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Civilians in Cars

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Not sure where to post this but how do I stop civilians from getting out of car every time they hear a gun shot?


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set a waypoint and set behaviour "CARELESS"...

or just over the init: this setBehaviour "Careless"

Hmm it didnt work.....

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From lots of testing I guess I can say that there is simply no solution to this as the behaviour is configured in the civilian FSM file that can´t be overriden by any things you could do in the editor.


Just read that maybe it will force them to keep inside the vehicle if you lock the vehicle. I´m not sure if it works though as I haven´t tested it. I somewhat missed that easy approach... crazy_o.gif


Tested with locked vehicle. Doesn´t work. confused_o.gif

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okey give me a other try, this time with a script:

name the vehicle: x

name the civilian: y

now write into the init line of the vehicle the following text:

this exec "veh.sqs"; (i try it with a sqs because sqf loops just work with sleep, or you got massiv lag..)

save this text into a file and call it veh.sqs

Quote[/b] ]


? !(alive y):goto "stop"

? !(alive x):goto "stop"

y moveindrive x;

goto "loop"


how it work? the script just put the civilian all the time into the car... dont know its not a good answer but maybe the only one sad_o.gif

BI have to fix it.. but you know they dont like realising "bugfixes" without getting payed for it...

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BI have to fix it.. but you know they dont like realising  "bugfixes" without getting payed for it...

Yeah because 5 or so patches for free definately proves that they are greedy. icon_rolleyes.gif

And i dont think that this is a bug but done on purpose, its quite useful sometimes when you need to escape using a civilian vehicle, now you dont need to kill the driver, but i think its kinda overdone as the civilians sometimes get out even when they arent under direct fire.

EDIT: And you should put a wait in that script.

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Quote[/b] ]but i think its kinda overdone as the civilians sometimes get out even when they arent under direct fire.

Yep, if you ever tried to send a civillian in a vehicle to a checkpoint

you can see that they even bail out if they just see any military units.

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@ofpforum you dont need a wait for a sqs it will work.. if you put one in you just see the civ moving out wink_o.gif

but well its true its not the best way to fix it... sad_o.gif i mean 5 bugfixes thats true but some bugs are still there.. and thats the problem sad_o.gif

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sometimes in ARMA "careless" don't work :/

soldiers shoot, civilians escape

but thats complain for topic "what make OFP better"

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Quote[/b] ]sometimes in ARMA "careless" don't work

"Careless" in OFP was " I am a complete idiot, pls shoot me"

In Arma it´s more natural, e.g. soldiers shoot back if shot upon and civillians will flee if there is a danger for their life.

I don´t see that as a flaw, but an improvement.

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yeah but if you hear gunshoots around you and you sit in a car? do you really leave you vehicle and run away?? =))

i prefer driving away as fast as i can wink_o.gif

a other "bug" from this change is... if you remove the weapons from a soldier and got him in your group and enter with him a gunfight its nearly impossible to give him orders. If you give him a move order he wont follow.. sad_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">doFSM

do anything, in letting civ execute certain comands with different FSMs e.g. MOVE (with normal soldier FSM, instead of civilian FSM) ?

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Most likely, but that would mean that you have to attach a custom FSM file to your mission. You can´t access FSM´s from Arma on the fly afaik.

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Quote[/b] ]"Careless" in OFP was " I am a complete idiot, pls shoot me"

In Arma it´s more natural, e.g. soldiers shoot back if shot upon and civillians will flee if there is a danger for their life.

for me it was better, because of some movies, cutscenes, missions

CARELESS should be careless, not half-careless, half-careless is "SAFE"

for me this "improvement" is horrible when i tried to make:

- screenshot of policeman near bandit (west vs. east)

- "don't fire 3,2" command, when tried to make animation for screenshot presenting policeman aiming to bandit, they always shoot

- silent crawl into the enemy base is impossible too,

- making mission cutscene like execution,

- missions like UN forces, that don't shoot first , so first enemy attack on first checkpoint is like that: "enemy" is talking to the UN chekpoint team, than suddenly they start and kill "inncoent peacekeepers", this causes other US intervention and it starts conflict

- mission in which civilians escape from battle zone (you are soldier of invaded "north" and you are helping evacuate people from zone invaded by US para (mission planned to my 1985 )

- mission in which you have to talk to enemy in one situation

- "careless" mode for moving vehicles to be targets to train shooting

- careless when i am checkin my weapons (sometimes i do not check on civilians, but i check mgun on team of SLA), i want them to be standing with no reaction to test addons

for some reasons "careless" should stay like in OFP

for other situations we have "safe" in editor !!!

i had format of disc, i don't know if i instal ARMA back again :P

OFP still gives me fun and i still play old good missions

careless is special purpose "idiot" mode in editor, missionmaker knows why it should be "idiot" mode, just like "godmode" could be good for testing long missions, but when you will do soldier with big armor, tanks shoot to him, or infantry do not react at all :/

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Don´t want to sound arrogant, but actually you can do everything you just posted in Arma.

Quote[/b] ]- screenshot of policeman near bandit (west vs. east)

no problem

Quote[/b] ]"don't fire 3,2" command, when tried to make animation for screenshot presenting policeman aiming to bandit, they always shoot

no problem, group bandit with unit civie side that has probability of presence set to 0

then use policemansname doTarget banditname

Quote[/b] ]- silent crawl into the enemy base is impossible too,

disableAI "Autotarget" should do the trick

Quote[/b] ]- making mission cutscene like execution,

Using disableAI "Move" will do the trick here

Quote[/b] ]- missions like UN forces, that don't shoot first , so first enemy attack on first checkpoint is like that: "enemy" is talking to the UN chekpoint team, than suddenly they start and kill "inncoent peacekeepers", this causes other US intervention and it starts conflict

No problem at all.

Quote[/b] ]- mission in which civilians escape from battle zone (you are soldier of invaded "north" and you are helping evacuate people from zone invaded by US para (mission planned to my 1985 )

Group the civies to friendly unit that has probability of presence set to 0

Quote[/b] ]- mission in which you have to talk to enemy in one situation

See above

Quote[/b] ]- "careless" mode for moving vehicles to be targets to train shooting

use setvelocity. Would be kind of surreal anyway to have live targets, no ? crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]- careless when i am checkin my weapons (sometimes i do not check on civilians, but i check mgun on team of SLA), i want them to be standing with no reaction to test addons

disableAI "Move"

You can´t blame BIS for your lack of editing knowledge. If you got such burning questions I guess you will be helped in no time in the editing section of this forum.

If you do not ask questions, you will get no answers, still this doesn´t make your points valid as there is a solution for all the posted situations...

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but in OFP it would be easy without any "scripting"

what concerns silent crawl into enemy base - i mean situation in which i am team leader of special forces, my group has to steal enemy tank, to be crew of this tank

and they shoot to all

just like in OFP i had "camera" in editor without scripting :/

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Quote[/b] ]but in OFP it would be easy without any "scripting"

It´s not really scripting to use some code in the init line of a unit or OnActivation of a tigger.

This has been very common with OFP aswell.

Arma has a lot more added commands than OFP had and gives us indeed very much more flexibility in editing, but you have to learn to make use of those and stop living in the past.

On other issues you have no problem complaining about the OFP-style system, like hitpoint-system, armor, etc, but here you complain about improvements that came along with an extended engine and new scripting and editing possibilities that you certainly have to learn if you want to make use of them.

It´s called evolution and that´s what you are constantly calling for.

Your used way of making things work may not be working with Arma anymore because of other new features that got added to Arma to improve the product (additional scripting commands, FSM´s, etc...) but then it´s up to you to get used to it and learn that stuff and quit the "OFP was so much better" thing.

Quote[/b] ]just like in OFP i had "camera" in editor without scripting :/

What a loss.....

I guess if you set up a poll to determine how many players liked to have the old triggercam back, you´d realize that this old system has already bored hundreds of players to death when they were forced to watch constantly zooming in and circling cameras for multiplayer or singleplayer intros. This may have been the latest fashion 5 years ago, but it´s simply boring today.

Camscripting is very simple if you got it rolling once and there are numerous tutorials out there that will feed your hunger anytime.

Join the evolution vilas and stop complaining about things that have got so obsolete over the years that I am really happy they got removed.

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you say i complain on this and that


my expectations for ARMA were:

- improving OFP bugs in destruction models,

- 2 turrets like it is NOW smile_o.gif

- better graphic, ARMA graphics is far better than i could expect , it is super (althought i still play RTCW, MOHAA, Uber Soldier) and in this point ARMA is awsome,

- better PC behaving (now in ARMA better situation with sound, more units can move without big lags etc. but from other hand some VGA problems )

- more military realism (i haven't tested VBS)

- better AI behaviour (fining cover, helping fire, maybe other medic support),

- supporting artilery in editor, or areas to be bombed randomly

but ARMA missed my expectations for good military simulator, a platform (like OFP) to "mods"

and thats why i cryticise ARMA in so many areas, because it became beauty eye-candy game, not as advertised on box "most realistic battlefield simulating software" :/

maybe OFP2 will be this what i want :P

i don't need graphic efects like from Stalker or Ubersoldier

but it is offtopic, sorry, but i wanted to answer smile_o.gif

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you guys get miles away from the thread creators question wink_o.gif

anybody got a better answer then using vectors? (because vectors arent really dynamic and it takes hours to build a good calculation for a realistic movment if you dont want a movement in just one direction .. e.g. a car driving through a city! wink_o.gif

ow got a idea.. maybe stupid but.

Why just dont change the side of the civilians? like:

cilivan setfriend [east,1];

cilivan setfriend [west,1];

cilivan setfriend [resistance,1];

will they get out too if everyone likes the civi guys? smile_o.gif

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The setfriend command is tricky imo as for example changing the value for the civies will ultimately result in Bluefor or Opfor units attacking every empty object or vehicle on the map as side = empty = civillian

The result while testing this was definately an eye opener crazy_o.gif


...and I don´t think that changing the likings will influence the Ai FSM that is responsible for bailing out.

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setfriend works if you use it to make a side friendly but if you set civilian to enemy the units really start to shoot on every empty car / vehicle... but in this case it should work

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I think there's a civilian addon out for ArmA where the 'modded civilians' are acting differently from normal civilians, more like soldiers.

You don't see soldiers getting out of their truck just by gunfire so i guess chances are high it might work.

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any1 tried setunitpos "up" allready??

think they just get out of the car to take cover by laying down.

to have ai standing around without any reaction try

name stop true

or when used in trigger

{_x stop true} foreach list triggername

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