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hypno toad

simple question:

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I am making a long term mission project (more of a way to learn how to make good missions), You are a civilian, and you have to live in a zombie infested sahrani and look for supplies, and make barricaded fortresses. sahrani for supplies, and medical attention. Plus fuel, and other resources.

may even get around to making it multilayer

Anyways, I want to make nem zombies that only spawn when you enter certain areas of the city, and if possible I would like to make spawn points that are reused.

Can anybody help me out?

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I still need the question answered. It is probably a simple trigger, could somebody help out?

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I asked something similar a few weeks back. Spawning AI seems to be a subject shrouded in mystery!

Any help from one of you pro's would be appreciated smile_o.gif

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