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How to get out of certain animations?

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Most anims can be exited or swtched out of in a script, but I have no luck on the kata and talking moves.

Specifically, I want two soldiers in the talk animation


break out of it and react to an alarm.

Once I switchMove or playMove to something else, they go back into the talking move.

Arrrggggh, a whole day waisted... crazy_o.gif

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I have never done it and someone else may know for sure but I would guess maybe.... = null at the end of the command.

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Oh, so *that's* nulling the animation? biggrin_o.gif Okay. Believe I tried that, but the next animation would play or switch then just return to this talking animation, unless it played a dead end such as a dead state anim.

Have a tested example that works, with correct delays, and end up in a working pose where further waypointing works?

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Hmm, haven't tried that but I guess if you want a one time animation cut imho noob opinion I would use a script exec'd by the waypoint with the anim and anim null. Or you could use two triggers grouped to the unit and set at different timings.

That's the only way I know how atm smile_o.gif

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