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Instant crash, game does not even load (Vista 64)

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I have played Armed Assault and Queens Gambit on my system with Vista 32 and 4GB ram.

I am aware of the Black Load Screen problem with 4GB ram, and fixed it. (By removing 1 GB stick, loading the game, configuring the res and graphic settings, shutting down the game, reinstalling the 1 GB stick, and then reloading the game. (sorry for the LONG sentence). This worked fine, and I was able to play both games with all 4GB installed without any problems.

Now, I have a new problem. I am now trying to play the game with Vista Ultimate 64 (not 32 like before). The game installs fine, but wont load at all. I get the little 4 or 5 check boxes as the DVD drive spools up, and then I get a crash (see screen shot)


I get this crash wether I have 3 GB installed or all 4 GB (I do not think its a memory issue)

Are other people able to run the game under Vista 64?

Thanks for any help

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Are other people able to run the game under Vista 64?

Yes, I am, with 4 GiB RAM, an 8800GTS but only with the older 158.24 nVidia drivers.

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Me too.

Try the US Securom patch that was released a wee bit ago. Solved it for Crashdome and others smile_o.gif

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What version video drivers are you using for Vista 64?

And what does the Securerom patch actually do? (cant find a link to it)

(Ive patched to 1.08 and game still will not load)

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Tried the old drivers, 158.24

Same result, game will not even begin to load. (same screen shot as before)

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I use the 163.69 but I get the black screen at the beginning of the game as most Vista players get with 4gb of ram.

But this Securom fix is only for the crashing problem right?

Dead in the water mad_o.gif

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i'm encountering the same issue and it started just today after i installed my 2nd 8800GTS w/640MB and what ever i do i cant get it to stop crashing at startup.

EDIT: ok i figured out what was the problem, it was a sound issue but i'm still unsure how to fix it, my problem started after i installed OpanAL from 3dmark06 but editing the shortcut and added "-dsound" i was able to get the game to start. the solution isnt my credit i got it from another thread.

doing more research into the issue i suspect that ArmA is trying to use the OpenAL audio and not DirectX and i suspect thats why its crashing.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">-dsound Use DirectX sound.

-openal Use OpenAl sound.

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Could Vista operating system be workable for ARMA or OPF? I just got a computer with high cost intended for playing ARMA.

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Temp fix for black loading screen with 4gb:


@OFPCAT: Buying an expensive system for ArmA, with Vista on it, is imho hilarious. I think it has been discussed to death enough already how shit ArmA runs on Vista for most, requires very little research smile_o.gif

There are many workarounds and sort-of-fixes around though, so for a part of Vista users the game can run at least a little bit normal.

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The best solution (if you can) is to dual boot Vista with XP. Many people do it for the games and programmes that just refuse to work properly or at all in Vista.

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I'm thinking about buying this game, but got into other thoughts after findig out if wont work on my system (Vista 64 & 4gig mem). Is there a fix coming, or any way that it will work without removing memory?

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I'm thinking about buying this game, but got into other thoughts after findig out if wont work on my system (Vista 64 & 4gig mem). Is there a fix coming, or any way that it will work without removing memory?

Check the other Vista thread where you posted in. It contains methods to limit Vista to 3GB at reboot, without needing to physically remove the stick from your computer. Page 7, first post

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Could Vista operating system be workable for ARMA or OPF? I just got a computer with high cost intended for playing ARMA.

Vista 64 with 158.24 drivers, works for me and 4gig ram.

With 163***, I have to disable Memory Hole Remapping in my bios, system only uses 2 gig ram with that change.

(Not all MB's have this option, or it may be called Hardware Remapping).

OFP has absolutely NO issues running with 4gig ram, with any drivers...so far.

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