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Soldier not moving when switched to pistol

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Anybody else experiencing this bug?

When I order an AI soldier to pick up a weapon or magazine and he switched to pistol he just stays ther and does ignore any commands.

Only after making him drop all weapon he will obey the orders again. Any ideas how to fix or workaround this?

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...my "workaround" always was to find him and kill him, so that I could end the mission in case that a extraction was part of the mission.

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In the ArmA Euro Demo I experienced loss of control over AI soldiers a few times. I also experienced loss of control over my own character a few times in the demo. This was when I played only with AI, no other human players.

It has happened in ArmA 1.08 too. But I think maybe for different reasons than in the demo. I think it is the last mission of the official ArmA campaign in which my AI group members just don't want to do anything anymore. I got fed up with this problem and have not tried to finish that mission for a while... maybe if a patch comes out I'll test it again... or maybe this is caused by not having a good-enough computer. My computer is under the minimum requirements of ArmA and I have understood that the AI can be affected by the performance of the computer. Maybe it is even possible that the AI becomes non-responsive because of a heavy mission sucking all CPU power. I don't know. But maybe that contributes to the problem.

I don't know if there is a relation to picking up weapons. In my case I did not order anyone to pick anything up.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]Anybody else experiencing this bug?

Way too often help.gif

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