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Many questions - technical and about gameplay

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Hi there,

Soldiers. wink_o.gif

Want to "get back" into OFP. I remember playing the demo when it came out, even online biggrin_o.gif, and now I'm sitting here with my recently acquired GOTY edition, wondering how I could ignore OFP for six years, SIX YEARS. confused_o.gif

Actually it isn't that recent when I bought the GOTY edition, but when I first tried it half a year ago my PC gave me mad stuttering so I shelved it... Now, MAGIC, no more stuttering. yay.gif

On to my questions (I *tried* to use the search function of this board but it's a pain in the ... and couldn't answer most of my question).

Concerning the campaign:

I want to play the CWC campaign, what version you recommend should I play it through? The original OFP version, or via the Resistance Exe and start it from there?

What does Resistance change? I'm asking because I want to play the CWC campaign the way it was meant to be played originally, gameplay wise. If the updated version only changes graphics and fixes bugs I'm fine with that. (Does Resistance ver. 1.96 fix bugs which OFP v1.46 doesnt?)

And btw, in the Resistance Launcher app, where you can define the product you want to start, there don't seem to be any differences whether I choose "GOTY" or "Original Version"... Huh?

And the technical stuff:

Is sound hardware acceleration recommended with OFP? ( it sounds a bit different, can't yet decide if better though wink_o.gif )

Is it normal that with EAX enabled every few shots the sound of the gun seems to change? (i'm standing still)

Only have AC97 sound on-board, which should support EAX 2, which sounds interesting enough for me to try...

I read about some problems with nights in OFP being totally black, and in fact, they are totally black though I can see the stars in the sky. Should I see more than total blackness without NV goggles? Looks fairly realistic to me. wink_o.gif

Forgot half of my questions... One last - There's quite some impact on my fps when I activate object shadows (looking at a town, drop from 50 to 40 for instance). I don't have a state-of-the-art PC but it should be generations above the ones from the OFP days, so I'm a bit stumped! That for you too?

Thanks for your time.


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Please don't be mad at me, but I'd be happy if some of you veterans could just give me pointers concerning the CWC campaign:

I want to play the CWC campaign, what version you recommend should I play it through? The original OFP version, or via the Resistance Exe and start it from there?

What does Resistance change? I'm asking because I want to play the CWC campaign the way it was meant to be played originally, gameplay wise. If the updated version only changes graphics and fixes bugs I'm fine with that. (Does Resistance ver. 1.96 fix bugs which OFP v1.46 doesnt?)

I want to play the CWC campaign. Does the GOTY edition throw something in when I start it via the Resistance Addon? New vehicles? Does it modify the missions somehow? Will there be weapons which weren't there originally? Make missions easier? Anything?

Should I use vanilla OFP for CWC or is Resistance fine?

Semper fi. yay.gif

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Nope, the default campaigns are simply a bunch of missions and unless specifically fixed, are the same in every version themselves. Gameplay might/will change depending on the version and/or mod you're using - fixed values for stuff etc. Sometimes there are issues with mods, and atleast some FFUR versions are issued with "fixed" versions of the campaigns due to them being impossible to complete with the newly valued units and weapons, i.e. a suppressed M4 replaces the BIS MP5, "HK", which in turn means that it's louder, and thus more noticeable.

I suggest you use the latest version available, since they usually have more bugs fixed. That's what patches usually are for. I suggest you definetly use 1.96 and not the original CWC/Red Hammer combo, as that way you can have addons, 3 campaigns and 1 extra island to play with without any other downloads than 1.96. While there are no handguns in the 2 first campaigns, I can still see no reason to use CWC due to all the improvements in Resistance.

Kekeke... somebody d/l'd the original MP Demo at school... they're of no challenge to me.

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I remember there are some very minor differences in the campaign with different .exe versions.

But very very minor. For example, the cutscene where the noob tankdriver Hammer is introduced. In early versions he made a "handbrake turn" with his tank and yanked the fuel barrels, almost driving over his frightened CO. wink_o.gif In later version BIS increased friction for tanktracks (lucky fuel barrels), but the CO still makes his remark and you wonder why.

Resistance changed a lot -- to the good. You can and you should play the campaign with the latest resistance version. The only thing I know that is broken is the mission when you flee from Montignac. Then shows up a Hind (I hope I don't spoil) who is expected to rip up your infantrie squad. But in later versions, gunships don't attack infantrie anymore. To keep the mission going, just pretend you are alone and run into the wood. Mission should end as expected.

Resistance increased the viewdistance quite a lot. This can on very rare occassions distract the progression too. The reason is, the mission designers wanted to place some enemy units out of sight so they can be called in later as surprise back-up. But with higher view distance, they are no longer out-of-sight and join the fight earlier.

Sound issuies: There is no general solution. Depends on your soundcard and the driver version. Try all the possible settings with EAX on/off; HW on/off until it works ok for you. The speed impact is not noticable, so if HW off sounds good, use it.

Now have fun playing the 1985 and Resistance campaign, you won't see a better campaign for a very long time. (As ArmA showed, *lol*) wink_o.gif

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The occurrence of the issues is utterly uncommon and minor when they do show up.

I didn't encounter a single issue when recently replaying through the three campaigns with the 1.96 version of the Resistance .exe except the aforementioned non-gameplay breaking ones mentioned by SeppSchrot.

You won't be disappointed by the CWC campaign (MINOR SPOILERS: <span style='color:white'>nothing like finally getting the Scud destroyed 2-3 seconds second before the end of the time limit in the Red Dawn mission. I almost cried out of joy.</span>) or any other one for that matter. Even Red Hammer has some good in it (especially challenge wise).

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Thanks a lot to you all! Can't wait to get going!

Yesterday I noticed that silenced HK sound of the OPS unit and was like: What?? Then I checked this video:

And all was good again. biggrin_o.gif

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