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Russian ‘spy’ planes put RAF on Cold War alert

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Aurora is nothing new, it's just never been publicised, but cool that someone got a hint of a pic of it... I remember flying it in the game Jane's Fighters Anthology...  inlove.gif

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I think on the basis of the previous page, everyone needs to calm down.

The next flamebait/flame = PR and a WL

I think we are all aware of the huge contribution everyone made in WW2 a slagging match regarding the topic will not be tolerated AT ALL.

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Maybe it is true that U.S. didn't do much. For example, they did not attack Finland, like the U.S.S.R. did in 1939, after faking an artillery strike against themselfs.

Because the attack was judged as illegal, the Soviet Union was expelled from the League of Nations on December 14.


You can write all day long how the Soviets helped to put a stop to the crazy, insane plans of Hitler. I agree on that, it needed to be done.

But what gave you the right to attack my land? What gave you the right to annex the Baltic states and thus hinder their development for so many tens of years? Nothing gave you that right.

So stop pretending that the U.S.S.R. was all good in the WW II, as a lot of people know the opposite is true. In my eyes Stalin is not any better than Hitler.

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Can we get back on topic plz??? This topic is about possible WW3, not WW2...

Hey Iron+Cross, do you have any more of those pictures?

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If we do not look back into what happened in the history then we are big fools smile_o.gif

I definitely hope no new world wars will be started. I wish everyone thinks the same, but unfortunately the big egos of some countries do not allow us to think there would be no new world wars coming.

I said earlier I am more worried of what the USA does than what Russia does. I see what Russia has been doing recently as a direct consequence of what USA has done. Is it a neverending game, going in circles? Someone with the big egos should step forward and say, this is it, we've had enough of this money-wasting, we are now going to drop doing this and go home once and for all. But I doubt that will ever happen. I can't seriously say that it would be the Americans who would do that, their ego is just too inflated. Russia is on the way inflating their ego again by showing that they have a military too, so no luck with them either... Honestly, I don't want either of them to rule the World. Some kind of balance must exist. So it can even be a good thing if the Russians "show off" a little bit to the Americans, to remind them not to expand too much. Or hell will break loose, I have no doubt that wouldn't happen if USA expands its military to the world too much. So, as I said, it's about what the USA does and that's why I think the US Presidential elections are very important for all of us. Get a President for them who is not so expansionist but concentrates on what happens inside their borders.

It's about pride. Someone should just swallow it and go home  tounge2.gif

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as I sometimes agree with you Baddo, I think you are

going a little too far when saying that Stalin doesn't worth

more than Hitler.

I understand that in finish history,

URSS left some pretty bad memories, but building your opinion

on the " how were we treated by Hitler VS ...Stalin " leads to a very biased opinion.

why finish are too indulgent towards Hitler :

- Finish are Aryan, it means in Nazi vocabulary that

they have some basic sympathy for you.

Imagine a Finland filled with slaves and attacked by German

or Russian, the first would do massive killings, the second install a socialist state.

why finish are too harsh towards Stalin :

- After the war finland could still have market economy

and much more liberties that other soviet satellites didn't have

(of course this isn't all due to Stalin since he died in 1953).

- afaik, if Finland was attacked it was because Stalin feared

that the German would attack from North West wish isn't paranoia considering the good

finish/German relations at that time...

Appart from these points let's not forget :

- Who started the war ?

- Who commited genocides ?

- Who planned to empty entire countries to

create German colonies ?

- Who was extreme right fascist in this story ?


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Ok, enough of this. Rhodite told you folks to stay on task and you haven't.

This thread is LOCKED.

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