka Des2"; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstuka_des2"; weapons[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs_500}; magazines[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs_500}; class EventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0, 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\main.jmg""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\canopycheck.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\smoke.sqs"""; fired ="[_this select 0, _this select 4] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\shells.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\Gunsmoke.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\rumpfbombe.sqs"""; Engine = [_this select 0] exec "\jmgstuka\scripts\switches.sqs"; }; }; class jmgstuka_des3: jmgstuka_des1 { displayName="Ju-87 Stuka Des3"; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstuka_des3"; class EventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0, 2] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\main.jmg""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\canopycheck.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\smoke.sqs"""; fired ="[_this select 0, _this select 4] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\shells.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\Gunsmoke.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\rumpfbombe.sqs"""; Engine = [_this select 0] exec "\jmgstuka\scripts\switches.sqs"; }; }; class jmgstuka_des4: jmgstuka_des1 { displayName="Ju-87 Stuka Des4"; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstuka_des4"; weapons[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs_500}; magazines[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs_500}; class EventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0, 3] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\main.jmg""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\canopycheck.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\smoke.sqs"""; fired ="[_this select 0, _this select 4] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\shells.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\Gunsmoke.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\rumpfbombe.sqs"""; Engine = [_this select 0] exec "\jmgstuka\scripts\switches.sqs"; }; }; class jmgstuka_trop1: jmgstuka_des1 { displayName="Ju-87 Stuka Trop1"; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstuka_trop1"; class EventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0, 4] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\main.jmg""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\canopycheck.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\smoke.sqs"""; fired ="[_this select 0, _this select 4] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\shells.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\Gunsmoke.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\rumpfbombe.sqs"""; Engine = [_this select 0] exec "\jmgstuka\scripts\switches.sqs"; }; }; class jmgstuka_winter1: jmgstuka_des1 { displayName="Ju-87 Stuka Winter1"; model="\jmgstuka\jmgstuka_winter1"; weapons[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs_500}; magazines[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs_500}; class EventHandlers { init = "[_this select 0, 5] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\main.jmg""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\canopycheck.sqs""; [_this select 0] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\smoke.sqs"""; fired ="[_this select 0, _this select 4] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\shells.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\Gunsmoke.sqs""; [_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\jmgstuka\scripts\rumpfbombe.sqs"""; Engine = [_this select 0] exec "\jmgstuka\scripts\switches.sqs"; }; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class Proxyjmgstukabomb : ProxyWeapon {model = "\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb.p3d"; simulation = "maverickweapon";} class Proxyjmgstukabomb_500 : ProxyWeapon {model = "\jmgstuka\jmgstukabomb_500.p3d"; simulation = "maverickweapon";} }; I think i understand why the ammo isn't working (the weapons or ammo doesn't exsist in arma so it can't be assigned to the plane?) But every config i look at is different. i really don't have a clue what to do. If someone could help me just get it sort of working maybe the 20mm AP round for the cannons,gbu for the bombs and vikers for the MG's i'd be in there debt. Also the positions of the pilot would that have to be changed in O2? or could that somehow be tweaked in the config also? Would there be anyway to make the view point fixed in the position it should be in the cockpit and then make the player invisable so the bug did not happen) ^ As a last resort ^ I'm sure i can lose alot of these scripts. i don't really need the open and close canopy at the minute and the garrison drop tanks could also go. as long as it's flying,has something to fire,pilots in the sort of right position and has no errors i'll be happy to start to look at the textures and normal maps and release a beta to public with permission of DW mod. thx for your help enigma Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bracken 0 Posted December 12, 2007 config i'm using is a modified version of the original.i haven't been working on it for long so i'm not sure what to take out and what to leave in. I was going to look at some release prop planes for Arma, Su-34 and the piper from gnat but its all just a mess of code not even readable. my Very basic arma(ofp) config. I think i understand why the ammo isn't working (the weapons or ammo doesn't exsist in arma so it can't be assigned to the plane?) But every config i look at is different. i really don't have a clue what to do. If someone could help me just get it sort of working maybe the 20mm AP round for the cannons,gbu for the bombs and vikers for the MG's i'd be in there debt. Also the positions of the pilot would that have to be changed in O2? or could that somehow be tweaked in the config also? Would there be anyway to make the view point fixed in the position it should be in the cockpit and then make the player invisable so the bug did not happen) ^ As a last resort ^ I'm sure i can lose alot of these scripts. i don't really need the open and close canopy at the minute and the garrison drop tanks could also go. as long as it's flying,has something to fire,pilots in the sort of right position and has no errors i'll be happy to start to look at the textures and normal maps and release a beta to public with permission of DW mod. thx for your help enigma I don't mean to be rude, but you really shouldn't expect for people to help you, if your not even willing give the basic's a go yourself. Â For a start, if you have not replaced the proxys, you need to do that because they are different now than from OFP. Also, I can't even see that you have added a cfg skeletons Read through this wiki page and it should give you an idea on where to start. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA:_Addon_Editing Also the IW2_Tiger is not UV mapped, so your going to get alot of lagg if you try to bring it over (when you add materials). But anyway, best of luck. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scars09 9 Posted December 12, 2007 Quote[/b] ] weapons[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs};magazines[]={Stuka20mm, jmgstukabombs}; magazinename=weaponname=no way thats why you have no ammo, cfgmagazines missing completly cfgvehicleclasses missing completly , thats the dw42 air error in editor if you think it needs to much fuel doesnt help any1. just give him what it needs fuelCapacity=180; <---- ad some 0 there, more fuel bigger blast, always nice didnt spent much time on looking, thats the most obvious stuff in relation to your problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enigma85 2 Posted December 12, 2007 I don't mean to be rude, but you really shouldn't expect for people to help you, if your not even willing give the basic's a go yourself. For a start, if you have not replaced the proxys, you need to do that because they are different now than from OFP. Also, I can't even see that you have added a cfg skeletons Read through this wiki page and it should give you an idea on where to start. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:ArmA:_Addon_Editing Also the IW2_Tiger is not UV mapped, so your going to get alot of lagg if you try to bring it over (when you add materials). But anyway, best of luck. Bracken I'm not looking for someone to do it for me, just someone to point out whats wrong. sit me infront of photoshop and i'm fine, sit me infront of a config and it's like trying to learn a long forgotten language. I'm sure i'll get the hang of it but without a little help Im pretty sure i'd have no luck what so ever. @scars09 Thanks i'll look through those points and see what i come up with. so i've seen configs broken down into different parts in some addons recently is this needed or just preference. ie can i still get the same effect with one config? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordNeuro*Serbia* 0 Posted December 12, 2007 OK sorry for posting here. I was thinking were working on same thing and maybe get same help too make tiger work. Didn`t wont open a new topic but if I must I do that. If tiger and stuka working you send me pm. Sory and thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RN Malboeuf 12 Posted December 12, 2007 Why do you waste your time playing around with old crappy ofp stuff ? there're lots of flaws in this model and it's just inoccurate too. Quote[/b] ]sit me infront of photoshop and i'm fine, if you are any good in 2d why not make some reskin or textures for some models (there're not that much good texturers out there) Quote[/b] ]just someone to point out whats wrong. better take some plane addon for arma and start coding that birs basing on this you'll get config logic at least. and there're most ofconfigs values described in the biki Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Enigma85 2 Posted December 12, 2007 Yep it's all been scrapped deleted the model and config it is forever gone as you said the more i looked at it the more i thought it was abit sketchy for arma. I couldn't really bring myself to waste all that time on something that isn't going to be any good at the end. I've been working with Photoshop for quite some time but you can't jump straight from photoshop to texturing a unit without some kind of knowledge of the way you go about applying textures and the right way/order to do things. It would be something i'd be interested in doing but I don't really have anyone to question about where to start where to go from etc... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RN Malboeuf 12 Posted December 12, 2007 google is the best start always Quote[/b] ]some kind of knowledge of the way you go about applying textures and the right way/order to do things. just search for UV unwrap map there're plenty of 3d tutorials on the web Share this post Link to post Share on other sites