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To Help all Vista & 8800 users read here!

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Ok now ever since I got my new gaming machine which I got to play ArmA it has never worked properly! Most frustrating and dissapointing experience ever... Then when I started to look for help the first thread I came across was... Vista and 8800 working for anyone. ( Damn  crazy_o.gif  ) So other than a few gimicks here and there that did help but didn't solve the problem, such as -maxmem, I was totaly screwed. Well not anymore its working with out crashing and it feels like a whole new game. Im guessing caus of the texture beeing screwed up and stuff...

Anyway to get to the point I want to help you all out there who has suffered the same crap as I have and to hopfully aid you in your way to pure gaming... So heres some of my specs, what drivers Im using and the windows update hotfixes I have used  biggrin_o.gif

Opperating system: Vista Home Prem 64 bit

Graphics Card: 8800 GTS 680mb

Driver: 163.44 BETA (Has helped with alot off stuff... seriously)

Windows Updates:




(All the others should be automatic... if you allow them that is)

I hope this is some help to you guys who are having trouble, this is my first post but please give me any feedback and I'll try to help   wink_o.gif

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I must say this really helped me.

Latest Microsoft Hotfix + Latest Nvidia beta driver and I went from unplayable (CTD after a few seconds) to 4+ hours without crash and  everything on high/very high !!! (I used -maxmem=512 too).

Dell Dimension 9200

Quad core Q6600

G8800 GTX 768mo

2 Go Ram

Vista home premium

There is hope for other people too !

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Woo Im glad I help at least some one biggrin_o.gif , but I have to agree ArmA has gone from unplayable crap ( no offence ) to the most awsome thing on the planet

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Yeah those new drivers were a godsend. i used NVIDIA 163.71 BETA XP 32 bit

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I tried the beta yesterday and it caused no end of problems, be very wary with Betas, you are basically being testers for Nvidia. I ended up rolling back the drivers after restarting in safe mode.

With the beta it got to the point were I SLId the two boards and then it came up and said in order to complete it had to shut down some processes, and that is when the problems started, black screen and nothing short of a hard boot would get me back into safe mode.

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