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hypno toad

My Favorite Tank activity.

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If you have not tried this, I highly recommend it. It is very fun, find a steep smooth mountain, like the one I recommended, and just drive a tank down it, it can really pick up speed.

Here is a video.

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Oh...you obviously manipulated the speed governor, that might draw a court martial on you.

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Try this:

init field of tank <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "speedcheck.sqs"


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#loop

hint format ["Speed: %1",speed _this]

goto "loop"

What's your top speed? smile_o.gif

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I didn't manipulate anything, Honestly, I am not sure how the tank goes so ridiculously fast (must be a glitch) But it is still really fun, I suggest you try it.

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LMAO@ the tree top bringing the M1A1 to a complete stop.

A few feet higher..and you would have cleared it.

I've done this before, no altering of the game is needed. Once you break the speed barrier (airborn), only gravity or objects can slow you back down.

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Oh man, when you get through the speed barrier, like on my last run, the tank just takes off. I have totally cleared the road before, and landed in the water without touching ground.

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Oh man, when you get through the speed barrier, like on my last run, the tank just takes off. I have totally cleared the road before, and landed in the water without touching ground.

I found the exact mountain and hill you were launching off of. It would probably be more fun with a car or tractor, but BI insists on having extremely unrealistic drag on vehicles that aren't on pavement.

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This was more fun in pre 1.08 when you didint slow down from hitting trees.

Also if you have i fast comp i can recommend to put 20 m1 and 20 t72 in the slope and watch the mayhem from tanks rolling down the hill and trying to fight at the same time, be sure to put them pretty much on top of each other =)

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