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AI choppers more effective?

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I made a small mission on porto where two ah1z cobras engage the town with some pickups and soldiers in it.

They got immediately shot down and don´t have any chance on destroying the targets.

I experimented with different waypoint settings but no luck...

Anyone got some better results, with a script or in another way?

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Does the AI footsoldiers even fight back on the choppers? Wow, that's new to me. Anyway, how about moving the units out of the vehicles, or lower their skill (general or specific using an array). If it's in a cutscene, you could set the heli to captives using setCaptive command. That way they will shoot but not be shot at.

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The AI footsoldiers don´t fight back on the choppers but the choppers themselves don´t do that, too.

Your suggestions are nice, will try them out but it´s a pity to see how uneffective a combat helicopter like the ah1z is in this game.

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Quote[/b] ]it´s a pity to see how uneffective a combat helicopter like the ah1z is in this game.

Not really.

Give them a search and destroy waypoint and resize it covering the region.

If they fail to engage the targets because they only spot them in the last moment, reveal the hard targets manually for the helos. This will make them fully aware of the enemies prior detecting them on their own and they will engage instantly when they come into range.

Reveal command

If you still fail to make it happen the way you want to, write a little script that manually tells the helos to target listed targets with chosen weapons by using doTarget, doFire and selectWeapon.

Look up those comands in the Biki if you are not sure on how to use them.

Something like this :

camhelo reveal target1


camhelo selectweapon "FFARLauncher"


camhelo dotarget target1


camhelo doFire target 1

You can list the content of a trigger covering the hostile city region, read out the content and have the choppers attack them .

This will save you from having to script every single target.

I´m pretty sure though that revealing the targets should do the job already.

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AI skill level.

You can mod the AI values via addon editing too:

audible, sensitivity, sensitivityEar, threat etc

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