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Quick question regarding laser guided bombs

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Just wondering if I give Opfor troops a laser guided bomb designator thing, can the SU-34B use it to drop bombs just like the Harrier does? I know it's probably a silly question, but I need to know for sure and it's not something I can test in practice on me own. smile_o.gif

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if you know how to make addons, you should be able to, otherwise you can give the OPFOR side a harrier

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Ahhh nuts. I don't know how to mod an Opfor laser designator. I could use a Harrier for the mission I suppose. Shame though as the Su-34 would have been better for the mission, being as it has a gunner who can navigate, and I wanted the mission set in bad weather.

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this addweapon "laserdesignator"; this addmagazine "laserbatteries"

in the opfor unit's init line

simple really

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yeah but his question was if the SU cud target the laser desig, not how to arm an Opfor guy with a desig.

Good question. I wanna know as well, i know cobra can target desigs, so i guess its possible.

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