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hi i like sniping but i suck at it in ofp!! i always have to shoot at the guy like 5 times i wanna always get perfect headshots like that sniper in enemy at the gates biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif but how do i propely use it long range and hitting moving targets? please dont say mearsure the distance blah blah blah cus i dont know how or please explain how i measure the length and windage if you guys have a screen shot it would help alot biggrin.gif

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Do like the sniper in "Enemy at the gates" probably did --> practise alot! smile.gif

I´ve used the M21 pretty much and I still cant get a headshot every time on a soldier that isnt moving.

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measure the distance blah blah blah blah tounge.gif

ok...since I dont have ability to upload pix( cuz i'm lazy) i'll explain it here in words.

goto mission editor and place a sniper(you) and an enemy soldier in front of you, facing his back at you.

ok. go prone. look into optics.

you'll see 2 lines, one from top to bottom, another form left to right. the intersection is where you'll most likely to get the bullet landed.

if you look closely, there are 2 short horizontal lines and 2 short vertical lines near center. the vertical lines are the one for measuring distance/height. the soldier's average height is assumed at 1.7meters. so, what you do is place the soldier's entire height exactly within that 2 horizontal lines. then you'll likely to land your bullet where big lines cross.

so, now aim at the soldier's chest(or some where near) and fire. you'll likely hit his chest, and he'll die from it. head shot is great, but recoil from rifle will make it really hard. it will send up the rifle a bit, causing bullet to fly high. If you want head shot, by suggestion is aim for shoulder. the bullet will fly high, and will hit face.

the 2 small vertical lines seems to be the one for measuring wind factor and used when enemy is running diredtly across you. but i don't know the exact mechanics of it, so i'll skip.

if you could shoot down stationary (standing) enemy soldier with one shot from about 300m, you are ok. Don't listen to movies. getting head shot looks cool, but is extremely hard!!!


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k thanks man i never knew what those other 4 lines were now i know =) thx ill practice alot and everyone would fear me in multiplayer =) there even would be a radio taunt like deadeye is ahead lets retreat! =)

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Aiming and firing is only 1/2 of it. After you learn how to shoot the m21, it's time to learn how to setup your shots. foliage IS your friend. A bush looks mighty suspicious when it's crawling around all on it's lonesome. So when you move, use cover, and if you see the enemy STOP...next to muzzle flashes and gun sounds, movement is the quickest way to give away your posistion and make you dead. Also, it pays to know where the "game" is...so look at the mission map during load up and find things such as med tents, sought after vehicles, flags, resupplies, and roads...setup with a good view of the area and wait. Be patient, and make your shots count...

If you really want to have fun, just shoot out your opponents legs...instead of having a surly opponent coming after you in a tank, he'll be stuck bellycrawling around in the middle of the map...ez pickings if you get bored waiting for the next target, or a teamate to finish off.

GL, happy huntin'

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (I)eaI)Eye1809 @ Feb. 23 2002,23:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but how do i propely use it long range and hitting moving targets?<span id='postcolor'>

Use the force, Luke...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (I)eaI)Eye1809 @ Feb. 24 2002,00:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">please explain how i measure the length and windage<span id='postcolor'>

Ralph and DoubleTAp gave you all the tips you need to use the M21.

The basics on M21 usage are also in you OFP Field Manual document and there's an item with the same in The FAQ.

I just want to add that wind does not affect bullet trajectory in OFP. Search The FAQ for "wind".

There is, however, bullet drop over distance.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Feb. 24 2002,08:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I just want to add that wind does not affect bullet trajectory in OFP. Search The FAQ for "wind".

There is, however, bullet drop over distance.<span id='postcolor'>

Yeah...here's what I do once in a while when I get bored.

Get 11 guys, put them in Ural, depart from Saint Louise in Malden, and make them goto Larche. I'll be waiting for them at near by trees(about 300ms) away, on mountain ridges. when they come, happy sniping. biggrin.gif

funny thing is that I thought there were wind factors cuz each time I play, bullets would fall somewhat differently. sometime, slightly to the left of vertical line, sometimes right side.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Feb. 24 2002,11:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">funny thing is that I thought there were wind factors cuz each time I play, bullets would fall somewhat differently. sometime, slightly to the left of vertical line, sometimes right side.<span id='postcolor'>

Is this with the original M21 or Dragunov sniper rifles or with a user-made sniper rifle addon?

See this OFPEC thread about Toadlife's Barret rifle addon.

I encountered the same innaccuracy with the Barret addon as you're describing but in testing, I found the official sniper rifle bullet never veered from the center.

Even if this is occurring to you with the M21 and/or Dragunov, could it be that some other unoficial addon is interfering with the originals? Just a thought.

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Yeah, I think the M21 is just innacurate sometimes.

But rememeber, al long distances, you will usually have to place the crosshairs just a bit below the point you want to hit.

I think it has to do with not zooming in accurately or it is becuse the gun's "recoil" This only happens when I take "hasty" shots, and that is rare for me.

Just learn how the gun works or "acts" first, then just practice practice practice. The best level I think to practice M21 sniping is the single player mission "bomber man".

I have mastered that mission from top to bottom.

I NEVER have to call radio in ANY reinforcements.

I make EVERY kill in that mission with my rifle, 3 satchels, and if 1 AT rocket.

Once you take out the convoy, and the following BMP and men in it. Go to the city, and kill every man you see.

Hide in the trees.

Not much more I can say about that level. It's the best level to learn to snipe with the M21.

If you know where to place the satchels on the road you don't need to call in reinforcements to take out any tanks in the initial convoy.

I can take out all of the vehicles in the initial convoy with just 2 satchels and my rifle. The convoy consists of (first to last) a BMP, a shilka, an ammo truck, and lastly a T-72.

After they are all dead, I wait for the other BMP to arrive and drop of the other men down the road, I kill those men with my last satchel and then take an AT rocket to kill the BMP.

Afterwards I head to the town to kill all the men there.

Fun level for a sniper. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Feb. 24 2002,10:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is this with the original M21 or Dragunov sniper rifles or with a user-made sniper rifle addon?


Even if this is occurring to you with the M21 and/or Dragunov, could it be that some other unoficial addon is interfering with the originals? Just a thought.<span id='postcolor'>

nah...i have only official add-ons...once seeing pix of flying BMPs(from a website i forgot name of....hmmm.....the webmaster thought it was nice to put some opening sound that says 'Avon calling'wink.gif, my decision was to stick with official add-ons on every situation....I have no prob with my OFP and patches. No unofficial add-ons.perido

kinda funny...i'll have to look into it.

gotta go 2 bed..02:34 confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ Feb. 24 2002,11:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeah, I think the M21 is just innacurate sometimes.


But rememeber, al long distances, you will usually have to place the crosshairs just a bit below the point you want to hit.


Fun level for a sniper.  smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

yup....love that mission...fell in love with it!!

but i love calling support...while enemies are busy fighting the,...*BAM*!

i get them while they are not watching!

yes..i know about the positioning of crosshair...but in my case, guess elevation difference causes this..i'll look into it further more...gotta goto bed


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OK..i did some tests and found out how stupid I was.

AvonLady was right. there are no wind factors in OFP. Here's what I learned:

I place a west sniper with M21 on hill South of Larche, Malden. from top to center of city was about 500 meters. I fired a couple of shots, and here's what happened.

1.the bullet falls drastically. i.e. the impact point of bullet and the ground(or soldier) is lower than cross hair's estimated impact point.

2.the smoke I saw(ricochet smoke?) was not where the bullet landed, but rather some distance away. Thus, it looked as if the bullet went slightly off.(my bad)

so, in conclusion, there are no wind factors in ofp that pushes bullets around.

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you'll notice m21 accuracy is best from a prone posistion. Why you'd be in any other posistion for firing is beyond me as you'll look like a man wearing a bush instead of just a bush.

When standing my shots tend to be high of center even under medium ranges. I crouch, the bullets come down. Go prone, and It's ez shootin.

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My two cents to I)eaI)Eye1809 who started the thread.

Head shots are Hollywood nonsence unless you're very close to the target. Us military folk are taught to shoot at the body's center mass, meaning the chest and for good reason. This way you have the highest probablity of success. If you are off in elevation a bit up or down you will then either hopefully disembowel your target or get a head shot. If you are perfectly accurate then you will get the chest. But if you regularly aim at the head and you are off in elevation meaning your target was a little further then you will obviously miss because there is no more body parts above the head as a back up point of impact. This is the same principle for any rifle not just a sniper rifle. Hope that made sense.

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just practice practice practice

i can't really give any tips except that because basically my aiming is subconcious now, if i'm on a hill i automatically know how much to compensate, distance etc.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (I)eaI)Eye1809 @ Feb. 24 2002,09:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">k thanks man i never knew what those other 4 lines were now i know =) thx ill practice alot and everyone would fear me in multiplayer =) there even would be a radio taunt like deadeye is ahead lets retreat! =)<span id='postcolor'>

You do realize that instructions for using the M21's scope are in the manual, right?

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books don't really do much except give you the general idea on how to use it, which is basically you shoot them

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ May 07 2002,02:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">books don't really do much except give you the general idea on how to use it, which is basically you shoot them<span id='postcolor'>

My point is that a large percentage of the people who complain about problems with the M21's scope either never bothered to read the manual, or don't have one. For a number of reasons, in this case I suspect it's the later.

The instructions in the manual, however brief, are sufficient to clear up at least nine out of ten questions on this matter.

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i never read the manual tho smile.gif figured it out on my own, more fun. "damn you hit"

"stop going prone"

"stand still you bastard"

"got you bitch!"

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he he he biggrin.gif i love bomber man!!!!! can anyone tell me the best place to put the satchels? confused.gif

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here's what i do (i actually take 4, 1 for the bmp that comes along)

at the waypoint i put 1, then i go downhill a little bit to what i feel is where the next armored target will be, then i skip one for the fuel truck and put another one after that. when they drive on it, kaboom. then i quickly run as far down the road as i can to where i know the bmp will pass over, when his ass comes near, kaboom.

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