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Help me please

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Technically there can be alot of them but I guess you're talking of the default one called "AddOns" and it resides just above "Campaigns" folder.

If you never have seen a computer before, just right-click your ArmA icon on desktop and choose "Properties", then click "Search Target" and you should be able to see the folder in question.

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Please search....

Very Simple Concept. If you bothered to wonder wether or not ArmA had an addons folder, simply looking at the game folder might be a good place to start before asking questions... waiting a few hours/days... Its saving you time too.

Also.. please.. make your threads more specific. I thought you were getting robbed by William Porter and needed assistance before he killed you with his soccer ball of doom.


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It would probably be better if everyone ignored threads like this. Maybe then they would educate themselves.


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