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Triggering a waypoint?

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Ok iv searched and i am trying to figure out how to "trigger a waypoint"

This is the example i need it for: I have 3 tanks and 3 squads situated outside a town, i want them to move into the town after the player has triggered the trigger(s).

So i was wondering how do i go about doing this. Iv tried placing the trigger and a waypoint and then using the group tool, linking them, but the trigger isnt needed as the tank just goes to the waypoint reguardless of being triggered.


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Put a waypoint(s) almost on top of the tanks and squads and in condition you type something like bluinarea

In the trigger which you walk into to make the tanks and squads move into town, you type in On Activation bluinarea=true

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you could also just syncronize the waypoint in the town with the trigger. you did it right except for grouping it when you needed to syncronize it.

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personally i would have just used a switch trigger kinda like..

have the units move like 10 ft somewhere and then add a waypoint in the town.

now add a trigger lets say..if your guys kill all the enemies X--not present--switch

and sync that switch with the first waypoint of the reinforcements.

I hope that made some sense

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you could also just syncronize the waypoint in the town with the trigger. you did it right except for grouping it when you needed to syncronize it.

Ive tryed all the suggestions but for some reason it wont activate,Could someone please type out what i have to do to get this trigger point working.Do i need to name the squad,or use script ? ive used grouping using the trigger with anybody to activate and detected by who i want to attack the somebody.Ive synced way points without any luck as the waypoint is just done regardless..Also tryed in waypoint condition typed bluinarea and in trigger typed bluinarea=true.

Still no go please help

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You don't need any script. I will talk through this step by step because i know getting grips with the basic functions are the hardest because everyone assumes you know them.

In this mission, there will be 1 enemy. When and ONLY when he dies, his backup will arrive (a UAZ)

Start a fresh editor up. Place your Blufor Rifleman (Player) in the middle hanger at the main airbase (Paraiso). and leave all the options and ok.

Place 1 Opfor enemy soldier in the left hanger.

Place 1 UAZ at the far end of the runway, doesn't matter which end.

Now place a trigger over the left hanger. Change the activation to "OPFOR" and then put a box around the "Not Present" leave the rest the same.

Now on your UAZ give him a waypoint to about 5m infront of him, then give him another to the front of the left hanger.

Now press the synchronise, and click on the UAZ's first waypoint, then drag a line to the trigger. Check there is a line when you let go.

Preview the mission. The UAZ should be just about visible at the end of the runway, moving to his first waypoint. He won't move any further until the trigger is activated (OPFOR not present). To activate this trigger, kill the guy in the hanger. You will then see the UAZ coming your way.

Hope this helps smile_o.gif

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