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Ship turret

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for 2 Turrets

exemple CfgSkeleton:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgSkeletons


class Default


isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "";

skeletonBones[] = {};


class Vehicle : Default


isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "Default";

skeletonBones[] =









class Ship_Skeleton : Vehicle


isDiscrete = 1;

skeletonInherit = "Vehicle";

skeletonBones[] =







exemple CfgModels:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgModels


class Default


sectionsInherit = "";

sections[] = {};

skeletonName = "";


class Vehicle: Default


sectionsInherit = "Default";

sections[] =








"podsvit pristroju",


"L svetlo",

"P svetlo",






skeletonName = "Vehicle";

class Animations


class mainTurret


      type = "rotationY";

      source = "mainTurret";

selection = "otocvez";

axis = "OsaVeze";

memory = true;

sourceAddress = "loop";

minValue = "rad -360";

              maxValue = "rad 360";

               angle0 = "rad -360";

      angle1 = "rad 360";


class mainGun


      type = "rotationX";

      source = "mainGun";

selection = "otochlaven";

axis = "OsaHlavne";

memory = true;

sourceAddress = "loop";

minValue = "rad -360";

              maxValue = "rad 360";

               angle0 = "rad -360";

      angle1 = "rad 360";


class DrivingWheel


      type = "rotation";

      source = "drivingWheel";

selection = "volant";

axis = "osavolantkon";

memory = false;

               angle0 = "rad 180";

      angle1 = "rad -180";

minValue = -1;

              maxValue = 1;




class MyShip : Vehicle


sectionsInherit = "Vehicle";

sections[] = {"zasleh_g1"};

skeletonName = "Ship_Skeleton";

class Animations : Animations


class mainTurret


type = "rotationY";

source = "mainTurret";

selection = "otocvez";

axis = "osaveze";

animPeriod = 0;

minValue = "rad -360";

maxValue = "rad +360";

angle0 = "rad -360";

angle1 = "rad +360";


class mainGun


type = "rotationX";

source = "mainGun";

selection = "otochlaven";

axis = "osahlavne";

animPeriod = 0;

minValue = "rad -360";

maxValue = "rad +360";

angle0 = "rad -360";

angle1 = "rad +360";


class rightTurret : mainTurret


source = "rightTurret";

selection = "right_turret1";

axis = "osaveze_g1";


class rightTurretGun : mainGun


source = "rightTurretGun";

selection = "right_turret1_Gun";

axis = "osahlavne_g1";





exemple Config part Turrets

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class Turrets


class MainTurret: NewTurret


startEngine = 0;

outGunnerMayFire = 1;

commanding = -1;

gunnerName = "Left Gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir";

memoryPointGun = "maschinegun";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";

gunnerAction = "UH60_Gunner";

gunnerInAction = "UH60_Gunner";

weapons[] = {"MAP_M2"};

magazines[] = {"100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2"};

minElev = -45;

maxElev = 15;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = 40;

maxTurn = 130;

initTurn = 90;


class ViewOptics


initAngleX = 0;

minAngleX = -30;

maxAngleX = 30;

initAngleY = 0;

minAngleY = -100;

maxAngleY = 100;

initFov = 0.600000;

minFov = 0.600000;

maxFov = 0.500000;


gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

gunnerForceOptics = 0;


class RightDoor_Gun : MainTurret


body = "rightTurret";

gun = "rightTurretGun";

animationSourceBody = "rightTurret";

animationSourceGun = "rightTurretGun";

animationSourceHatch = "";

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_g3";

proxyIndex = 2;

gunnerName = "Right Door Gunner";

commanding = -2;

minElev = -45;

maxElev = 15;

initElev = 0;

minTurn = -130;

maxTurn = -40;

initTurn = -90;

weapons[] = {"MAP_M2_2"};

magazines[] = {"100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2","100Rnd_127x99_M2"};

gunBeg = "usti hlavne_g3";

gunEnd = "konec hlavne_g3";

primary = 0;

memoryPointGun = "maschinegun_g3";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview_g3";



i hope thats will help you



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