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Realistic Material Penetration, Is it Possible?

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The other day I started thinkin and the thought crossed my mind as to whether scripting a realistic Armor/Material Penetration system would be possible within the current confines of the existing engine and scripting suite?  So I am going to pose the question and challenge.

The first question that need to be asked is; Can it be done? (What needed data is already in the engine and what is missing?)

If so how can it be implimented? (Scripted only or Requiring new Models and Scripts)

How might such a project be structured from a logical point of view?

I imagine to do it right we would need the following data types:

Definable Armor/Material Density Values

Definable Material Thickness Values

Definable Material Durability Values

Projectile Impact and HE Blast Energy Values

I do not think the current models allow for many custom defignable damage locations so we would be limited to the damage locations hard coded in the engine.

Does anyone think that the other bits coudl be added as a scripted system to units/models and be allowed to overide the existing damage system?  Does anyone want to explore the posibility?  I know that I lack the knowlage to script somthing like this or anything but I can picture in my head how the calculations and information might flow from a logical point of view.

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I think that if you had any such simulation, that it would be much simpler to have RHA equivalency values, factor in the angle, And have some RHA penetration equivalent for the projectile.

RHA is a standard unit of armour. It stands for Rolled Homogenous Armour. Armour ratings are usually given in comparison to homogenous steel armour.

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search biki for bisurf wink_o.gif

That's good for objects, but I think he was thinking more of an armour combat simulation instead of a hit-points related system... at least that's how I read it. I was aware that stuff like fences and the like had a bullet-penetration value.

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The BIS simulation of damage relies on hit points : you have armor and the bullet deals a certain amount of hitpoints. End.

However, the code for armor penetration is present in ArmA. Search on YouTube for ArmA bullet penetration, you'll find it !


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I dunno why the heavier bullets don't travel through people in this game.

Maybe that's something for this mod to also consider.

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