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red oct

Is medal of honor worth the purchase?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ Feb. 22 2002,21:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">well lets hear some gameplay, for istance, does the enemy bleed when you shoot them and vise versa? in the first one they didnt, and if there isnt, is there a mod where it will enable this i want realizm after all and can people in the game get limbs shot off like in real war? is there air drops from planes? what kinda vehicles do you ride in?<span id='postcolor'>

You don't ride vehicles the same way you do in OFP, you are either passenger in a truck or landing craft, or you are a gunner in a jeep. This is all I have seen in the first 4 missions. Oh, and you can man machine guns.

You can call in airstrikes, you get to shoot some German planes taking off etc.

It doesn't have ANY gore, I'm afraid, although a gore patch could be out there somewhere, not sure, you'd have to look for yourself.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ Feb. 22 2002,21:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">well lets hear some gameplay, for istance, does the enemy bleed when you shoot them and vise versa? in the first one they didnt, and if there isnt, is there a mod where it will enable this i want realizm after all and can people in the game get limbs shot off like in real war? is there air drops from planes? what kinda vehicles do you ride in?<span id='postcolor'>

back to my question

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 22 2002,21:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Flaming? I wasn't flaming anyone.<span id='postcolor'>

you were flaming the game!!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ Feb. 22 2002,22:01)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">There's no blood in the game.<span id='postcolor'>

True, but you can download a variety of Blood-patches. Be assured you can chose corresponding to your desires (thick or thin, dark red or light red... wink.gif ).

The game is made with love, the little details are done with a lot of creativity. I used such a blood-patch and I must admit it did not improve the game, cause the soldiers die realistic enough (no, in reality I havent seen anyone dying yet). E.g. In of the rooms you see a model of a little submarine, and this model is tiny but so detailed, i couldnt believe it. The Germans are well done, typical behaviours, typical 1940 slang, realy cool (and they are good fighters). The sound rocks and the athmosphere is great. IF you liked the Beach-scene in Saving Private Ryan you will enjoy the game (cause it is basically the same). The explosions are graphic-revolutions and the make every bone inside you shiver like ####. I bought it today and I realy enjoy it. smile.gif . Furthermore I think the game can be played adequately even with slower PCs.

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Buy MOH it is kick ass. The sniper missions in the game are great fun and are challenging to play. Omaha Beach was the most immerseive mission I have ever played the sound is excellent there is nothing quite like the relief after you have reached the shingles.

I really can't say I have really noticed the lack of blood in the game at all.

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yea it sounds good but i still would have like to see some gore in it. as long as theres a blood patch im happy. i just wish it was profesionaly done. make it so the uniforms get blood soaked with blood spewing out of them like fountians when a major artriery is hit. that and severed limbs. any way it still sounds good. is there a mod based on enemy at the gates?

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The blood patches I have tried so far didnt realy harmonise with the game,... wow there were great clouds of blood, there was blood on the floor, blood on the walls, but sorry, this is not RTCW. But there are several patches, I will keep trying, if I find a good one, I will tell you.

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Okay here are some of my screenshots from today. I decreased their quality and size so badly that you hardly see the pain that lies in this mission. That was h e l l  !!! (the images should load quickly). If you wont be anoyed about me posting this heavy files I will post more.

all images

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The mission where u ride the 50.cal on the jeep actually happened but on a larger scale and done by the SAS biggrin.gif, i thought it was good but not as good as RTCW due to the fact that i thought RTCW had a good story all about the occult and such also it was much longer.

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I've played it through twice.. once on easy.. once on medium.. and i'm now playing it throuhg on hard.. and its still fun.

Definately worth the buy, though if you can get it for cheap anywhere, do so..

Great multiplayer too... and as before said, the Omaha map kicks ass...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ Feb. 22 2002,22:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">make it so the uniforms get blood soaked with blood spewing out of them like fountians when a major artriery is hit. that and severed limbs. any way it still sounds good.<span id='postcolor'>

If I may add something to this topic... I bought the game 3 day's ago and found it to be excellent. I was literally s**ting bricks during the Omaha beach landing, my heartwas pumping and there was buckets of sweat at my feet. The lack of blood in the game I shall explain...

The German soldier's of the day wore so many layers of clothing that you would not see blood "Spewing out of them like fountians" of a guy that just got mangled by a MG-42. They wore so much clothing in fact, that even the blood from the most horrific wounds would not seep through the clothing for some time.

I've read accounts of Allied soldiers that have walked through fields of dead German soldiers that have said, and I quote "It was like they were all sleeping. No blood, only bullet holes in there uniforms". Now of course bullet wounds to the head, hands, and legs will cause blood to seep through as the head and hands were not covered by clothes (except a helmet and gloves) and the legs were only covered by their trousers.

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get day of defeat instead of moh, its free all you need is half life, the weapons are very realistic and you can be killed 1 shot wow.gif .

and the map "dog1", is much more immersive than anything moh has to offer, in moh the AI is scripted so it will be the same every time you play. its much more exciting leaving a landing craft with real people (as dod is multiplayer only) and scrambling around on the beach trying to get bangalores to blow the wire while MG42's rain down on the beach, real MG42's not some stupid fixed gun emplacement with unlimited ammo confused.gif , dod also has blood, not unrealistic blood where it sprays out every where, you usually just see blood where the bullet hits.

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Is it worth buying? Not at Å35 thats for sure. Its a decent enough arcade game but it is very short and easy with very little replay value. If it gets cheaper and / or gets good support from online and mod communities then it may become better value for money. Right now though there are far better games to spend that kind of money on.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Stealt Eagle @ Feb. 22 2002,20:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's worth a buy, TRUST ME, the levels are VERY well designed. The gameplay is maybe not very lasting, but as long as it lasts it's very funny. The Omaha level has one of the greatest apmosphere in a game I've ever seen<span id='postcolor'>

yep il have to second that waiting on the boat to disembark to an onslaught of machine gun fire, mortars people being blown apart, poor medic running around wild helping folks, the landing craft next to me being blown to bits then the duck and diving up the shingle beach

man that was one awsome mission, turn sound up sit back and be scared lol,

rest of game is very fast really lots of enemy coming at u but as they die they leave health packs, which enables u to run around even more on spasmodic gun attacks.

imo this has to be one of the best war, shootemup, non thinking game, easy controls good music atmosphere in game.


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has anyone looked at my screenshots? I think they easily portray what I went through at Omaha beach.

Lets face it, while in OFP the developers were 100% focused on realism & accuracy, the developers of MOH concentrated on athmospherics. /(even though in OFP the "morning in the forrest when the sun awakes" is realy athmospheric too).


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stop talking about singleplayer that part of the game is crap compared to MP.

MP moh is like rouge spear but set in ww2, the co op parts anyways. The respawn maps are unrealistic and sh&t

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ChickenHawk @ Feb. 23 2002,17:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">SINGLEPLAYER=SH**


stop talking about singleplayer that part of the game is crap compared to MP.

MP moh is like rouge spear but set in ww2, the co op parts anyways. The respawn maps are unrealistic and sh&t<span id='postcolor'>

SP has some cool features though like the talking and that 1337 d00d that is bossing you around at omaha biggrin.gif best thing about MoH are the details though, MP still kick a$$ though tounge.gif

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The best thing about MoHAA is the German voice acting IMO. It is VERY realistic, they have real conversations about strange topics (its the 40s), and it adds just SO much to the whole game experience!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ex-RoNiN @ Feb. 23 2002,22:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...they have real conversations about strange topics ...<span id='postcolor'>

Just like this Forum biggrin.gif

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