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fps lock is possible?

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hi , i sometimes have 50 fps , and sometimes have 30 or 20

is possible lock the fps to 30fps for example?

for more stable and more smooth game experience?

thx for the answers

and sorry for my english me are spanish

with vsync on the fps are locked to 60 , but i need 30 or something like that

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I don't know, but I would also like to know.

I get between 30-75 frames depending on if I'm looking at trees and bushes.The rapid transition between the two causes a somewhat choppy experiance.

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This should be easy for the game developers to implement. They are (supposedly) controlling a game loop in which they make a decision how fast the game can run. They can slow it down to a FPS number they want. For example, the server is running at maximum 50 FPS, if I recall correctly.

Another question is, would that kind of option be really worthwhile to implement into the ArmA settings?

I agree on your point that stable frame rate is better than unstable frame rate and in my opinion game developers should think more about this.

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There IS a very good reason to implement this as a standard in-game thing:

IF you decide to lock your game FPS to,say, 30 fps, then the processor and system are freed up a bit to be able to pre-load textures and other stuff to reduce texture-load lag a little bit.

Hopefully an FPS-lock could happen?

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in half-life engine you can limit the fps in cosole

with fps_max xxx , we need something like that en Arma

plz in the new patch or something

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The "game fps" locks at your monitor's refresh rate, if you haven't

disabled vSync.. whistle.gif

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I wouldnt mind getting constant 30FPS. when u watch other games , like GRAW 2, the fps isnt huge but is constant so u get smoother gameplay. I mean i dont do shit with 60fps in desert, when i get 20 fps in forrest.....

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The "game fps" locks at your monitor's refresh rate, if you haven't

disabled vSync..  whistle.gif

However most people's FPS isnt anywhere near the refresh rate most of the time. wink_o.gif

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If you get frames between 15fps and 60fps for example there's no way you can make your computer go faster during those 15fps scenes just because you limit your upper frames.

With a lock at 30fps you only limit your max fps so no free ride up to 30fps from 15fps. Sorry.

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It makes a difference to the feeling of the gameplay. A sudden jump from 15 to 60 fps is no good. And vice versa.

And maybe, if we would have an FPS startup parameter, the game could then adjust the complexity of the scenes to try and target the desired FPS, instead of desperately trying to do something overly complex which is not possible with the hardware.

It should be considered by the BIS developers, that's all we ask. Smooth gameplay means no sudden, drastic FPS changes.

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how i can contact the BIS developers

maybe is not possible =(

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how i can contact the BIS developers

maybe is not possible =(

Maybe you can ask them to fix all the bugs aswell while your on.

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