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How to use this in photoshop?

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Refer to the quick tutorial:"#Step 4:Okay, now you can start making your Mask texture, this must the exact same size as your Satmap, i.e. in this case 2048 x 2048 pixels.

There is no right or wrong way to do this, only what works best for you and your map, basically it's just a case of painting all the roads, grass, mountains etc. to match the satmap, only with one color representing each dominant surface. Personally I have Photoshop Elements 2.0 and have found that the way that works best for me is to paint the Mask as a layer on top of the satmap, then when I'm done I copy it into a separate image.

One could probably use other ways such as converting your satmap into a gradient map, I however found this impractical.

Note- It's important to note that painting your mask with a brush that has a transparent edge will create different colors when painted on top of other colors, this can lead to unwanted texture and possibly interfere with the four color limit thing. Also remember to have Opacity at full strength (100%)"

What is mask? How to make it? And what's the function is?

Plz help me with this!!!!!!!!! ARMA Buddies

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In really simply terms the mask is a .png image with areas of colors which tell the program what terrain image to overlay on the map. The colors and the terrain image type are linked in the cfg file.

The satellite image .png file, the mask .png file have to match in size and terrain. For example, if you define an area on the map to be sandy terrain, you wouldn't want to the satellite image of that same area to look like forest. Obviously you would want any coastline to match too.

These two images are layered over the 3D map you see in Bulldozer, so they need to line up there too.

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best is pictures.

ok crap pic rules !

this is a SAT_LCO.PNG picture(its now a jpg)


this is the MASK_LCO.PNG (jpg now) this is created out of SAT_LCO.PNG


Quote[/b] ]class Layers


class xxsand1


texture = "ca\tolafarush\data\xxsand1_mco.paa";



class xxgrass2


texture = "ca\tolafarush\data\xxgrass2_mco.paa";



class xxsandgrass


texture = "ca\tolafarush\data\xxsandgrass_mco.paa";



class xxsandplant


texture = "ca\tolafarush\data\xxsandplant_mco.paa";




class Legend



class Colors


/// color names should correspond to surface layer names







Oh wait, you also need a "MapLegend.png" :


U see ? smile_o.gif



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Thank you, thank you. ARMA Buddies. I will do my best on editing and give distribution to the forum!

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I mean the second picture provide by the last replier, Allie. How can I get the picture. Which buttom in the list of function in Photoshop should I press. I do not know Photoshop well. Plz tell me

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There is no simple single option in photoshop that will create the layer mask for you. It could be created in many ways, for example reducing the contrast and colour count (i haven't tried this).

This forum is not really the correct place to learn how to use photoshop. Try reading it's documentation, searching the internet for some tutorials or asking some advice on a photoshop type program related forum.

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Punderland Did you receive the little tut I sent you via PM?

It might perhaps not be the most effective way of doing it, but it works for me.

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Ok i load the first picture in photoshop, the satellite picture.

Then i make a new layer on the sat pic, with the selection tool, the magicwand thingy(you can set its sensetivity), you can now pick parts of the sat pic and give it the right color, this will all be painted on the new layer.

When ready you just remove the sat pic and you are left with the colored layer.

iif i figure out how to make a picture smaller then 100Kb that is still readable sad_o.gif




MAGICWAND TOOL !!!!!!! does it all.

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And please stay in this tread, why you starting another post, everybody here is trying to explain it to you ? huh.gif

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