Legionary2000 0 Posted September 6, 2007 My OS: Windows Vista Ultimate ArmA: Patch 1.08 Paths: - Oxygen2PE into "G:\Oxygen 2 Personal Edition" - BI's Tools drive into "C:\Users\Legionary2k\Documents\ArmAWork" - Vitual drive is "P:\" External Viewer started. Then I have renamed this virtual drive as Z:\ After reboot I get this error message: External Viewer: Unable to create viewer What do I make wrong? or Where is the error? My question: Is the virtual disk drive absolutely necessary? If I give the real path ("C:\Users\Legionary2k\Documents\ArmAWork"), then started up the external viewer! Thank you for your help beforehand. Legionary2k Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
simba 0 Posted September 6, 2007 yes virual drive is needed. and why do you say that your virtal drive is P when it is Z in the mapdisk script ? try: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> "G:\ArmA\arma.exe" -buldozer -window -noland with the "..." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legionary2000 0 Posted September 6, 2007 hi simba, sorry, but my english isn't the best. Virtual drive P:\ was origianl. Then I have renamed (or changed) virtual drive to Z:\ (in "mapdisk.bat" and O2 options) and have restarted. Then I got the error message. Do you understand what I mean? Legionary2k Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legionary2000 0 Posted September 6, 2007 I HAVE FOUND THIS PROBLEM. Â Â THE PROBLEM IS NOT ALONE O2. WINDOWS VISTA AND O2 ARE TOGETHER THE PROBLEM. UNDER WINDOWS XP IT FUNCTION PERFECTLY. Under Win XP started external viewer perfectly, if the install paths: - G:\ArmA\arma.exe -window -buldozer -noland" - G:\Oxygen 2 Personal Edition - G:\ArmAWork and virtual drive name changed from P:\ to Z:\ Under Win Vista an error message gives it. THX Your Legionary2k Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaSquade 0 Posted September 10, 2007 Sorry to post, but is it possible to reply on the above posted question "why you renamed the p drive into z drive anyway"? I know i tried and 'had' to as i already had a p drive....after renaming my real drive to other letters and adding the " " in my externalviewer line made it (partly) work for me....The reason why the " " are needed is still a big unknown, but maybe the renaming or original P letter uses conflict with something (god knows AND BIS, i hope ). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stilton 0 Posted September 10, 2007 to quote the x-files... you are not alone... i have run into this problem myself and now wasted 2 days trying to fix it. talking to Dasquade and others over MSN.. i however have WinXP SP2.. and get the same "External Viewer: Unable to create viewer" error... although i had to go through an abosolute nightmare, just to get this far... hunting around to find that i needed to put " " around the "C:\Arma.exe" I'm pretty pissed off with the whole thing to be honest and i think ill just give up now if anyone does sort it though it'd be a godsend Also, i believe there are others such as 'HulkingUnicorn' who also have this error... Do you have the sprocketIdea version of Arma by any chance? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DaSquade 0 Posted September 10, 2007 As pointed out to Stilton, in my case it does work (still with the " " though). But i just stubbled onto some very strange things....in other to pinpoint the problem. When i rename my installation folder of 02 and relaunch 02, my buldozer still works (although i just renamed..left out the spaces in my folder). Ok, so i entered the correct path for my dll folder again and offcourse it did work again. When i then change the path link of the dll folder in the o2 options, it still works (even after reboot of 02). Now, not sure if the DLL folder actually directly has anything to do with the viewer. Honestly i don't think so. AFAIK it is only needed to map and/or convert textures. Anyway, just pointing out (if above is correct) that DLL folder path link can't be the problem of an errorring buldozer...just checking what can be ruled out here. Also the fact some mention the 'artfolder' and the place where it needs to be installed don't mather imho. As if you open O2 and buldozer (no p3d loading that is), it doesn't need the artfolder..and simply launches an empty O2 and empty but working buldozer. In the end, you can open any p3d where ever it is....AS LONG AS the texture path points to the virtual drive (be it the default P:\ or whatever letter:\ drive). Texture won't show up if addon folder is not 'installed' under tht drive...but textures aren't the 'problem' here...it is just to get the viewer working. Anyway, so my only conclusion after these small test are... The only thing that really mathers is: a) you need to have you external viewer path link correct. Sadly in my and others case that is with the "drive\arma.exe" -buldozer blabla. b) you need to have the virtual drive up (auto or manully launched by mapdisk.bat). c) you need to have the virtual drive selected in the Path for textures link in the O2 options. But fact remains that only and only the " " in my case fixes buldozer to work. I have sended a report and findings to BIS, i and others can only hope we get an answer or at least this gets looked into and fixed in a non release candidate version. I don't want to mention the convertion and or texture: null problem, but i can say if i add the old 02 dll's it resets my buldozer and it refuses to launch again. Not really a problem as i don't use O2 for mapping anyway...but still. Just reporting my findings, as it turns there are more guys/girls with the same problems, luckly for me it does the trick, but this isn't normal imho. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Legionary2000 0 Posted September 15, 2007 Why I rename P:\ to Z:\? Quite simply: With me all physical harddisk drives and physical optical drives are sorted climbing up (C:\, D:\, E:\ etc.). All virtual harddisk drives and virtual optical drives are sorted descending (Z:\, Y:\, X:\ etc.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted September 15, 2007 Well, for the sake of getting O2 to work without all this hassle, can't you just put up with O2 being installed on the P:\ drive? Obviously its an issue if you already have a P:\ drive, but if you don't its not that big of an issue is it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites