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Storing MP mission info

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Limitational thought experiment folks ~

Gents,(,well BIS spooks really! wink_o.gif )

                                       Basically I'm interested in developing a continual Mp campaign that is an ongoing where each 'age' (or acheived preset conditions) count as a 'mission'.

Quote[/b] ]), it will save your final score in the 'i' screen. It won't remember your kills just the final score. This is because the rank is calculated from that score.

edit: server has to be running in persistent mode.

Quote[/b] ]Yeah, when the mission restarts it resets all the scores, becuase if it didnt, there would be millions of people running around with 10000 scores and such. And where would be the fun in that be as all the vehicles would be taken.

If you leave a game and join in later on and the same mission you were playing earlyer your stats would stay, but these missions only last around 2-4 hours, maybe longer but you couldnt come back the next day and have the same score lol.

Okay - this is fair enough in relation to a Evo of about 8hrs and set points.What if HEFTY length missions were created with relative scores and conditions were set?

The mission would complete after many conditions were acheived with all players developing with regards to a points system.

   I know that in ,say,Killjoy's wonderfull Evo if a server is reset (or no human players present) any player stats are lost on that run and this is effectively a single mission with preset objectives.

Is there any chance that this can be worked around?

For example if a MP campaign (dont know if this is even possible either?) is initiated,is there any way of saving this info into some custom file as with the SP campaign where each players info and stats are kept ?

The idea is that if no-one is present then the AI carry on opperations in place of peeps to a preset agenda relative to historical events.

Is Arma's MP soley based on a single mission relative to the players on the server as I suspect is the case?

If it is so that Mp is only single mission,could there be a way of designating AI to carry on the battle when no players are present?

If a dedicated server was set up for such an enterprise would this change things in any way?

What is the limit of Arma MP in terms of saving players info after a reset ?

Could a script be initiated so that when no-one is present the last player becomes the leader of an AI group spawned to be present on the map so that play could continue in the meantime,or would somone physically have to be online on the server to allow for such an idea?

If so can this be scripted?

I know this is probably pie in the sky and sound quite daft,but its an experiment I'd be interested in developing if its feasable.

Thanks for your thoughts,


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Can be done but not with the internal scripting of arma. Arma II we might get the ability but who knows. Check my link the answer is in there or there are two other tools that do it as well but they lack anything more than file access. They also don't contain security at all, though if it is for a clan that is not a huge issue. Public i would worry.

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You can use the SoW (Sinews of War) saving. You can save pretty much any variable you use. You can DL it from their site (www.sinewsofwar.com). It can be a bit tricky, but once you get the hang of it, it shouldn't be too much of a trouble. It saves variables to objects.sav if I recall correctly. For a starting guide, you could look at GDCE1 (in my signature). I tried to make a neat code, so it should be ok.

BTW GDCE is a SP campaign, but the SoW saving is meant for MP, so you could use it. Shinden converted it for ArmA and it works fine AFAIK.

PS I couldnt find the SoW saving at the official site, so you should contact crashdome, or get it from GDCE (it's in the SoW subfolder).

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You can use the SoW (Sinews of War) saving. You can save pretty much any variable you use. You can DL it from their site (www.sinewsofwar.com). It can be a bit tricky, but once you get the hang of it, it shouldn't be too much of a trouble. It saves variables to objects.sav if I recall correctly. For a starting guide, you could look at GDCE1 (in my signature). I tried to make a neat code, so it should be ok.

BTW GDCE is a SP campaign, but the SoW saving is meant for MP, so you could use it. Shinden converted it for ArmA and it works fine AFAIK.

PS I couldnt find the SoW saving at the official site, so you should contact crashdome, or get it from GDCE (it's in the SoW subfolder).

Never knew it worked. Crash was thinking it didnt. Funny

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Cheers guys,

  Sounds like a new side project is on the cards then.

I'll check out these sources,and see how I get on.

Definately have this (if it ever makes a beta) as a limited release (for a certain Mod) due to content and to stop wankers using their little scripts to piss on the circuits causing a reset.

Thanks again,


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I'm highly interested in the results of this.

I would love to implement score saving for my private server running evolution. I feel the users are responsible enough to be able to start out at the highest rank. If I can implement score saving to a file so that even through server restarts the scores are saved I'll bump up the rank requirements at least 10 fold to make it something to work for.

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