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Spec maps

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I was wondering if one could get the specular value for specularPower in the rvmats from 3dsmax and it's specularity settings? Would it work?

Also, does anybody have any tips on using the MatEditor?

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I doubt you could import any complex specularity values from other programs. Unfortunately you'll have to do with what the MatEditor gives you which is fine anyway when combined with spec maps.

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Specular map is a complex bitmap. Each color chanel has its own purpose. You should understand well the way of calculating pixel colors in scene before you paint those textures.

As written in http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_RVMAT

value of each pixel is calculated with RVMAT values and engine lighting values.

Texture _SM has diffuse values in RED, specular in GREEN and, Specular power in BLUE chanel. _SMDI does not use RED chanel (better compression) GPU calculates those values automaticaly as Diffuse = 1 - Specular.

When you use specular map - diffuse, specular in RVMAT should be 1. Then paint B/W map with maximum specular and minimum specular values you imagine on surface. Than choose minimum (black) and maximum specular (white) values and change the bitmap levels to those values.

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