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Virtual Training Space by [CTR]Grimm

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(just a little info : the red square depends on the size of the area as you defined it with option 4 : if you dial "4" then 200 by example, the square will be 200m/side, and a lot smaller. It materializes the AI patrolled zone). wink_o.gif

I'm glad you like it!

I see now about the rectangle, sorry about that! I didn't realize you had to set the size of the AI zone via the "4" command BEFORE you set the objective via the "7" command. It won't change otherwise. I shouldn't have included the rectangle comments in the video since it is not crucial to the quick mission concept anyway.

After I have a chance to experiment some more, I would like to make a longer video showing all of the features to include vehicles/weapons, weather, artillery, support convoy, etc. It may take a while though!

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BTW Loyalguard, Thanx alot for the video users manual, it's simply great !

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Loyalguard =)

About the rectangle marker, you're right : it won't change its appearance after the objectif being set. I will fix this little bug soon.

Quote[/b] ]After I have a chance to experiment some more, I would like to make a longer video showing all of the features to include vehicles/weapons, weather, artillery, support convoy, etc. It may take a while though!

It would be very nice, I can't wait! yay.gif

EDIT : if you need some "internal" infos (ie statistics about enemy groups, their vehicles, hemorrhage, dynamic weather, para jump dispersion, etc...), just pm me.

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Everything seems to work great except the para jump. Any time I select it for use I get a CTD with the following error message.

"Cannot create system memory xxx 1555,1024x500

error code 88760866"

any idea?



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Hello Taco

Let me guess... your Graphic card is an ATI?

It's a texture problem... Nvidia Cards seems to be ok with that, but some ATI do not pass...

You are the second user to have this problem... I have prepared a hot fix right now. It should be online tomorrow. Sorry wink_o.gif

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V1.01 is now online. Same FTP, same pack name.

V1.01 Changelog

- Hostile zone marker is now interactive

- Some ATI cards crashed to desktop. It won't happen anymore

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if i understood this right...

so your telling me i can input AI onto the map WHILE playing the mission on the server? just spawn enemies out of my ass and then i have to blow them up?

Well, in fact you enter a "pre-mission", where your observer will have access to a menu allowing him to select a number of parameters such as the number and the skill of the IA, their localization and the material they are using (vehicles).

Then you run the mission and you are teleported to your entry spot (by air or by ground).

I hope this clarifies a little what will be released smile_o.gif

that did help, thanks man thumbs-up.gif

i just finished watching Loyalguard's "turtorial video" on how to use this mission and... WOW...

1: thanks for the video Loyalguard, that will help

2: must of taken awhile to make this map!

i can't wait to test it out and start making some training missions pistols.gif

thanks a lot guys thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]whoa! the french are coming!!!!

try this mirror link : http://www.armedassault.eu/media/VTS_English.zip

Watch out, this is V1.00 ; we are now at V1.01. Please use this link


(Jerry, could it be possible to load the 1.01 version on your armedassault.eu ftp? smile_o.gif )

PMD =) thanks for your support! smile_o.gif

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Great, absolutely great mod! wooohooo! yay.gif

Finally I can train with a proper training mission!

I always wanted to have on-the-fly missions to have fun and train etc. and here it is...THANK YOU! yay.gif

Virtual Training Space inlove.gif

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this mission is a whole concept itself. great works bwf_ares !

it need to be enriched , but it a good start (and functionnal)

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Thanks for you support smile_o.gif It's very cool to see that my work is welcome.

I'm currently working on the next version. A lot of additional customizable features, some enhancements and a more ergonomic computer... I hope i will be able to release it in october-november.

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Just wanted to add how much we are enjoying this at =dB= as well! Just a few suggestions from an overly ambitious bunch but:

More options would be great particularly in defining the objectives like a target to snipe or area to bomb (with AA) etc... and allowing the offensive and defensive strengths to be diffrent. An option to have an ammo / weapon box on missions without vehicles would be nice. The possiblity of assigning multiple objectives and multiple enemy areas even for one objective would be great! Like a static Enemy close to the main objective and then another mobile force around that. I don't know how you are managing to do this in the script but I love it! So many possiblities, I guess it is endless! Maybe better to make a template that others could use to define the options available to the platoon leader for the missions like those above that would be cool! But even as is it is great! Thanky you so much!

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Thanks for your suggestions. I think (I hope) that most part of them are already quite functional in VTS2 (we actually play it in alpha version at Centurions'team).

Thanks for your constructive comments and for your support smile_o.gif

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We would be more than happy to help with the testing if you like here! We have a large crew of all types of players that I am sure will push the limits every way they can. My email should be available from my profile if you would like to do so.

Thanks again!

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we at Bad karma have found this tool a very reliable way to develope team skills , great work

what i would like added is the ability to create more than one objective and even to be able to have smaller AI zones, i too would like the ability to just have ammo crates.

still one of the greatest projects using arma as a training tool we have seen great workmanship

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Hello Grimbk, thanks for your comments. I'm currently developping VTS2 which should contain everything you asked and a lot more. I hope it could be released in October-November. Stay tuned ! wink_o.gif

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