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Problem with my dedicated server for arma

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Hello all,

I seek with removed this cursed désynchro (lag) of the ia in coop multi for example.

I seek on the wiki (BIS) and I have to apply a modification which I thought of being the maid to remove the effect of teleportation of the ia but that does not function and I wedge.

I would like to know if somebody with found a solution and to if possible make share the solution to be used.

Thank you in advance

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Heh I get Teleportation with arma dedicated server in a closed Gigabit Lan Network and the CPUs are event breaking over 50% so i have not seen anything as of yet to cure this so far

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I would make test again and would make a return on the web site bug tracker for arma.

Fucking teleporting. pistols.gif

Thank for your link Q, and for your answers guys. wink_o.gif

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Heh I get Teleportation with arma dedicated server in a closed Gigabit Lan Network and the CPUs are event breaking over 50% so i have not seen anything as of yet to cure this so far

If your using a dual core or a p4 with hyper threading enabled, windows will only say its using 50%, if its dual core its only using 1 core because thats all it can use, or if its a p4 disable hyper threading so it uses 99% which may help you lag. I run a dedi on q6600 2 gig ram on a p5wdh, @ 2.80gig. on a lan, still get this prob though.



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Heh I get Teleportation with arma dedicated server in a closed Gigabit Lan Network and the CPUs are event breaking over 50% so i have not seen anything as of yet to cure this so far

If your using a dual core or a p4 with hyper threading enabled, windows will only say its using 50%, if its dual core its only using 1 core because thats all it can use, or if its a p4 disable hyper threading so it uses 99% which may help you lag. I run a dedi on q6600 2 gig ram on a p5wdh, @ 2.80gig. on a lan, still get this prob though.



using 2 Opteron 250s actually 2 actual CPU's no Dual Core but i know it plagues it as well

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