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How do you make units lay down

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I am making a night raid mission. I would like for the OPFOR to be racked out (sleeping). How can I make them laydown? Also, how do I make them laydown without getting back up a few seconds later?

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this setUnitpos "DOWN"; this disableAI "MOVE"; this disableAI "TARGET" in the units init field. Waypoint should be Hold Fire and Safe. If careless and never fire, they won't be able to respond to a threat.

You can also set back to normal values in triggers or waypoints that your squad reaches:

[uGuard1, uGuard2, uGuard3] join gGuards;

{_x setUnitpos "AUTO"} forEach gGuards;

{_x enableAI "MOVE"} forEach gGuards;

{_x enableAI "TARGET"} forEach gGuards;

Something like this anyway...

I won't reccommend stealth mode or combat mode, since if in a group they will be extremely slow moving and in overwatch mode.

If you want them to react to firefight "properly", I suggest using never fire, aware, and full speed until they get into position, then hold or open fire (without engaging if they're in a defensive position) in normal speed and combat mode.

The problem I have with the editor/game now, is that I have to use stop orders instead of recalling teams or soldiers into formation after having sent them forward or to a flank using moveTo orders (via script commands). This is just redicilous sad_o.gif

If I use ingame controls to do this, they remain there. But these options are not possible unless you're a leader of a squad. AI squads will tend to use those damned formation whatever you do; no holdbacks, advancing or fireteam flanking manouvers pistols.gif

Oops, became a rant, sorry biggrin_o.gif

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Thanks for the really informative response. I always enjoy the fact of "brother helps brother" in the community. If only the world could be like the Armed Assault forums. yay.gif

I will try your advice and let you know how it does for me. Once again thanks for your selfless service!!


Thanks Carl, it works great!!!

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